Hi, we are the best Pokemon games.
Hi, we are the best Pokemon games
agree but mostly emerald
HG/SS say hi
Yes you are
Red is my favorire one but it's probably just nostalgia, third gen was overall better
This is Ever Grande City. Say something nice about it.
They were the last games that weren't a handholding tutorial cutscene-fest and had some semblance of exploration and difficulty.
>its just a pokecenter and a super high level cave, then a battle center
what the FUCK city is that?
>mfw i thought we were going to be able to go the moon in emerald
I don't know why, but I have hope for the game being developed for switch
Too much water, shitty new pokemon, trumpets ect
this is fair. i personally prefer 2nd gen, but i think that 3rd really was the last ""difficult"" game, in that there was at least some strategy involved. d/p are still fun, but they really did sort of begin the casualization of the series, whether we like to admit it or not.
Overall not the best IMO, but some highlights include
-Still 2d
-no bullshit extra types, like fairy
-new but interesting soundtrack (horns everywhere...)
-berry planting aspect was fucking gay and time consuming
-ash collecting minigame was fucking gay and time consuming
-'home'/'hideout' thing was fucking gay and pointless
-everything else was good
Worst gen in the series, hands down.
Gen 6 is easily the worst.
do people genuinely think this or is it a big fat troll?
I've only ever played HGSS once, but it feels like it had so much effort pumped into if compared to any other game in the series.
Garbage ass sound chip trumpets that forced an entire handheld generations of games to require custom music patches when emulated says hi.
To be fair, G3 had the issue of not being able to transfer your G1 and 2 Pokemon over, at all, ever, as well as horribly handled end-game content for RS. Emerald, however, was fucking amazing, and to this day still has the best Battle Frontier in any of the mainline games. To me, Platinum is the only game to beat Emerald because of the Physical / Special split, and I love Crystal from nostalgia reasons, so the only real thing Emerald has going for it is a stronger game story, the Battle Frontier, and better features compared to RS.
It was pretty roundabout but couldn’t you go Gen1/2->Stadium 2(?)->Gen 3
I'll say these are the best. But I never played Gen 5. I've got a higher difficulty rom hack for Gen 5 downloaded but I've never started it.
nope, pokemon data was entirely restructured in gen 3 and there's no way to connect the gba to any prior system
i hate gen 5 pokemon, but i gotta admit, i played black 2 after a friend recommended it, and i really enjoyed it. definitely worth at least one playthrough
The reason I stopped playing Pokemon is because they didn't release a "third" version of Black and White. I kept waiting for them to make a third installment to the generation like they did with Yellow, Crystal, Emerald, and Platinum, but since they went straight to BW2 I just dropped the franchise completely.
that's dumb... like really dumb
Not when current and last gen exist.
*Indefinetly blocks your path*
Pic is talking about the Switch Pokemon game btw.
You dropped it because they made a sequel with more content than the previous 3rd version rehashes?
Are you a special kind of stupid?
This is the right answer
These games are so good, it's a crime I didn't play this until last year.
They give off the Marvel vs Capcom 2 and Kirby effect too, where it makes you wonder if the series would have stayed great if they never went 3D.
Not when gen 6 and 7 exist. I also personally think DPPt are overrated and very mediocre games. HGSS and the spinoffs are the only redeeming factors of gen 4.
Fug was my favorite Pokemon when I was a kid.
Platinum, BW2, HGSS, those are the best Pokemon titles.
What's your favorite now?
Gen 6 and 7 say hello.