What's the Sup Forumserdict on Hunt Down The Freeman?

What's the Sup Forumserdict on Hunt Down The Freeman?

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The whole story and twist were actually pretty good. The gameplay, voice acting, animations, and everything else sucked though

This game has my permission to die

Just dropping by to tell you that this is real, unedited, uncut scene in Hunt Down the Freeman


Fuck off frank

The story is the most gigantic piece of shit of the year. This game is a solid 2/10 if i have seen one

>"Hey guys i'm over here"

They should have contracted fake factory to do the models.

Where did this whole freak show come from anyway? Never heard of this game before yesterday.

is that you aidan

Isn't that a little generous? From what I've heard, the game is borderline non-functional


>ahleean invaders

Solid 9/10

peak kino

>pre-rendered cutscenes look good
>literally everything else about the game is fucking awful
can't believe i spent money on this

ggman's review pretty much sums up my thoughts


game SUCKS i go to BED




>The whole story and twist were actually pretty good.
No, they're not. It's like a 14 year old wrote them.
This post is troubling, it implies that Fake Factory actually makes their models, and that they're good in any way shape or form.

What is it with you morons today? You're being particularly retarded.


i give this game a soup out of 10


Pretty good actually, the big sell was if you bought it during the original release you got a free Havok license key (although only one guy got to use it).


The demo was some of the funniest shit I've tried in a along time.

Can't speak for the full game, though. I hear it's lacking all the great moments from the demo so that's sad.

The least they could have done for this scene is some proper sound editing so it doesn't sound like I really am listening to a video of a washed up youtube celebrity

It's an old portable radio delivering an emergency broadcast, I don't think it's giving crystal clear audio directly to my ears

>speech starts the immediate second he turns on the radio

can somebody explain to me why there are two different version of freeman in the image?

Unironically vidya kino in its purest form.




We are Diamond Dogs

>that guy with the mustache
Is this Inglerious Basterds?



Imagine recording this and thinking, "Yeah, I did great, I'm an awesome VA"



why did they hire a bunch of people who can't act when they should have hired an audio manager

Because this game is pure let's play bait, so they needed youtuber mouthbreathers that the children would recognize.

Cus they iz internets famous!!!! Also it doesnt take long to apply a distortion filter over keemstar and to level out audio. Did they apply the audio outside of sfm???

Sorry not sorry.


Top notch writing

oh fuck i didn't even know they were youtubers, i just assumed they were just bad voice actors

You have to go back.

Are you retarded? That's French.


Le is french dumbass.

actual graphics

The entire audio mixing is fucked, the sound effects are inconsistently loud, so is the music. And I think they did add some distortion to the president guy's voice in the latest patch.


how new?

Actual investors

Im checking this patch... Fitgirl repacked the latest patch with the cutscene fix so its time to play and laugh my ass off


Frank with his inspiration.

>I was merely pretending to be retarded

He reads his lines like Aidan Gillen in the plane scene.

how dare you, CIA's delivery is a thousand times better than this crap.


>I've been here for two weeks and what is this

Let the memes roll

Holy shit I can actually see this when shopping in MicroCenter in 2004



Do you want a medal for how long you've eaten shit or something?


> w-w-we were rushed to push it out the door as fast as possible!
> w-w-we accidentally put up the wrong build!
> it's not our fault! Harassment!
> s-sorry...

You're really struggling to save face on an anonymous imageboard, you seem to be the expert on eating shit.

I watched some faggot on twitch stream it and had some good laughs. It's like the Manos: The Hands of Fate of vidya. Hope this piece of shit gets taken down, though

How new are you?

I can't believe they fixed that. It looked amazeballs.

Be honest: did the american election bring you here?

Behind the scenes.

Main character is part of the HCEU raid on Black Mesa
Gordon Freeman brutalizes main character for some reason
Main character wants revenge
Main character wakes up during 7 hour war
Main Character becomes knock-off big boss
Main character goes to Alaska
Main character finds Russian guy who works at a combine child factory and then blows up combine child factory
17 years pass
Main character goes to City 17 and fucks shit up
Main character gets fucked up and taken to combine citadel base thing.
Main character meets russian guy from before, tells him to go meet his daughter
Main character now works for the combine
Main Character goes through Black Mesa East and kills a bunch of people and then goes through Ravenholm and then The Raven Home, and then gets to Nova Prospekt and finds russian guy's daughter
One of your friends shoots her in the face
Friend is then revealed to actually be the guy who smashed your face in. He just dressed up like Gordon Freeman in Black Mesa to make you think Gordon Freeman beat you up so you would go on a revenge mission to kill Gordon Freeman
Then you do a wave defense mission
Then you kill traitorfriend
Then the game ends

For everyone that missed the best Sup Forums stream since Anonymous Agony
twitch tv / videos / 232500821

>Still trying to save face for pretending people give a shit about old unfunny memes from the early 2000s

kill yourself reddifag

At least has base gmod gameplay with working shooting mechanics even if every single thing about level design, enemy placement and ammo distribution is fucked up. I mean the absolute core of the game is still gmod even if broken so at least there is something there.

Compare it to something like big rigs. The game is an absolute chore to play tho, so its only value is to watch it on youtube and laugh at the cringe or at the streamer suffering it

>that grammar
You really have to go back.


>tags: memes, sexual content, anime, dating sim.

>I mean the absolute core of the game is still gmod even if broken so at least there is something there.
Wrong, it's a HL2 mod. None of the gmod features, including LUA scripting are there.

This any good? Need somethibg to watch at work

I'm sorry, image macros aren't arguments. Stay in your hugbox.

Sadly they remade the game entirely, only a couple of base concepts remain like hunting down (not) freeman and the "he rescued child soldiers and trained them" mgsv ripoff shit. The flashbacks and the hilarious designs are gone, at least the hilarious designs we used to love like that ginger hair guy

>chops arm off
>hey, calm down


cool concept
Though some of the conversations are unrealistic and euphoric

I was there for it, many keks were had.
>they're waiting for you in the soup chamber

Someone give a quick spoonful of rundown.
What the actual fuck is this? Where did it suddenly come from? And why the fuck would valve license their shit out to any retard who asks?

>Join developer Discord
>Talk about how Keemstar's impression of the president made me laugh
>Link is removed and I am kicked from the server
The absolute state of these dudes.

It looks like the fake factory guy made this.

just missing a reference to the fact that he is adrian shepard brother and thats perfect

Sounds like you are the one who needs a safe space for your unfunny memes



Plus this

>you would go on a revenge mission to kill Gordon Freeman
okay but why

We are Free mans