ITT: Post a game and insult the one above yours

Starting off easy.

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But I like Minecraft

you are bad because you are popular!!!!!!!!

But its not nice to make fun of minecraft its not his fault he has autism.

Your community is tiny, obnoxious, and thinks they're God's gift to the world of fighting games. Your actual game play is shallow, any "depth" is based on exploits, and your sequels do a much better job at being what you are supposed to be: a party game.

Anyway I don't feel like downloading the MHW boxart so have a webm instead

Youre babies first monster hunter.


>Your community is tiny


you are fat and your beard is ugly

I feel bored when playing you.

You are a bastardized NU-COM clone that features the little screaming retards that murdered the franchise that was my whole childhood

Woah, the crystal method? Dude you see that game with the music by the crystal method, wow it's tempest with music done by the crystal method!


I'm 99% sure all those yoshi's ran a train on that baby.

>edgy pikmin


Shallow pointless gimmick garbage

Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls 1

Xenoblade 2 and X had better open worlds

forced to shoot the good guys

Combat's too easily trivialized, story is needlessly melodramatic.