This is your new upcoming Overwatch hero, say something nice to her.
This is your new upcoming Overwatch hero, say something nice to her
No trans characters yet?
Mating press daddy incest sfm when?
What size and color are her nipples? This is very important.
fucking HELL this is some monkey's paw type shit, i don't even play the game anymore but what the fuck this has to be a skit
blender when?
damn I hope she has those DSL in-game
i'll look forward to playing her in 2019
Nordic/swedish so I'd say, probably medium size slightly puffy, and brown
SFM when? I dont play these games but the SFM game ridiculeoususeoss.
Does she like anal?
I hope she has her sweaty muscles exposed in-game
>brown nipples
That hair line though.
I want to put my dick in her butt if you know what I mean
>there will be official daughter-father incest overwatch sfm porn soon
Overwatch is set in the future :^)
Id rather have the queen.
>mating press
Gayest position ever, enjoy the man ass
I'd say its like a 50/50 split between brown and pink nipples, I just studied imagefap
i can't believe i bought this boring ass game
Moira is... something beyond.
She'll be the only character that isn't over designed deviant art tier trash
She’s lucky that she takes after her mother in the looks department.
>say something nice to her
Porn hopefully soon?
Shut the fuck up
Hey everybody, look at this faggot, he bought overwatch
>say something nice to her(male)
Is she torbjorn's daughter?
yee can't wait for the porn
If she is then yes I will main her
Torbjorns daughter and wife.
In that order?
Fucking this. It's bad enough this game is plagued with waifucucks.
It would be nice if we get a new tank who goes together with this David Bowie lady.
Maybe a Jack Black.
shes not ugly like all the other "new" heroes so im looking forward to it. im sure blizzard will find some way to ruin her though, like giving her some shitty sjw personality and catch phrases or a dwarf body
Need to see her abs and vagina bones before full judgement but looking pretty good so far.
I dunno david bowie is pretty cute.
no homo.
Looks like a Fortnite character
Yes, and she's Reinhardt's squire. She gets a mace.
la creatura....
do you think they will ever add another white male to the game?
source on this image?
Torbjorn might be her dad, but Rein is her daddy if you catch my drift.
What is this shit tier patreon overwatch character concept bullshit? Might as well slap shadow the hedgehog in the game too you autistic fuck.
Rein is his own daddy
>cat paw in the corner
Overwatch's Twitter. It says "Mace with Chain" in Swedish in the top right.
She is enormously attractive, god damn
She was a real character who was going to be in the game.
how does that even make sense you memespouting dumbass
>irish character
>lives in ireland
>"they are an american mutt with mexican genetics lol!"
>shit tier patreon overwatch character concept bullshit
It's exactly this. Retarded frogposter.
I like heavy cyborgs alot but that's just retarded
el goblino...
Good thing she isn't because that design is trash.
and i deeply regret it, i gave my account to a friend so he can throw diamond games since apparently the ranked system is so broken that it gets placed diamond every season
Way better than nearly anything that's in the game.
Wow, Mercy, Tracer, and Winston were damn near their final designs even in the conceptual stage.
And yet I can see what would later become Hanzo+Genji, Tracer was apparently mixed with D.Va, etc... I doubt Recluse had a fucking chance. She probably got cut because she doesn't work with the atmosphere and look of the roster they were going for.
She is too Borderlands for the Disney world Blizzard is making.
I'm talking light brown not mexican / indian dark brown
Angelica sounds alot better than mercy
Mercy's name is Angela, "Angelica" would've been a bit too on the nose.
Go back to your contamination thread in /vg/, degenerate.
If she went in with those fuck huge shoulder attachments imagine dealing with
1. Hitboxes
2. Most noticeable profile
Good luck not being the first stupid shit to get shot in the face. The design is shit and if you like it you are a genuine wall licking retard.
>Every match will have Torbjorn murdering his daughter
There's a message here somewhere and I'm not sure what it is
Would you want her to choke you out with her muscled thighs? I want her and Pharah and Zarya to molest me
thats as bad as newfags doing that thing where they only say part of Candlejacks name befo
>none of her abilities include a blade
this is what the characters could have looked like before blizzard got their corny pixar faggot ass jewish grubby hands all over them
flail with the chain
What did they mean by this?
We already have Pharah and Ana killing each other.
this candlejack meme was always gay.
no i'm not going to pretend my sentence got cut off, fuck you.
This shitty game 2 years old only has 27 characters?
blizzard fans need help
Psyblade's moveset/ideas seem to be an early Doomfist. What a strange name.
Dont care, stopped playing shortly after the current event.
Not going back to the game doesnt matter how many heroes or maps they introduced, the game is fundamentally flawed and its never gonna get better the only thing Blizz can do is put bandaids on it.
i was actually really conflicted in doing it or not since its been so long
Psyblade looks good but her moves sound a lot like Doomfist.
>another strongfat girl
I will never talk bad about blizzard again
this user pressed post just as candlejack was taking him away, what a lege
modern video game developers just design games where some characters just plainly outclasses others so they can sell skins and whatnot to gain more profit. you just have to deal with it.
what is this? shoopdawoop and candlejack old memes making a come back or some shit?
nothing about her is fat retarded chubby chaser degenerate
Quantity doesn't make a game better. mugen is shit, for example. League is shit, for example.
She'll be drawn like this and there's nothing you can do about it, thankfully.
You wanna know why I don't believe you?
Because having Brigitte as a hero would be nice. And why the fuck would anything nice ever happen?
At least shes white.
>mfw its a robot shes working on that'll be the next hero
>mfw waifushits get BTFO
It's like a horribly lopsided and unbalanced Roadhog.
there are enough robots in this game