Modern MMO experiences
>About to do content for the first time
>"Any tips or heads up for the mechanics of this fight?"
>Sasuke_Uchiho7: "...."
>Party wipes 5 minutes later
Modern MMO experiences
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There's no point in playing mmos. It's repeating the same shit in 3 month cycles.
No game in the western world can have communities like the old days. Western culture is dead.
net-juu was shit
>playing reign of kings with uk friend
>its this sandbox game played in 30-40 player maps
>me and my friend run around the island recruiting other players
>"join our outlaw band or die"
>rinse and repeat, eventually running around with a group of 10 bois killing everyone that doesnt join us
>come upon the castle of the chink clan that owns the server and captures/kills whitey and uses glitches to demolish anyone trying to bae
>camp their gate and kill their dudes trying to resource farm and shit
Watata whatever you call it is even worse. Thank you for disqualifying your opinion!
just play WAR or Vanilla/BC privates or Mythic+ or some shit man, i'm still finding good groups and stuff in that kind of environment.
I know right? I was excited for the NTR but they went full vanilla shit in the end.
I find good groups after swimming in bad groups 65% of the time. I'm amazed other people can be so bad
Have you tried running / joining a guild?
dumb tomokoposter
Yup! They tend to occasionally do daily grinds together, or stay very quiet while the guild leader desperately tries to have the quiet members interact with others. People aren't on the same page with content so I understand
I've found PSO2 interestingly oldschool in that regard. People are generally helpful and more talkative on average.
A lot of it probably boils down to the gaijins not knowing Moon and English information being scarce. If you don't speak Moon, you'll end up having to dig around a lot to find up-to-date information.
Interestingly it's very reminiscent of games decades ago when you couldn't always find the answer to your problem in three seconds by googling it.
>join guild
>everyone introduces themselves by their mental disorders
dude what
>find out my guild member is a cute girl with long beautiful hair
>she actually agrees to met up
>excited beyond belief, literally shaking with anticipation
>meet her
>she got a haircut and is dressed like a slut party girl
>eat an obligatory meal then cut off all contact, leave guild behind
ugh, she ruined herself.
Forgot the DPS or healer telling everyone that they are shit right after
Authentic Final Fantasy XIV experience
I find PSO2 pretty okay as a free to play game, but it does have some pretty big issues. I do enjoy it here and there
>about to win clan war
>other clan uses scripts to crash all of your clan member's clients
>end up losing
MMORPGs in anime
>large, challenging world with limited fast travel
>focus on the need to interact with other players to overcome challenges
>big terror mission events out in the world that can affect the zones players are in
Actual modern MMOs
>spam a cross server dungeon finder to enter a brain dead corridor dungeon
>take breaks to complete the mandatory single player story quest in which you are THE CHOSEN ONE
>overworld is heavily nerfed to accommodate solo players, is practically devoid of life and neglected by the developers
don't post images of my wife without permission
Play more Japanese MMOs.
>DPS iz da eazest jerb
Japanese have actual fun MMOs that they hate gaijins playing.
> he didn't pump and dump that
fucking idiot, it's obvious she wanted the casual dick
I wonder about this actually. Are there a ton of great Asian MMOs that never see the light of day because western localisers only choose to publish the ones they think are closer to what the West """wants"""?
Tree of Savior for example.
It is more or less the MMO that a lot of Anime use as an base.
Great community on the Japanese servers.
The problem with modern mmo's is that they're essentially always online solo games sure you need a group to do stuff but there's so many systems in place to find you one without ever having to say a word that it hardly matters. As for people not explaining bosses that's your own fault stop being a lazy fuck and take five minutes to read a guide
I wouldn't say exactly great, but better than the usual west formula, been playing Dragon's Dogma online recently and its just fun to play, Its different and fun ya know? Dragon Quest X was also really fun when I played it.
>about to do raid for first time
>female guild m8 gives in dept analysis of what the mechanics are and even repeats stuff for people who didn't understand
>we do raid and wipe on first and second try but succeed on third
not every experience is bad
Healing and DPS are equal but if you're shit, the consequences are just different depending on the content
Dolls Order and Arpiel have gotten really popular as well.
Japanese MMOs really are the best.
>How anime in image
>Only talk about shitty western MMOs
imagine being this much of an autist
Sup Forums are weird. They want social interaction in their MMOs. If you want social interaction, why not go to a bar or some shit?
Why do the japs like mobile shit so much? As long as it's not Fate or GBF I'm fine with it, though.
>Look up Dolls Order
>Mobile MMO
That seems like a terrible idea, and yet Asia seems to love them. Are they just idiots or are mobile MMOs surprisingly good or something?
The other team runs a client side forkbomb miniscript by inputting it into the world chat and whenever a victim sees it, their client crashes.
All you need to do is post the script onto the world chat and watch it blow up the enemies clients and you can walk into their bases unopposed.
Mobile will never have precise controls, ever.
Are you okay?
Modern MMO Experiences:
>Have the games in your library
>Don't have the time or money for the subscription
I guess if its an MMO, its fine right? Ain't like you need precision for tab targeting after all.
>being poor
>having things to do
A-dolts dont have time for MMOs
>about to do content for the first time
>no problems because it's 2018 and I looked up the fight mechanics on google and youtube earlier so I wouldn't fuck up
The poor have to work hard every day except maybe the week ends.
Modern MMO experiences
>*buys jump potion*
>*buys skip everything potion*
>don't know jack shit about your class/role
>about to do some old ass "content" for the first time
>"Hi guuuuuyze :3~~~ *hugz u* /whalecum first tiem here, I suck ass at this game and dont know how to play my class but its my first time here so you're not allowed to criticise me
>". .. . . ..."
>party wipes 2 minutes later because it hasn't read the skills/tool tips of his abilities
Their mobile games tend to be better designed.
Also 100% of people in Japan have a smart phone. Very few people in Japan have anything more then a very basic low end computer. Computer gamers are a very tiny niche culture in Japan, That is why most their computer games are VNs that don't run on office grade laptops.
>playing premium mmos
Subscription is a modern scam that was only necessary way back in the early era of mmos where ISPs and MMO game companies would cooperate with each other.
Ask me anything.
I work 3 or 4 days a week
>tfw bless still hasn't released in the west and saved mmos yet
> interestingly oldschool
fuck off autistic brainlet with your dogshit autism game
PSO2 is the epitome of disgrace to the Phantasy Star franchise.
DPS isn't always the easiest job, but it has the widest margin of error. If you fuck up as a DPS you *might* lose a fight due to enrage, a tank making one mistake can wipe everyone.
Based Tomoko poster
It will go to shit the moment it hits the west.
Westerners can't have good gaming communities.
>people tell someone to watch to 10 minute video that tells them what 2 sentences can in 15 seconds
>lineage 2 is a shitfest
>lets make a mobile game off it and you don't even play it
I'm glad lineage is alive and well outside of gook land
I've never seen someone who at first glance you can tell bought a jump pot, show hoe much of a dunbass they are, ask a question concerning moderately difficult content, then proceed to act like a sperg after a wipe. I like your fairy tale user
Sounds like you just have bad taste.
>Korean shit
>saving anything
Ok buddy
>play mmo
>everyone's an idiot except for me
You're all fucking morons who can't complete the simplest of tasts, like, don't die.
>giant sprout icon above their head despite having a level 70 character
thanks for the blogpost, retard. Keep me updated.
What game?
>failed in korea because not korean enough
>ru and na publisher back out when they find out the dev wants to fix the game instead of a quick pump and dump for money
god bless
I agree with this user.
she fucking tried, and you shat all over it with no regard.
you deserve all the bad shit that is coming to you, baka
What game, and sell me on it
Do you eat?
>game has an automatic group finder
>no one communicates
>everyone is expected to know the latest strategy + skips/glitches
>people who mess up are either kicked or don't even have their existence recognized as everyone just wants to finish
>asking for help leads to
>group disbands after a couple of wipes, no attempt at improvement, just throwing themselves at it again
>no one added to friends list after
>game requires you to chat to rally groups
>literally the exact opposite happens
Please prove me wrong with at least two examples. Hardmode: find an MMORPG.
this guy gets it
>play mmo
>meet qt korean lesbian who thinks I'm the coolest
>she loves to erp
>but only about her weird navel fetish
Blame the collapse of western culture. This is not an issue on Asian servers.
t. wowlet
Yes, I just work 10 or 12 hours a day
You can be a loli dwarf and carry huge swords or bows
>Navel fetish
How does that even work? You stick your dick into it or something? Cum in it and drink out of it? Seriously what the hll is this?
The only instance, where that NOT happened was WoW:Cataclysm release.
Couple of weeks before the casual trash hit the fan, i had people in group finder for heroics that actually communicated and didn't REEEE ABANDON SHIP on first wipe
Doesn't exactly prove you wrong, but it went all to shit when the wotlkbabbies hit their maxlevel
>expecting a complicated raid to be explained to you in chat when you could've just looked up a 5 minute guide video beforehand
>all this suddenly fixes itself when people are required to post 'LFG ilvl 250 dps/healer/tank' in chat instead of clicking a button in a menu
This is what retards actually believe
t. ricefarmer, finished with your sophisticated farmville for today and shilled for the lootboxes provided by your korean overlords already?
Okay sure, but I can be a loli with giant weapons in other games too. Keep going user, and what's the name of this? Might look it up myself.
>net-juu was shit
At least it's not yuri bait shit
She's a lesbian so no dicks. Ever. She likes cfnf with some light bondage where she rubs the tummy.
I blame our schools for not teaching us anything practically useful and so we do not realize you only gain anything when you learn shit about how to make the rubber hit the road. Not how to research into ancient Mayan cultures or do comparative culture studies.
>Being this anti-social
Yes, more or less what you described. Sticking stuff in it, appreciating the unique depth and folds, licking, rubbing, cumming it, etc. I have a special tag for artists who draw good looking belly buttons.
>m-muh lootboxes
Except bless, the savior of mmos, won't have lootboxes. Try again, white boi.
That is one of many factors that the leftist cultist put into place to ruin western culture.
The core goal is to make weak and damaged people who are easy to pull into their cult as fodder.
>I play this massive multiplayer game only to be a socially inept retard when approached
>Grouping up for S-rank enemy
>Early pull by NeoGAF
> "white boi"
> not denying korean ricefarmery
> stuck on "lootboxes" without grasping the concept of the korean dildo in his ass
lmao at your life
you already failed, i don't have to guide you to the trash bin (that is reddit) that you belong to do i?
now fuck off kid, rofl
You can be all reductionist about it, but don't act like it has no effect.
The power of a button is pernicious.
In reality she was a 400 pound hambeast that loved people doing things to her navel.
Lesbian or not, something hot as fuck about fucking a lesbian. It's like a conquest
>Guild Wars one was pretty much the opposite of what you described
>Guild Wars 2 is exactly like what you described