Post perfect vidya couples
Post perfect vidya couples
Bad thread OP.
Why did Lyn marry Cuchulainn?
>can't tell the difference between orcs and goblins
>implying there's a difference
if it's green it dies
So he would die in her place.
You first. What is your obsession with this off-topic pic?
Can anyone even compete
What are some stories about elves in loving relationships?
Mimiga form Sue Sakamoto x Quote is the ultimate OTP
I have still seen zero art of it and that's incredibly upsetting
Kill yourself, off-topic shitposter.
Is this off topic?
But that is the topic you mongoloid.
No but it's an absolute garbage OTP
It's /vp/.
Hector is only for Hector.
Don't pretend that you even want to try to talk about video games.
>Sup Forums has no taste
Why am I not surprised
Elves are not for orcs
Elves are for other elves
Why are orcs obsessed with female elves?
It's the other way around. Why else would elves put them in the situations in the first place.
Elves are holsters for human penis.
What non-pornographic and on-topic video game that really does that and is not just dumb memes are you talking about?
sauce quick
Thanks doc