Remasters a classic for the fans

>remasters a classic for the fans
>keeps gameplay almost exactly the same
>you can even load classic mode which is 100% the exact same game but with high-res support
>sets up game servers for people to play
>didn't even have to do this because they're releasing AoE4 already

Why all the hate?

Windows store and windows 10 exclusive, fuck that shit.

It's like you're asking people to be excited about playing connect 4 because instead of red and black they changed the colors to purple and orange.

Why do you think? because the game requires effort to play and thats too much for some people

>Windows store and windows 10 exclusive, fuck that shit.

well fuck I didnt know that personally until now.

>you can even load classic mode which is 100% the exact same game but with high-res support

There are patches now that do that already for the original game. Basically, the only reason to play AoE:DE is to play multiplayer with a lot more people.

For some reason my Microsoft account can't be verified, so I can't actually buy the game - hilarious. Will buy it if it appears on Steam I guess.


>tfw can't decide which civ to play as

AoE 1 is shit.

>no unique units
>no unique look for units based on civilization
It's shit.

No one would argue that 1 is better than 2 but calling it shit is wrong, it doesn't have the improvements that its sequel had for obvious reason. In other words, you're shit.

>AOE2 is on Steam but not AOE1

Thanks Microsoft

Why do people shit on w10 and the store so much? I have w10 and I love it. Store needs a lot of work but I don't consider it that much of a neusens that I'm going to burn my pc.

Oh sweet im gonna buy this!

"This game does not work on your device."

Im sorry what.

Its windows 10 only.. my windows 7 doesnt allow it

its a game that worked on fucking windows 95

the real question is if it's worth moving from aoe2hd to aoe2de?

It causes problems to some people, its full of crap, and probably because it doesnt feature a "installed games" tab.

some times the games wont start, and you need to restart the computer because... reasons.
or it would have some little errors.

I would arguee that giving all the power to valve will not be healty, but on any case, is ever AoE2 comes on steam, I hope it have crossplay like Killer instinct does...

We dont know how aoe2DE will look like... so there is no point on thinking that yet.

theres already an HD version of aoe2 on steam

I ment AoEDE

Exclusive to Win 10, why else?

In my opinion the zoom feature alone makes it worth it. If the backend is just as good as Steam I'll probably make the move.

this x1000

I can almost forgive them pushing their gaming platform. Has to cost them sales but I suppose I get it, giving steam 30% would suck at most people would buy it via steam if it was available.

But the w10 only is just retarded.

Oh man, you mean I can pay for the privilege of playing the exact same game I bought 20 years ago? What a deal!

It's just "Why bother when AoE2 exists", at least for the multiplayer.
I don't even remember how AoE1 was

Also W10 exclusive for whatever reason. I assume it's MS testing the waters with a somewhat popular series.

>AoE 3

It’s the unit models

I would be perfectly fine with 3D graphics if the unit models weren’t fucking disgusting