What's your go to gaming snack?
What's your go to gaming snack?
Those are grossly overpriced for what they are.
They are. But they are so good.
For me, it's carrot in a glass of water. If I get hungry, I munch on the carrot, if I'm thirsty, I drink the water.
I was eating a steak diane when I beat Mario Odyssey
Protein, carbs and fiber, all you need to stay filled with energy.
The best, I eat it every day at least twice.
I can't eat carrots, pieces get stuck in my gum flap.
Nothing because I want to lose weight.
Sliders and coneys usually.
Saltines from the dollar store
Not sure if a shitpost but this is unironically a great idea.
Are you a time traveller?
This actually doesn't sound bad.
I want those foods
how is it unironic?
How do you fuck up a hotdog like that
usually absolutely nothing, but maybe a cup of tea seeing as it's still cold
enjoy your cavities
The NEET feast.
Well the carrot in the picture seems unwashed and unpeeled, plus the way the post was written really reminds me of some copy pasta and activated almonds.
Banana and cheese
Lobster and fillet mignon
I like to suck cock while I play tbqh
Enjoy your cactus logs ripping your anus open.
Is it weird sometimes I just eat honey? Like, I'll just upturn the bottle of honey and drink a bit.
It's so good
What is the hawaiian pizza of video games?
Enjoy sunflowers growing in your stomach
You got diabetes yet?
I eat peanut butter straight from the jar, so I guess it's not that weird
that's just a basic observation not an explanation as to why it's unironic, let alone ironic at all
Bees make honey, idiot
Do Americans really do this?
Adventure Island?
>Eating nasty goop that bugs make
Not store brand honey
It's mostly just congealed sugar
Uncooked minute rice is kino
>not buying local-made honey
If you're asking if Americans as a whole do that then no, if you're asking if some Americans did that then yes, these are most likely Americans
My neighbor gives me honey from his own hives.
>minute rice
>5 minutes
My favorite!
>all that cheese
Is it available? Yes. Is it normal? God no.
I love these things but man, they make your breath smell afterwards.
The god ramen.
Not video games.
It's still mostly fructose and glucose either way
Is there a more kino mom snack?
I don't even I play games. The most I do in a long stent is take a nap
mom's pusy
A weird but overall inoffensive pizza that only memeloving fucks hate?
Nice hamburgers, user
I just can't eat while gaming but I tend to smoke cigaretts
mah nigga
Is that raw mince?
this post gave me diabetes
yes raw minced pork
It's great
yeah americans are disgusting garbage-eating machines
Off topic but if you take this and add chocolate syrup its pretty good
I like Hawaiian pizza, but that one looks fucking nasty.
>no stores near me sell xxtra hot flamin cheetos
are they actually that much hotter
what does soy milk actually taste like? i've only ever used soy sauce on chicken and rice
You drop that weight yet?
>raw pork
Enjoy worms in your brain.
Go buy some, it's not expensive
Nice, I love jelly donuts
I've lost 10 pounds in the last month
I just the "just eat less" diet
do not eat raw shit you dumb nigger you are gonna get sick
Tastes good desu, not like milk but good.
Almond milk is gross though.
muh nigga. with some red onions, pepper and a grain of salt
>nongerfags can't Mett
Do you really eat whilr you game? I'm pretty filthy but I have major OCD about keeping my gaming shit clean.
>go to europe
>order pizza
What the fuck europoors?
They are so time consuming to make but are so worth it. What do you fill them with?
> webum
this guy is a fucking genius