Am I gonna have to buy a Switch now?

Any source on that or are you talking out of your ass

Isnt it s gen1 pokes?

Source or fuck off

I remember seeing that pic years ago. Good times.

It's literally a photo of some toys you retard

back at e3 2017 they said "don't expect news for at least a year", which part of that sounds "imminent" to you?

I'm not talking about the fucking picture. I'm talking about the "imminent reveal" part.

still looks better than any pokemon game
gf should do this

>"It may not release for more than a year"

Tomorrow is literally the pokemon day
Nintendo is hyping it up with a countdown
Pokemon staff retweeted fake directs announcement
Europe translation team is sending their script back to Gamefreak (check /vp/ achive)

>Pokemon staff retweeted fake directs announcement

look at the background blurry pic you absolute retarded fuck

Obviously from gen 7

pokemon sun moon promo art omg gen 14 must be coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>Pokemon staff retweeted fake directs announcement
you're full of shit.

The pokemon staff in question were just people who work on the pokemon anime. They don't know anything about when new announcements for the games are.

>people who work on the pokemon anime

To be fair some of the first genuine Gen 7 leaks were of art from the anime rather than the games.

>Am I gonna have to buy a Switch now?
I was thinking that but i made the terrible mistake of buying a 3DS for Pokemon Sun. If there is only one game you want to play on the Switch then is not worth it. Also, you have you have to think twice before buying Pokemon now considering the last 4 games were mediocre

imagine being so stupid.

This won't be out till 2019 if it does come

They know what new pokemon are gonna be in there, they don't know when a new Direct is going to be.

I don't even care. If it's just going to be more of Lillie's cutscene simulators I'm fine dropping the series for good.

No, see you at e3

That image was likely from a conceptual stage of the switch Pokemon development.

Me too. She ruined gen 7 for me. I'm not dealing with that mess in another game, whether it's her or another character.

I like X/Y and Sun/Moon :3

Holy shit that pic is not oficial you absolut mutt, do you literally believe any picture you see on the internet? Fucking retard HOLY FUCK

unironically would buy it

>Am I gonna have to buy a Switch now?
Gen 7 ruined pokemon and it is not getting any better, so only if you are a brainlet

open world
no random encounters
no turn based combat
next to no plot
non-linear progression
now we watch the autists screech

No self respecting adult even plays Pokemon anymore. It's a game for kids and girls who want gamer cred because everything else is too hard to play.

pokemon company accidentally retweeted a fake direct image + pokemon is scheduled for 2018 + pokemon is usually announced on its own, not at e3

Your containment board exists for a reason fags.

Good for you. Then you are probably gonna love the Switch games

You should have hacked your 3DS. That's the only way the 3DS may be worth the price.

An artist for the tcg retweeted it. He's pretty far removed from knowing what the Pokemon Company is doing.

direct when?

I would fucking love this

OP is baiting, it hasnt even been 2 years since gen 7.

OP is retarded but Pokemon Switch is confirmed to be targeted for 2018

>no turn based combat
There is nothing wrong with turn based combat as long it's WELL MADE (like open Xcom, and tToEE, Jagged Alliance, Wizardry 8, Divinity OS etc.) unlike all the fucking series so far. Although a good ARPG (like KH, or Dragon's Dogma, or Souls, or TWEWY etc.) would be OK too, of course.
What matters is GOOD GAMEPLAY, something is alien to the series because children and manchildren lack any criteria and standards.

It's not been 2 years since gen 7 retard. Nothing is confirmed, it's coming in 2019.

It's "2018 and beyond".

they have no target, go fuck yourself

>damage control

In 2 hours and 33 minutes.

>muh patterns

>no announcement of a direct or anything besides a twitter countdown to Pokemon day.
If they were announcing new games they'd have announced a direct by now. Plus It's not coming this year retards.

Pokemon Day is the 27th of February, which just started a little over an hour ago in Japan. A few people noticed that the English Pokemon Twitter had been counting down with pages in celebration for the day, which some people automatically hopped on and said "This is it, folks. We are getting the first look at the Pokemon RPG Switch game on Pokemon Day!" because that was the same day they announced Sun and Moon two years ago.

How is GF possibly going to make at least 150 pokemon in HD for a 2018 release? If anything, they'll release a new Pokemon in 2018 for 3DS to bide some time until the HD Pokemon game to be released in 2019 or even 2020.

Please don't tell me Sup Forums is literally this retarded

The reason both the Gen 6 and Gen 7 games suck a fat one during battle sequences is because they're using HD models.

Liar, you dont have a girlfriend

>How is GF possibly going to make at least 150 pokemon in HD for a 2018 release?

They've been working on it since SM, USUM had younger team members working on it while the vets moved onto the Switch games.

>How is GF possibly going to make at least 150 pokemon in HD for a 2018 releas

Nigger there is a reason why the 3DS games lagged so much. They made the models so good the 3DS couldn't handle them, and could just re-use them on stronger hardware.

Jesus, that looks like absolute garbage.

>90% of the game will be hunting for content instead of actually doing content
>BOTWfags will call it "atmospheric gameplay"

Are you retarded?

what's "content" in pokémon?

>Bones: 107
Soon it will be 108 if you catch drift ehehe ;)

Check their twitter. They've been counting down to "Pokemon Day." Pokemon Red and Green launched on Feb 27th.

inb4 its the same rehashed garbage with ugly ass furry bait pokemon, beauty pageants, and amiibos. and nintendies cheer it up llike the faggots they are.

if they dont revolutionize pokemon like they did zelda, im not buying a switch.


That would eliminate the VGC scene that they've been cultivating for a decade now. Seems like it would make for a good spin-off game like Pokemon Snap, though.

>people actually think that fan Crabrawler looks good

I honestly don’t give a rat’s ass about how the Switch improves the style
I just want more fucking content and not just simply battle frontier

Ultra sun and Moon had the right idea with all these different side quests when they were just thrown in there and didn’t amount to much to character development like they should’ve save for a select few

the right one obbiously

The leaks said it was going to be a more action game, the whole gameplay revamped

>hey let's make HD models once so we don't need to remake them next gen
>yeah that's a good idea
>then let's not save the base model and generate a low-poly version from it so our games don't run like crap
>of course, why do the work if it will sell anyways
>then let's make sure we spend render things like LEGS THAT CAN'T BE SEEN FROM THE OUTSIDE just to make sure we really bog down the system
>the legs need to be there, it's important
>then let's put six of these fuckers on the screen at once (or four and two trainers)

does it lag on N3DS?

it's not imminent.

The lower poly models are there for all 1,000+ of them (that includes gender differences, alternate forms etc), they just lack the necessary texturing.

No, that one's actually true. One guy was just a small fry but the other was the lead writer for the anime. If the franchise was getting something new, the anime staff would know about it. HOWEVER what this new stuff is we can't say for sure. Could be some pretty minor shit.

Yes. They did nothing to take advantage of the extra power.
That's an even bigger slap in the face. They should have kept the game in development an extra month and made the battles use them.

Yes, the N3DS has no effect on games unless they're specifically designed to make use of the better hardware. IIRC only Xenoblade and Monster Hunter benefit from it, it's not like the PS4 Pro boosting any game you put in.

sounds like a scam product desu

Why do these fanmade Pokemon pictures always look so shitty. Nobody actually wants the game to look like that, do they..? It looks awful.

I mean the gains are nice when you can actually use them but it seems like either Ninty or most devs (or both) are afraid of alienating the OG 3DS installbase. .

Something like Ni No Kuni would be a good HD equivalent.


The battle system is already complex enough for the mainstream public, why would they make it more complex (or "good" for hardcore "gamers")?

unironically better than the last 3 gens

Pokemon's battle system is kind of beautiful. It's simplistic and varied on the surface but also has hidden depth and stats that casuals can easily ignore but will appease autists.

It's a photo of two figurines in the grass, edited with battle graphics and edited again to look like a game running on Switch.
Seek help.

I was playing X just a while ago and it noticeably does even on N3DS. During battles and especially when they do a close up of the mons. Sun/Moon fared better generally but broke down during multi-battles.

I'll wait for the Nu New Switch before buying Pokemon Switch

The only reason to buy a New 3DS was if you didn't have a 3DS yet or if your 3DS broke. It wasn't intended to be an "everyone should upgrade" jump like DS to 3DS.

Gen 7 games actually run a bit better on N3DS, I've compared my game with someone's footage on YouTube.

Double Battles with Sandstorm? Ridicolous.

I really hope they move the damn series forwards with this next installment. DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT WITH THE CORE GAMEPLAY

How many years do you think it will
take for Nintendo to do this?

>I was playing X just a while ago and it noticeably does even on N3DS
Well no shit. X predates the new 3ds.

I want to put my duck in her pokepussy and pokeimpregnate her

definitely won't happen for at least another year but I'd say it'll be here in 2 years max

looks like shit

to elaborate, older 3ds games won't use the extra processing power unless a dev patches the game to do so retroactively or you have homebrew and force an overclock.

They’re kind of garbo but to each their own.

ducks can't impregnate people, retard