DSP's channel has finally been taken down

DSP's channel has finally been taken down.
Is this truly the golden age we've been waiting for.
Can Videogames be good again?

as long as it stays down for good I'm okay with this
what was the reason his twitch channel was terminated?

ya his gf was nude on stream

No idea, tweeted earlier saying change of plans and he's not streaming today because he wanted to concentrate on doing his taxes - people replied with "your channel is gone tho"

>24 hour ban

fuck off

What for?

Wait, Twitch had enough of DSP?

They should, he violates rules everyone he streams, openly begging for bits. That's against ToS

This dude has been talking about his taxes for the last 6 months

>It's real

Yes he fucking has.
He's already started talking about 'fundraising' for JUNE taxes apparently. So more begging and more lying for more money.



I just want for him to get a real job. That's all I'm asking for.

but doesnt literally everyone do this?

He masturbated on stream.

are you his mom or something? thats pretty fucking weird dude.

How long until Youtube does the same?


I want all big name streamers to crash too. But you don't see me hoping they get real jobs.


>DSP was banging this while kiwifarms were crywanking to hentai
How did he do it?

>people are so obsessed with 'lolcows' and weirdos/idiots on the internet that they obsessively stalk them to the point of a mental disorder
>to the point where they act like harassing some loser or sperg every second of the day is some kind of justice, because chris chan (a retard) said "nigger" or dsp insulted hideo kojima because he was shitty at mgs

Can someone explain this to me? All the kiwifarms posters are total loser NEETs with nothing going on for them. Nobody with a good job and social life gives a single fuck about 'lolcows' and stalking losers every waking second of the day/making videos about them hours long and raking through dozens of hours of footage.

Them providing you entertainment can be considered a job, if there's a demand for the work.

>gets a real job
>losers get him fired for no reason other than "he's DSP and here's a list of beyond petty shit i'm autistically holding a grudge against him for forever even though it didn't affect my life in the least"
fucking kill yourselves

He won't. He'll do what he's currently doing until the bitter end.
That and he supposedly has some sort of back problem that prevents him from getting a real job or something?

>I want all big name streamers to crash too

>All the faggots here that know some literally who twitch streamer eceleb
So reddit won after all...

I didn't say anything on the contrary, but I don't believe it's work if they get paid more than others. If streamers got paid salary for work hours they do, then it's a job.

It's literally just e-begging "muh job" right now.


DPS is a cuck, Tyrone was and is smashing her

There are people in the world user.
Outside of Sup Forums, we know names.
Vidya isn't restricted to your secret club everywhere you scum.

Wow she's got a pretty okay body, and ass.

In high school, there was a girl in my class whose legs would buckle out from underneath her when I lowered the octave of my voice even further than it normally is. She would laugh and plead for me to stop, and I thought it was because she thought it sounded creepy, so I did.
I had no idea what her problem with it was until years later when a friend (now fiance) had to change her panties three times in a single night because of my voice.
It's more indirect than an erect penis, but a visual gag could still get the point across.

>every time DSP refers to him sitting on the couch playing games all day as his "business"

because i'm a big fucking crybaby

There is no God.

The sad part is that all the pathetic mentally ill haters and detractors think they scored a victory today,

>everyone that has ever had a breakup is a cuck
18 and over site kid

lol he probably got a 24 hour ban on a day he wasn't streaming anyway

detractors will still be jerking themselves off over this no doubt.



Why is it okay that people do the same to Chris Chan? Why Phil is a sacred cow?

No, but getting fucked by Tyrone while she still lived with him makes him one

lolcow obsessed autist that thinks I'm one of his fans detected

It's the same shit except chris chan is literally retarded so it's far more malicious in that case, but continue to be obsessed with autistic fat men.

No it doesn't you brain damaged child.

>hey phil how is life with the new gf?
>good, she made great food

she'll be gone in a year or two