Game has a gay couple

>game has a gay couple

>everyone acts like this is normal


Homosexuality is a core part of judeo-christian European culture!

The leader of the alt-right said so!

>game has black character
>everyone acts like this is normal


Quadroon of Mossad

way more annoying than fags


Gay couples are fine in video games.............if you can kill them

>game has gay black characterst
they are also the mc. what do

I’m fine with whatever, it’s a video game in a fantasy setting

The problem is when the game wants to be realistic and pulls this shit where things weren’t tolerated in real life

>Game has a race mixed couple out of nowhere
>Everyone acts as if this is normal
Thank goodness for the "Kill everyone" Mods

why do white people age like milk

>historical game has black character
>everyone looks into the camera and explicitly says this is normal for the time period

name 13214 games

its hypothetical

Tom Cruise

at least white people aren't disgusting from birth

>Game is set in medieval times
>Every third person is a zany faggot or dyke with a trendy, modern hairstyle

our spirits are too powerful for our bodies so our bodies start to shrivel faster something soulless inhuman non whites wouldnt know about.

>Game is set in a medieval period europe
>Has a casual inter racial gangbang and breeding scene

>game is good but i disagree with developers politically
>have hard time enjoying it because of this

They put estrogen in milk

Why are Americans so obsessed with blacks?

Have you been outside your house lately? People don't often openly hate the gays these days

just cuck my shit up senpai

>game has gay character
>he's either complete parody or sadistic villain

>man hates him, his family, his nation, his ethnicity, his race, his way of life, and wants nothing but all of those gone
>still supports him financially because "it's just politics"

Did he never have lips?

>Cute trap
Aww yisss-
>I'm transsexual
Delete game

not true

because all white people are the same and asians, hispanics and arabs don't exist.

Europe was never white, poltards, deal with it


ill take villain
only reasonable role for a homo

Ethnicity of this journalist: khazar

He is so right.

I don't mind if they put in a gay couple for comedic effect but when it's something completely out of place, like interracial married lesbian paladins in a medieval fantasy game where it's meant to be totally serious (D:OS2), that's where the line is drawn.

>this guy

I want to go back to when games were not about virtue signaling

To be fair, the blue haired girl at HR gave him a nod, so it was worth it

Why is everyone so obsessed about race?

We don't need blacks in games for them to be good, same for whites, asians, mexican's whatever. That shouldn't be the game's defining factor to see if it's good or not. All this racebaiting is obnoxious.

It's just a game

>Sup Forums gets mad when the gay character's story is related to the character's sexuality
>Sup Forums also gets mad when the gay character gets treated normally and the story isn't about the character's sexuality

Really makes you think

That's right, it shouldn't matter. We should all just mingle together, we are one race the human race

Homosexuality is ok according to bushido so I wouldn't mind either

t.Ken sama

>Homosexuality is ok according to bushido
is this kind of ultimate respect?

>degenerate non-white religion says it's okay to fuck boys
This changes everything

Yeah, really makes me think

why do they not include pedos in games? or people who like to fuck shoes?

This is a kind of comradeship where older partner teach younger one.

>wow japan so based make anime great again
>japs are fucking faggot lmao

>See goy this movie we made says black are part of your histroy, let them in!!! :))))

This whole "controversy" is bullshit. You can cite that there were non-whites in Europe at the time, but it's pretty realistic that any random story about Europe at the time probably wouldn't run into any. It shouldn't be a reason to hate the game, nor should actual racists say that the game's success is their "victory" when the staff apparently said their only motivation was historical accuracy.

I suppose the counter-argument is that Nioh had a black guy based on literally one specific dude who very likely was propped up a lot by legend and the odd fascination Japanese people have with black people. If that can be done, then a handful of historical instances of non-whites in Europe would be enough to show up, but it'd be hard to not be forced, especially since all this came about so close to release.


They are superior compared to others so of course it does indeed

At least they age instead of dying young in gang wars

I have to look at them every day, I play videogames to get away from that shit

cant wait until whites are extinct and no more westshit media gets made


Is it possible that there were some random blacks at the time? Yes, but very very unlikely.
Still adding blacks would be so shoehorned that would've hurt the game more than anything else.

>he’s such a weak willed beta that he is on the verge of mental collapse because he has to look at gay people and black people sometimes

>this shit that noone wants to see exists, YOU HAVE TO PUT IT IN YOUR VIDEO GAMES

Seems like a valid reason to dislike something when it's pushed down your throat, my cave man wojak poster.

>Wow, you don't want to pay to get kicked in the balls, what are you, a pussy?

Idk if I am bigoted or not but I simply lose interest in a character if they are gay in most comics. I usually don't mind stuff like that in vida and movies but for some reason I lose interest in comics when one the characters turns out to be gay. Happened with giant days, ringside and black hammer, all decent to great comics that I lost interest at the moment one of the main characters turned out to be gay. It doesn't happen all the time since I enjoyed reading Scott pilgrim and that comic is full of faggotry but it was very enjoyable to the very end

>game has a gay couple
>they're not disease riddled druggies who cruise together for anonymous sex
Legitimately not realistic.

>Sup Forums makes a thread on Sup Forums
>everyone acts like this is normal

>Why is everyone so obsessed about race?
Because all available evidence suggests it's something you should be.

>believe something that 90% of the population does
>You must be from a niche imageboard!

>Idk if I am bigoted or not
if you dislike a character purely because they're gay and not because of what that might imply

like in ancient greece?

I don't get mad at either, but the former is annoyling common.

>all the people in my little bubble world believe thing
>that means 90% of all people believe thing

and it's okay

>Sup Forums is one person

If you get triggered by this, you don't belong here

Why would there be any nigger in my native village 600 years ago?
Even Arab merchants wouldn’t bother traveling around the world with a pack of niggers until they traded them.

Stop posting nu-jack

>implying homosexuality wasn't purged from Europe exactly by the Jews and their sub-cultures

Sup Forums is full of redditors, 2016 cancer

I'd say people who get triggered by anything belong here friend

>Look at the origins of European culture! Look how masculine and proud they are

>Professor Shekelbergstein "Akshually they were all gays and had brown skin. This will now be in every textbook"
>Thank you professor, you are our greatest ally!

>game uses meme wrong

>everyone except acts like this is normal

this but unironically

#CivilWar is coming, then we can get rid of the cuck game devs and make our own white games

Go back there

you must be the biggest uncultured Sup Forumscuck faggot if you seriously think culture came from the shit throwing Germanic tribes and not from south European and Middle Eastern cultures

pretty much
Read Hagakure

Please post a pic of yourself, I need more pics of brave MAGA warriors.

It is for amerimutts.

Why do some people still feel the need to police other people's sexual orientation in this day and age?

>literally no reading comprehension

>implying they're dark enough for us

Niggers don't live long enough to age because they all die robbing convenience stores in their teens and early 20s.

Stop posting nu-jack

>el grande goblino
is there anyone who could beat him?

>when it's pushed down your throat, my cave man wojak poster
Where did he mention that, you skittish idiot?

Some say argentina has also mastered the white arts.


The thing is it just happens in comics and I am not sure if it is actual dislike but I simply lose interest in the comic and I go read something else.