La creatura

La creatura...

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this is the shittiest meme

Last day to shoot all the elves in the back before wipe lads.

It's ok, they regenerate!

What pissed you off the most knowing they won't change it for release?

For me it's:
>1 trait per weapon
>Most talents are uninteresting and minimal stat buffs

t. el goblino

Spot the mart sharter.

Die Kreatur..

t. Lumen Exstinctum


la luz extinguido

towering fierece terrible,,, nightmare made material

I dont know where the creatura meme came from
I also have no idea what t. is supposed to mean despite it having been around for ages now

This meme sucks.


it's funny, but only because mexicans and spanish are mongrel turk rape babies, while white americans are less than 1% mixed.

el chupacabra.....

t. is the equivalent of "signed by" in swedish (i think)

es: "t. myself"="signed, myself"

il Lume Soffocato

Is Zealot good? I kinda want to be a religious psychopath with a flail, hysterically shouting nonsense and soaking myself in pain.



Not it originates from the t. Alberto Barbarossa meme.

Sup Forums I think, Sup Forums copied it[\spoiler]
terveiset or something, finnish for with regards[\spoiler]

Found it

I used to think it was since I'm american, but the more I think about it there are a lot of fucking ugly and fat people here. And I guess the whole 'mutt' thing is true since people from all over came here and fucked.

t. means "regards"

La creatura de norte...


This is not even accurate spanish.

>Even the animals are being twisted into ugly deformities of themselves

el extinguino...

Wait, when exactly is the wipe? I thought it was today.

el goblinos de los americas


>insulting the birds
You've gone too far this time

>Last day



Why does that guy look like he's looking from the side and front at the same time

you would know you America-indian mutt

These memes are getting too complex, I can’t keep up.

>internal tech theory
>kek not a corruption of lel that is a corruption of lol
>friendly rivalry

Boy oh boy those are some ugly trees compared to the rest of that scene.


>Whiter than you, Muhammed

el gringo azabache...

el ogre de las americas...


Today as in this morning, as in already happened, man.

The healing system. You get so much grey hp that you can stay topped on it even on Lord. Its fucking awful. Managing health by not taking hits should be a core mechanic. Now you just slap the horde a couple of times and are filled to the brim.
Only way to lose is a bad special combo

Devourer of Light.....

>in swedish
No. Its straight from finnish. As in "terveisin" = regards.

the elf

Some swede on Sup Forums drew like 20 creatura images in one thread for (you)s and everyone saved them and started spamming them. The sheer number of OC coming out of nowhere caught people off guard.

It's a meme from Sup Forums made to make fun of Sup Forums because of the fact they larp as white nationalists spamming every other board, even though half of america is flat out not white and the other half is pretty mixed genetically.

Old World vultures look better on average but that Andean Condor is pimp as fuck mate.

>internal tech theory

dumb britlets

What the fuck are these Spanish nouns memes?

those are north europeans though...

shit that's good

Brits have known the first inhabitants of their isle weren't white for ages. That's why they pushed them all into Ireland and tried to genocide them.

Pretty much this

der Gräuel...

Whats with Americans and sleeve tattoos though

Pure comedy.

Who wrote this?

Anglos are a servitor race to the French.

el caído...

On that day, humanity received a grim reminder. We lived in fear of la Creatura, and were disgraced to live in these cages we called walls.

>dumb britlets

>F for disrespect

>Lord difficulty

What beta did you play? The option wasn't available at all for anyone I know and the server browser showed 0 Lord servers at all times.

That's wrong

mutts btfo



>friendly rivalry

wew lad

There's been some exclusive access to it, and based on that footage and my personal experience of running solo and duo champion I feel the healing system is busted

t. has existed as part of letter writing for however long but it became a meme on Sup Forums when t. Alberto Barborossa exploded with the release of that AoE2 expansion and then it mutated as something you put under a quote in order to imply the person is disingenuous or inaccurate because of their background

Then again I thought "Kys" was some weird passive aggressive homoerotic meme response for like a month before I realized it was "Kill Your Self"



You mean watered-down Scandinavians?

>paint their nails to fight slavery.
I dont get it.

as if any libtard shit makes sense

>it became a meme on Sup Forums

There are other imageboards like krautchan and ylilauta where it fucking came from, señor Criatura.

Still better than being shot by a cop for no reason.

Pretty good.

El Diablo...

Some of these are just flat out wrong. Who the hell is paying these Jews to write this shit?


>expecting britlets to do anything that makes an actual impact
lmao they just banned egg and flour sales to anyone under 16 bruv
>get shot by a cop
>no reason
oh okay
>muzzie threatens to behead you in the street and rape your daughter
>police just stand there and let it happen while everyone records it



the absolute state of the united cuckdom

god save the prophet

>it's happening
something is occuring
>it's over
something has occured

thanks god, i finally know what these two obscure sentences mean

no soy shit is.


>they just banned egg and flour sales to anyone under 16 bruv
lmao I don't doubt it's possible but fuckin why tho


>An entire Skaven army staved off by 5 low tier fighters after everyone else died

Pretty embarrassing.