Metal Gear Survive on Steam

>Metal Gear Survive on Steam
>over 1100 positive reviews

kek, Sup Forums got told

Other urls found in this thread:

me on the left

when Sup Forums contrarianism goes to far

Just because 1100 brainlets left positive reviews on Steam, it doesn't make the game any less shit

>No no NO! Kojima can do no wrong! Konami is evil for firing him! Its bad because kojima isnt working on it and dunkey told me its bad. Dunkey is my best friend btw haha

why do you stan for a faceless corporation user

imagine falseflagging this hard

sure user, you are the 1%

since this thread is garbage anyway, whats the source on OP's pic

Is there a reason why someone should listen to Sup Forums?

Because they pay him to shill here, of course.

who are these very asian semen demons?



[increasingly nervous shilling]

shush, secret club, user.

>when you're so contrarian you have to defend a shifty cashgrab just because kojimbo the hack didn't make it

i hope after this flop konami gets out of the industry and just makes pachislots so i never have to think about konami again

Sky, get of the chans


Liking Survive is not contrarian.

>1100 good reviews

you are salty like Sup Forumsacks whining about Nigger Panther

Liking survive to spite the kojidrones is being contrarian

It is though

But it is
For a AAA game to get that low of a review in the modern era means it's bad

Its shills.

>giving a fuck to videogame journalism

found your problem, mate

thats fucking nothing for an AAA game

>thousands of mario odyssey review score threads on Sup Forums
>b-but in this instance they don't count because I say so!
Your game's shit

Reminder that not even one game journalist figured out that sating your hunger/thirst to 100% makes the bars stop dropping for quite a while. Not ONE of them.

Not sure how anyone can trust people that can barely play the game.

I don't play Mario games

>the game gets good 30 hours in
This is the only argument Survive Contrarians ever have

No? Sup Forums are full of actual retards.

I'll let them tell me how told I am all day if I can get at their little cherry nipples

>being so stupid you can't figure out eating and drinking.

During the first half ot the game there's literally unlimited water ten seconds away from your base. There's also like 5 animal hunting spots around it.

During the first half of the game you're also only poking zombies with sticks behind metal fences too