This shit is going to pass and there’s nothing you can do about it
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Are leafs fucked now?
Oh no, I'll need to put in a tiny bit of effort to pirate shit!
They cant enforce it so it doenst matter
This law is racist against refugees who can't afford to buy games and transphobic towards people who have to spend money on personal care products.
Yes they can. The big Canadian telecom companies are lobbying and pushing a bill right now that would give them the right to censor any domain or website they want to, and block the Canadian public using their internet services from accessing those websites without any legal process involved after the bill passes.
Not a lot of people in parliament are contesting it, either.
No, they cant, there is always a workaround.
im Canadian
wtf do we have that is even worth pirating???
you want to save jobs? then stop accepting all these fucking foreigners
anyways hows your gaming life?
im playing MHW
Yes because that stopped piracy in all those countries that banned torrent sites
Oh wait no it didnt
good thing piracy isnt a theft lmao
this. Where are the dozens of multicultural, african, pan-african and transgender associations in Canada to fight against this 1984 law?
And why should I give a shit about leafland?
>They are making millions of dollars in advertising and subscriptions by hosting these materials illegally
Implying pirates don't use adblock lmao
Piracy increases sales tho
>all of those old obsolete shitheads desperate because they are all dying
hahaha glorious
Fuck you faggots and your parents for letting them sell our crown corps you scum. Bet you're all Hongcouverites or Francophonic subhumans. Or a part of the Brown Tide.
I'm also playing MHW on the superior console with the inferior platform. Also good fucking luck stopping anyone but thirteen year olds torrenting on their fucking phones.
>"online theft"
... i'm not sure i follow
I want to tenderly have SEX with Schwein-chan
Those TV stations fucking wished anyone was pirating the garbage they make
>Chandrasekar said his network, perhaps best known for its cricket broadcasts, has been substantially impacted by piracy. He claims this piracy has cost him millions of dollars in subscription revenue.
I feel like people who watch cricket would have no idea what piracy is.
Piracy of games, maybe. Piracy of television, movies and music? I didn't even read the article but I live here and much like anywhere else no one will spend money on premium TV when free2watch options exist. Especially when you can find 4k within a couple clicks.
>Government blocks Canadian IPs from accessing whatever they deem is a "pirating website"
>Sup Forums constantly drops links to pirated content so they get added to the list
>Leafs forever unable to shitpost on any board
>Day of the Rake actually happens
Nobody spends money on premium TV period because its all trash
TV is dead
At least that's gonna be less shitposting
when they will learn?
>le canadian shitposters boogeymen
Apparently ALL of the former commonwealth is a problem except the one who points the finger.
>leafs blatantly crying on reddit for torrent magnet links
I can already smile imagining this
When did Canadians being shitposters become memetic? I remember Aussies being prolific shitposters but even then that's more of a joke about Australian and moreover Euro humour than it is about shitposting.
Not really its just the Australians who are cunts by nature and Canadians who are contrarian attention whores. The brits and the rest of their former colonies know how to behave themselves more or less.
I honestly only pirate old console games. Think those will remain untouched or should I backup the games I want to play?
Downloading isnt piracy so i'll be fine
Big Joe Mufferaw would like to have a word with you.
>Canadian content
You mean like Justin bieber? Yes, please censor all you want.
/vint/ last year... and ''tay plz be my ai gf"
I doubt companies themselves will give two flying fucks unless you're producing and selling carts/CDs. However, Canada's government goes from being completely sackless to totalling your home based on a whim when it comes to legal matters. I've personally seen grow ops be a polite, orderly affair when escorted to a bunch of dudes in gear busting down three entrances and accidentally causing a fire with some careless usage of non-lethal grenades.
with the crusade against piracy that's raging for years I'd backup all your shit. I started acquiring and backing up all the old games I'm interested in a decade ago, I'd rather invest in an additional HD than being forced to buy the game from Ebay or wherever.
Better save than sorry.
>As a result, piracy websites are profiting. They are making millions of dollars in advertising and subscriptions by hosting these materials illegally, while taking away fair compensation from the people who create the content and make it accessible to Canadians.
This shit again? If someone is going to pirate something, chances are they they wouldn't buy it even if they couldn't pirate it. Piracy is not a lost sale. It also isn't theft because no one actually loses anything.
>Digital piracy doesn’t only affect our musicians and actors. It hurts everyone who works in the creative industries, from songwriters and set builders to makeup artists and local news reporters.
How the fuck does piracy hurt make up artists?
Excuse me while I go pirate more shit.
Use a VPN like everyone in China uses to get around their governments bullshit
I wasn't paying attention since I usually browse mobile. Don't become a uranium miner. That aside, what's that shitstain doing on the stage? Mugging it up like the media prostitute he is since fundsterroristsforQuebecoisinterests daddy never taught him anything else?
China bans basically every single VPN and proxy service in existence, though. Most chinks don't bother with bypassing those blocks.
I thought he was some liberal weed fag but he is an actor
He is the incarnation of the worst part from the canadian society made to the extreme
Is this not against the law or some shit? This seriously is something china or north korea would do. This won't fly. Its scummy as all hell.
but you're getting intellectual property without paying for it. It maybe not the same as stealing a physical object from a vendor but you still come into possession of something you haven't paid for
the only thing pirating hurts is companies.
companies who control the laws and opinions of everyone in a country.
explain why its a problem
user you are being very muslimphobic right now.
what's the problem? as long as we have anti-hate speech, lgbt parades and authorities attending women's march everything is fine
jesus i can't even remember the last thing i pirated
besides, this shit only applies to western crap, they don't give a shit about the actually good games
If you're not already using a VPN you're going to get v&, this just makes them more useful.
my fellow betas. our time is now.
this is the day we have all known is coming.
But its proven that it doesnt affect sales
If your shit is good or people want it then people will pay for it
Look at undertale easiest shit to pirate ever, still sold millions
>he thinks TV and Movies are dying because of piracy
im sure it has nothing to do with the lack of quality
>It maybe not the same as stealing a physical object from a vendor
No one denies the legality of piracy. It's obviously illegal (though most people just don't give a shit because it's harmless). But openly comparing it to physical theft, like in the OP link, is fucking retarded.
just finished super mario RPG
He's an actor because he's a politician. Not a byerakrat. And dude weed, as much a joke as it may seem, isn't shocking. All the parties were looking at that more than a decade ago beyond the conservatives because of how fucking obscene marijuana taxation could be for gummint monies. The projections on tax revenue for the sale of marijuana as the actual plant itself, untreated or altered is like 4.8 billion in REVENUE for 2019/2020. With the sale of drinks, edibles, etc. they're suggesting upwards of 11 billion.
That aside he's a total fucking faggot and he got a shocking number of votes for being handsome.
What are all the things I should pirate before it's ogre
Your life
Welp, guess I'm fucked. Gonna go buy a nice big external drive and give myself an eternal backlog of pirated shit. It was nice knowing you, internet.
Is it true that in some canadian states you can only buy alcohol from certified stores™?
Not as far as I know. It used to be that you couldn't undercut provincial liquor stores for prices and had to charge more than them. Not that it mattered since if you want booze you WILL buy it, regardless of cost. Once upon a time offsale didn't exist at all but that was a really short time. Bars could function as they liked, more or less, minus the fact that after the smoking ban for bars and restaraunts they lost customers in droves at all the greasy spoons and dive bars.
only until recently all alcohol had to be bought from the LCBO or beer store
What Canadian games are worth pirating?
So they want to become a 2nd China?
>games cost $80-90
>DLC is$60-70
>one pack of 2 chicken breasts are $14-16
This is pretty normal in the nordics as well. The state has a monopoly on beverages above a certain ABV (3.5% in Sweden, 4.75% in Norway, 5.5% in Finland).
so it's safe to assume all weed will be sold through Authorized Resellers
That's the evolution of the mafia. Quite amazing if you ask me. Imagine if Al Capone could control the stores selling his alcohol and dope but legally
BioWare, Relic, some UbiSoft, Silicon Knights if you liked any of their stuff. There are others but i'm too drunk to remember them at the moment. Worry less about devs and look more at publishers. Devs sue when there are major issues but publishers sue because their team of 50 million a year will fucking bury you.
Also no, Canada's been fairly socialist for the last seventy or eighty odd years. This is less about harmful content and more about harming profits, an extremely American ideology.
what, will leafs just need to use a proxy like us bongs have for years?
I stopped being a pirate so I don't give a fuck anymore but fuck canada for having games costing 93$
Frankly people who treat their art and online content as their intellectual property and act like they are owed a ton of money for dumping this pile of shit on the world deserve to have their shit stolen.
Like fuck off, if you made a good product people would want to pay you for it.
I can't handle living in this shitty faggot ass country anymore.
If people gave less of a shit about piracy and making tons of autismbux we would be back in a golden age of video games where people were making games because they actually wanted to and had great ideas.
I guess. So much for being part of the free world.
Well, sorta. I don't think its mafia as much as its just an extension of British ideals towards the sale of product. Everything has to bear the stamp, if you understand. Though it goes back much further than that. More importantly this means fewer faggots trying to sell Mexican bush bits as marijuana though it does mean a lot more pink haired BASH UN FASCISTE shitstains who are the suits of half a century ago with new clothes.
The only thing I pirate are Japanese porn games and JAV
>They already tried this in the UK
>All the trackers just have 7 proxied versions that change all the time
>Piracy continues without disruption
just think about all the seasons of johnny test you won't be able to torrent now
is this austin powers 4?
>they arent on every good private tracker
>paying to pirate
Canadian ISP's can block the top-level url for the tracker. Of course they know about the private trackers. And it takes them a letter and 1 minute to do once this in effect. So why woudn't they?
And the top private trackers doesn't allow _public_ VPN connections for site browsing.
This is going to make shit tedious.
Just as public tracker access in the UK.
No problem to access, just a bit more tedious.
Use your head next time you post, maybe you can write something smart.
I live in PA and its just like that. why would you think such a common thing wouldn't be true
Why can't soyboys into webdesign? I shit better websites after my morning coffee
So as a Canadian i'm hoping to get answers from other Canadians on what i'm gonna ask. What happened to Canadian media? We used to have a good number of major game, film, animation and television companies that have now all but disappeared. Fucking UbiSoft, a company I hate yet love for the dollars they sink into Fantasia have to worry about being a part of StudioCanale or some shit now. Has the Capitalisation of the world really gone to such a degree that no one can operate without the hovering hand of Comcast, whatever that food chain megacorp or Molson tainting their product? Is this a problem elsewhere or simply because we live next door to the states?
Aussies dont make retarded posts though
You're a liar Running Bear. I live in Cigar Lake and you're so full of shit you can't blink. Unless you and the user are talking about the personal sale of alcohol, then I totally back down as the spineless Canuck I am. Damn near any place can spin you a twelve pack without repercussion so long as they have a license.
Also do you guys have a decent arcade? I really miss sitting in racing arcade game chairs and i'm genuinely envious if you've got one.
you are all noobs if you think this wont come to the US if it passes in canada
I'm not very well nuanced in the economic climate of Canada, but I'm willing to blame shitty politics on the national level.
Can we just make this a game center CX thread please?
How is it where you are? I know that a surprising number of Euro countries have shit far and wide. Cuphead is Canadian, thank god, but we also have a forced 60-70% Canadian television and radio issue where the content available has to be produced/sold/etc. in Canada. Which is why we got the best Dragonball because of Ocean Group. I appreciate the mandatory Canadian media thing since nationalism is a part of my code but now everything, just like DBZ has fallen to the issue of who puts the label on it.
So pretty much this is gonna be like the FEDERAL BAN they put on all the piratey sites in Australia?
Because that totally worked great.
Basically. Doesn't stop Aussies like the absurd rating system there does.
>arrr no! stopped dead in me tracks!
Forever SEETHING about the rating bullshit. after years we finally get our R18/AO for games, and they've banned more games since then than they ever did before. At least in the old days they mostly only banned the shitty games like Soldier of Fortune 3 and that Marc Ecko one.
You better cut out your shit you fucking wog. I still feel bad that Aussies lost out on a good number of games because of how anal their ratings board is. Don't forget Hotline Miami, indie or no. Also, if you are an Aussie fix your shit. Proxies are free or dirt cheap and VPNs, if you're smart, are practically free. Also why are Aussie girls so cute when they're dominating?
Even if it passes, there is nothing they can do about piracy.
Britfag here, didn't stop piracy. Now the ISPs have to play "chase the proxy" forever.
>season 2 obviously never
>manga translation discontinued
>using torrents instead of Mega to pirate