Brb smoke

>brb smoke
>Last Online: 1534 days ago

It was a big smoke, he might be gone for a bit

>baby starts crying in the background
>"brb bro gotta take care of something"
>smack noises and screams for five seconds

>brb wife aggro lol

>brb getting on my flight on this day, the 11th of September 2001
>last online 17 years ago

>Steam friend in london I use to play vidya with and he and I discussed D&D/pathfinder stories and shit.
>Suddenly realize I haven't seen him for two weeks. This wasn't the first time so I shrug and move on
>Months pass
>Curiosity sets in, I am able to track him down by his name and where he lived
>He died almost after the last time we talked and two weeks before his birthday.
>It's been a year and a half since.
I fucking miss him every day. And I know no one cares so just like and subscribe.

>That bro who used to be on 24/7 and you always played games together but life slowly got to him and you barely seem him on once or twice a year, but know he's still alive.

>Hey man I'm leaving for basic in a few days, might not be back for a few years even. Why don't you enjoy my unusuals till I get back?
>Its been 7 years
>100% she some sandnigger killed him

he meant there was smoke in the house he was going to investigate

he burned to death

>friend leaves comment on your profile saying they want you back


>t. friendless faggot

>you and a bunch of online friends slowly broke apart over the course of 5 years.
>tfw RP Unlimited is ded

At least you got some cool hats.

>That friend you were pretty chill with that removes/blocks you one day with no explanation

Some fat autist I was friends with in high school and occasionally played games with did this- he removed all of his friends, and when another of our friend group asked him why, he said "because if they were really my friends, they would re-add me," like some insecure, manipulative teenage girl. Now he has like 3 friends. He also refuses to use Facebook, but only since he sucks Google+'s cock. fucking autiste

I feel like I've been that person in the past.
I've got some pretty terrible memory problems and the existence of people will just simply elude me. I'll remove them someday and never be able to find them due to name change or they stopped being active.

>send a message
>they take a long time to answer
>my autistic mind starts to wander into the worst possible conclusions

I cant stop it. I cant

this happens to everybody online or in real life. it's called getting older and it sucks but whatever. i mean fuck even some of my best friends from HS didn't invite me to their weddings. it hurts.

>user, im an adult now, i can’t be playing silly games anymore
>Last Online: 8 years ago

Im still fucking mad. This was my bro. We would destroy noobs together. Gears of War, GTA4, Halo. No noob was ever safe. And then he just leaves because he has to go to college?

No, fuck him.

more likely hes just not the same person anymore

What job allows me to keep my adulthood while having time to play games still?

4am thread?

Besides everything else, I don't think most people use facebook. It's literally only for organizing Halloween parties and funerals.

pretty much anything third shift.

I play space station 13 at the hospital. On third shift, there are less engineers, and often I'm the only one keeping the whole station together.

I got clock culted and singuloosed on box yesterday. They never had a chance.

if you got nothing else, any job really

I miss playing games with other people when I was younger. I used to play RuneScape, old school WoW, and gmod. Are there any other online games that dont suck? All I see nowadays is shit like fortnite and pubg

>play games with my online bro almost everyday for 10+ years
>he fucks around with a lot of girls
>forgets to pull out of one of them
>hes now a dad with no time to play games

rip my nigga dave


90% of the time people are just busy with something else. I check my messages but don't answer immediately for instance.

>brb smoke

americans everyone

sometimes the pussy is too good and you can't help it

Obviously they hate you user. That's always the only explanation.

just use a rubber
retards like you should be burned alive

Guess you could say he got smoked.

>that bro that used to play with you 24/7
>always teaming up together and fucking shit up
>some days he asks for your password for some shady reason
>you give it to him because you have mutual trust and are huge friends
>he steals your account and fucks off
i was that guy

>Play Terraria with this girl constantly
>Not romantic in the slightest but I didn't really mind because she was fun to be around
>over voice chat she would cough sometimes and have to take breaks rather often
>She would frequently go missing for entire days or multiple days even.
>She said she needed to go to the hospital.
>I was mildly concerned
>She completely vanishes for a month
>Get a message
>It's from her mom
>She's dead
>Apparently she had some lung problems

I expected as much but having closure on what happened hurts a lot more. I still have the world in Terraria that we played in and I keep it backed up everywhere.

>meet a few people online
>play with them every day for around 3 years
>suddenly stop talking with each other
>2 years later one of them messages me asking me to play GTA
>spend most of the money I have left over from the month
>plays with me for 3 hours
>never plays with me again
>can't refund the game because I have more than 2 hours played

>that friend who got a gf and a life and gave up on you

Smoking kills haha

>tfw /vg/ Group of chill anons born 4 years ago is still going strong
Sometimes someone leaves but other people take over
It feels good, I love those guys



So you cant beat a pro you scrub?

>tranny friend on Discord replies to me once in a blue moon
>we don't talk regularly anymore like we used to
>in fact
>we don't talk at all anymore
>everything went downhill and crashed and burned between us over time
>I eventually got ditched and left behind, backstabbed, too
>nothing's the same between us anymore and things will never be the same again for us/between us
>I've lost (((her)))

I'm that bro, between transit and 9-5 I'm out for over 13 hours a day, mon-fri. Barely enough time to eat something and immediately go to bed. When the weekend comes around if I'm not doing even more work I just want to sleep and lay down. How do I break it to my playgroup that I'm fucking dead inside?

This got me so fucking mad, i used to jerk my friend off when i played vidya and now he is always busy with his gf or some other random bullshit.