gimme your best psp games
Gimme your best psp games
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Birth by Sleep, Freedom Unite, katamari, Jackie Chan
I don’t think you’ll find a better game than need for speed underground 2
Phantasy Star Portable 2
Kenka Bancho Badass Rumble
GTA: Vice City Stories
Def Jam - Fight for NY - The Takeover
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
FFVII Crisis Core
MGS Peace Walker
DBZ Tenkaichi Tag Team
DBZ Shin Budokai: Another Road
Dissidia Final Fantasy
7th Dragon 2020
Gods Eater Burst
Tenchu San Portable and Kurenai Portable
Damn good ports of PS2 games
Also same about first two Way of the Samurai games
star wars battlefront 2 would be my pick
Tekken Dark Ressurection
Tekken 6
Wish there were more good racing games for the PSP.
Burnout Legends and Dominator
Ridge Racer I & II
Need for Speed
Midnight Club 3 and LA
Gran Turismo
Wipeout Pure and Pulse
There's plenty of decent racers, plus you can put on PS1 racing games too.
Don't forget Outrun 2006.
No way Tyrone, they're mine
>Not a single mention of Patapon 2.
SOCOM Fireteam Bravo 3 when it had online (still good sp; short af), Silent Hill Shattered Memories, Medal of Honor Hereos (same as SOCOM) , Monster Hunter Frontier and 3, all the God of Wars, all the GTAs (yes Chinatown included), Daxter,
got a couple more but thats it for now
You have a see through PSP?!?! That existed?
Dracula X Chronicles
Nah it's a $20 ebay shell
Don't bother changing the whole thing out, the back part where the hardware mounts doesn't fit right. The front part fits onto the original back just fine though. The replacement buttons suck, use the original buttons
Burnout Legends/Dominator
Coded Arms 1
Killzone Liberation
Metal Gear Acid 2
Need for Most Wanted
Rengoku 2
The Red Star
Ultimate Ghosts'n Goblins /Kai
Yugioh GX series
Speaking of Jeanne d'Arc, is it possible to play that on PC? I lost my PSP and never got to complete it
Valkyrie profile
Yeah, PPSSPP is a very solid emulator.
Nice. I've been meaning to actually beat the game for years. Thanks, user
peace walker, chinktown wars and pata pon are the only good ones I remember
Pursuit Force is the best fun I had on PSP, truly.
Pursuit Force is fun as fuck. It's formulaic but stupid fun. I never played the sequel so I can't comment on that.
Also Lumines is the best PSP game, hands down.
Hmm. Does it only go on phones, or am I missing something here?
Ridge Racer 2
Ape Escape: Big Mission!
Both WipeOut games
The Patapon Games (mostly 2).
Worms Battle Islands
Crisis Core
Is ModNation Racers any good?
Kingdom of Paradise
I've never heard of this. What makes it great?
PC download on this page
Oh fuck, I didn't scroll down. My bad, user. Now to find Jeanne d'Arc emulated
There you go man, you talking about it made me want to play it myself.
Thanks for that, user. I remember it being fun, but I played it when I was young and absolutely shit at games
Trails in the Sky is for PSP, right? Is that one any good?
Corpse party is a chill horror "game" for when you just want to lay in bed and play some japanese garbage anime shit
Jesus Christ, I suck at computers. Can't get the game to open
Not that guy but there's an emulator general on /vg/ with a wiki too, so if you need help you can ask there.
Got it to work, but thank you anyways, user. Can't wait to play it
Syphon Filter Dark Mirror/Logans Shadow
MGS Peace Walker
Resistance Retribution
God of War Ghost of Sparta
Twisted Metal Head On
Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection
Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy
Patchwork Heroes
GTA Vice City Stories
Undead Knights
How is the 3rd Birthday? I haven't played any PE games.
Fuck yeah, Daxter was great. I remember not knowing it was part of a series and being disappointed with the ending
It's okay if you like grindy shooters and JRPG tier retarded stories