I've spent approximately 100 hours in this and can confirm that its the best RPG I've ever played
I've spent approximately 100 hours in this and can confirm that its the best RPG I've ever played
Other urls found in this thread:
wrpg lol
It's a buggy white supremacy shit
I’ve spent 70 and I feel like it’s just the beginning - soooo many quests. Like I don’t even mind going on hunt grinding since it’s god damn fun.
the attention to detail is fucking amazing
I've spent 2 hours in it and refunded this broken shit. Gonna pirate by the end of the year if it's ever fixed.
Does anything bad happen if I ignore that ginger in a pickle mission? I ain't tough enough yet to fight the thugs.
wait until they're sleeping at and assassinate em in their sleep
They’ve placed every tree in game manually, I’m not surprised
it took me 20 years (t. 24) but i realized WRPG truly is > JRPG
only good jrpgs are SMT and rogue galaxy
and Ys and like 2/3 other real time action series
>shit on Bioware for releasing broken games
>shit on Hello Games for releasing $60 beta version and lying about state of the game
Remember, kids, it's okay when gamergate does it!
>historically accurate
>white supremacy
im sorry you got btfo mehmet
death to all cumans
kys Does every game have to be a faggot baiting and a retard ,fake or real, taking the bait.
Is any of this shit actually in the game?
wut these niggers were easy as fuck. i hope you did the sword training with berbard to learn riposte, parry and master strikes
400k, 500k and 700k
Mocap and orchestral music are, actual gameplay features - no.
holy fuck moderators
the period music, the symphonic orchestra and the mocap are there, the rest aren't
Must've been some shitty mocap team then.
That is a really meaningless statement since who the fuck are you?
just go practice with Bernard until you gain 1-2 levels in your weapon of choice and the linked attribute
it doesn't take very long
also keep in mind that in my experience axes and maces are retard fast compared to swords, which is good when you want to wear down an enemy's stamina
cool so what will your 2nd RPG be?
Do you mean the flying horses?
Post the webm.
I've spent approximately 0.1 hours in this and can confirm OP is a faggot and KCD is the worst RPG I've ever played
La creatura..
>bugged quests
>tiresome loading screens
>annoying combat
>annoying stealth
>annoying voiceovers - at times
And yet I love it. But sometimes it takes like 3 hours to finish a short quest due to bugs/wrong markers/missing NPCs, which is really rustling my jimmies
agreed but updates are coming
>annoying combat
literally what
I like the idea of this game, but I'm not touching it in the next couple of months at least. I'm not making a mistake of playing an RPG on release ever again
Yeah, we’re like beta testers. I can’t finish that quest for thief in Ratau since he’s bugged - standing in shackles.
when your strength / warfare is low, enemies can counter literally every attack you make
i don't mean just parrying them, that'd be fine but they riposte every fucking attack
>rain is blocked by roofs
>rain actually has a visual splatter on the ground
>water drips off of roof edges although it doesn't look very good
>standing in a doorway when the sun is up will project your shadow into the room, regardless of where the sun actually is
The tavern AI is also pretty neat.
I fucking love small touches like this.
>its the best RPG I've ever played
It's good as far as rpgs go but don't go spouting bullshit like this. The game has tons of bugs and other glaring issues.
Dialogue choices in this game are extremely lacking. You generally get given a poor description of what Henry is going to say and often he will just go on a rant without further player input so he starts saying shit you never intended.
Also, the devs completely lied about quests having many different ways to approach a given situation. Sure, the tutorial quests had it, but after that this feature just vanishes. Most quests from then on are extremely one-dimensional and often only have one correct way to solve the problem.
that's why you do the training with captain bernard as soon as you can. after that you should have strength and warfare at at least lvl5 or 6, and you preferred weapon too.
>game features evil Asian/Arab dogs
i know but spastics will play the tutorial and conclude that the combat is fucked
mind that i don't think it's good that you're such a pushover on lower levels, it's jsut not a glaring issue
lol so glad i pirated this game
Listening to the tavern patrons tell stories is fun, like that time this guy claimed he saw black people. Really?
Yep, I have this as well. And the birds in cages one is bugged, game freezes on handing in. And the lost in translatio nhas NPC's missing. Problem is i'm like 40hours in now and even if they patch I think I still can't finish them
Problem is that when your warfare is low, everyone counters you and beats the shit out of you. Once your warfare and wep skill are higher, you just 1-2 shot everything with the best sword in game that you can get 2 hours into the game.
They failed to deliver every single one of their stretch goals?
That's pretty fucking impressive.
Funny enough I'm hungarian but the Cuman thing is new to me. Can't recall much about Zsigmond's reign as I was busy being a lazy cunt in school when we learned about him.
The cumans speaking hungarian is hilarious to me, they did employ actual hungarian speaking guys to voice over and it's pretty cringy/funny to hear them speak.
>mind that i don't think it's good that you're such a pushover on lower levels
but it makes sense. you are the son of a blacksmith with no fighting experience whatsoever, every fucking bandit you face has more experience than you. and then, the more you train the better you get
makes sense from a narrative standpoint
sucks balls from a gameplay standpoint
Did they give any official explanation or just pretended this list didn't exist?
Well, what RPGs have you played in your life?
It's realistic but it's shit gameplay. Player skill is almost completely irrelevant with these mechanics since you can't get any hits in and you can't block or dodge anything.
I'm not asking for the equivalent of a dark souls SL1 run but I'd want player skill to have SOME impact on Henry's fighting abilities.
There are codex entries about and books by Islamic scholars in the game too so it isn't "white supremacist" at all, just accurate for the time and place
Does it really? I'd imagine a blacksmith's son would be decently fed and strong. Plus, Henry seemed to like getting into fist-fights often and had been practising with a sword.
Atleast your board has “moderators” you privileged cunt
>had been practising with a sword
>can't even cut a stick
>get your ass kicked by every nigger you face
>get called sir knight
>start game
>loading screen
>get to main menu
>click load game
>loading screen
>choose the save I want to load
>loading screen
>finally get into the game
>talk to an NPC
>loading screen
>game glitches out and I get stuck in an endless dialogue loop
Based Vavra, amirite?
*blacksmiths wife's son
>had been practising with a sword
For literally one day with vanyek, plus the 5 minutes you do in the tutorial
Truly Hendry is a master swordsman now.
I think they're great.
At least they're tons better than any Hungarian dubbed video game I remember (Crysis Warhead being a graceful exception).
also, why wouldn't they speak Hungarian? by Sigismund's time they've been here for 150 years and there was a conscious effort to Christianize and assimilate them.
>Buy brand system to play this on max graphics
>Freezes on boot screen
>After talking to customer service, appears to be a motherboard/ hdd error and have to send it off for repairs that'll take 10+ days
>brand system
you deserve everything you get
did u build or buy
"We'll add it later".
I have doubts about female character, though. Not only that will require reworking majority of game's dialogue, Vavra won't be able to ride "muh historical accuracy" excuse anymore.
You could not find a nigger in Spain 30 years ago.
Imagine in the XV century, when purges were a sport.
Pretty sure his father scolded him for going to sword practise again. Wasn't that how he got the cut in his hand at the beginning of the game?
Would probably have a completely different campaign.
Wouldn't make sense otherwise.
I watched a video on youtube for a small quest and I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of voice writing for such a small quest
afaik it was supposed to be the stealth tutorial and it would've shown Theresa's escape from Skalitz
>Wasn't that how he got the cut in his hand at the beginning of the game
Yes, because he trained with Vanyek. And Vanyek had only been in town for like 2 days.
Other than that, Henry has had no sword practice at all except maybe with his friends wagging sticks at eachother.
The only problem with the combat when Henry's still a total scrub is that, for some reason, Vavra thought it would be realistic that even the most mangy, starving bandit would be able to flawlessly parry and riposte when your weapon/warfare skill is very low.
That's neither realistic or fun. Fighting an opponent worse than you doesn't suddenly make you a better fighter and it definitely wouldn't magically improve your dexterity and reflexes like it does for enemies in this game.
At least it stops happening once you've gotten your weapon skills and Warfare skill up a bit.
Buy because I didn't trust myself to not fuck up and I have no family, hobbies or other prospects to spend money on other than gaming
Theresa DLC is confirmed so there's that.
If you clinch/masterstrike before start hitting you can get combos going ezpz. It helps being higher level but learning2play is always more important.
and its beautiful
Tfw had to reinstall the game on ssd since endless loadings are making hdd nuts and literally ruining muh immersion. Was worth it tho
Are there any quests in the game that will go on without you that isnt obvious like "Meet them tonight".
You call that learning2play? Abusing clinch + hitting them? It's not exactly rocket science.
I'd argue it's a crutch and you're actually not learning to feint, perfect block etc that way.
I found the recipe for the bane poison early on from a treasure map and from then killing became really trivial.
in 30 hours ive never seen a bandid do a masterstrike what are you on about? and I just started grinding levels with Bernard in after the ginger quest.
What levels do my strength and warfare need to be before I have a realistic chance of taking out gangs of enemies without resorting to cheesing? I'm fairly early on and I've just now gotten to the point where I feel comfortable in any 1v1, but I'm still pretty well fucked the moment a second bandit comes into the equation.
Well, yes since you need to dodge and perfect block (if you cant masterstrike) to reliably clinch without the enemy bashing your head in when you try to get close. You can also start combos by feinting btw.
not bandits but cumins do it all the time, even with str at 13, sword and warfare levels at 10
Musterious ways, main quest
hard to say because bandits have wildly varying equipment and skill levels
at level 7-8 you can confidently beat the bandit quests Bernard gives you, and you can take on the Cumans as well
I've got over 250 hours in the finest Turkish mountain blading simulator and the sack of shit with the seax on the road back to Skalitz during the introductory chapter still took me five minutes because he would perfectly parry every strike and then riposte, even turning a swing of his own into a feint twice to perform a parry.
Once I got my weapon and Warfare skills up a little, this silly shit never happened again (unless they were proper veteran soldiers of course). After you get access to dodging and perfect blocks, it's possible to win 1v3s if you position yourself well and have your weapon/Warfare skill somewhere around 10.
A lot. The game wants you to fight as little enemies you can at once.
Think I might be passed that. Im investigating the limping dudes death
Yeah, it's one of the few instances where I think the gameplay gets sacrificed for the realism, though. For the most part I love how you have to earn every little thing, but early game combat is tiresome. Same goes for lockpicking. I don't mind the difficulty as much as I hate how incredibly easy it is to break your lockpicks when they're not exactly easy to come by, and having the luxury to save the game before your attempts is a chore unto itself.
lockpicking, at least on pc, is incredibly easy
>I've got over 250 hours in the finest Turkish mountain blading simulator
You and me brotha
>and the sack of shit with the seax on the road back to Skalitz during the introductory chapter still took me five minutes because he would perfectly parry every strike and then riposte
What the fuck. Those bandits in Skalitz literally couldn't handle 3 pokes to the head
KCD is a much better game than these two, that's why.
the lock picking, sword sharpening and pocket picking mini games are all pure cancer in this game and the former two require an expert drummer's level of coordination while the latter requires the patience of a saint
as the son of a lord's blacksmith, well fed and kept warm, clean and sheltered all his life into early adulthood while working at skilled manual labour through his teens, Henry would be far larger, healthier, stronger and fitter than the vast majority of other peasants in the game, realistically speaking. except for some reason hes not and looks a bit retarded mentally and physically instead
for anyone in the thread having trouble with the tiresome "will-this-attack-hit-or-will-this-peasant-turn-my-sword-around-and-stick-it-up-my-hoop" combat, just abuse the unlocked slashing bug until you grind up enough combat levels to make the game fun. youtube.com
Like everything else in the game, your stats are compared to your opponent's stats.
So for regular bandits you're probably looking at competing with 5 or 6 warfare and defense. Endgame bandits (in the main quest) are probably double that.
>proceed to effortlessly slaughter the first bandit encampment in prebitslavitz (or whatever), taking on as many as 5-6 at the same time
True it helps that their AI spazzes out and they occasionally stop dead in their tracks, but it's still really easy if you have good armor.
Stay on your horse and pick them off with arrows
Anyone found a fix for the Robber Baron quest? The game won't register me killing him