FPS is dead
FPS is dead
Shit bland game gl
FPS is very much alive
damn so dead
there aren't any good arcade shooters anymore
cod went to shit long time ago and battlefield lost its identity
all that is left is either hero shooters or milsims
no happy medium
Good fuck shooter try hard cunts running around screaming like children 12 year old faggots
OP is just bootyblasted that his shitty CoD Promod clone built around espurts fucking died like it deserved too.
FPS is alive
>before big data era on the internet
>"oh cool, there are like a dozen servers to choose from, this game is pretty hot!"
>after big data era on the internet
>"whaaaaat, less than 10000 players at a time?!?!?! dead game, no reason to buy or play, and i best invest my time and effort in convincing others to ignore it"
Player counts were a mistake.
They really managed to drive people away with the servers being shit and contant crashing.
>play meme game
>it's actually pretty good
>probably gonna be dead on arrival
Dirty Bomb
Wow, it died faster than Battleborn and even Lawbreakers
Squad only gets new life whenever OWI decides to get off their lazy asses and actually put out an update.
bought this a while ago, i play red orchestra/ rising storm alot so i thought this is nice aswell.
i feel like a headless chicken in this game and always wonder where the frontline is. when i get into action it always disolves quickly either one side being killed or running away so the frontline is gone for the next minutes. am i doing something wrong? i mean i like slow fps but fucking hell this is another level
no it didn't
And 200 ping, and maps having weird sound effects (like very loud crashing/burning sounds in areas where there isn't crashing or burning).
Its not dead. Its early access, they'll market it to shit when its done, and it will pick up again.
Also how can you call a game with 1k+ people online at the same time every day "dead" is beyond me. Its not a 500vs500 game.
hope this battle royal garbage dies out this year
i am still mad about legacy paragon not being developed because of this
The amount of fun you have in Squad is directly proportional to the quality of your squad leader.
A good squad leader will know how to keep his squad always doing something important (which might be boring at times but usually necessary)
A bad squad leader is just as much of a headless chicken as you feel you are.
>Its not dead. Its early access, they'll market it to shit when its done, and it will pick up again.
Actually apparent on leddit they have said that they are thinking about pulling the game down for 6 months and then re-releasing it at a higher price.
>meanwhile on the steam forums
>"waaaaa why doesn't this game run at 60fps max settings 1080p on my gtx 1050 ti"
What makes me think the hardest, is the fact that people have their entire boxer collection up in their crack when an EA game has problems. Literally says it on the tin it's not finished.
That said. It was pretty bad.
You are a brainlet
stick with your squadleader, he probably isn't
>proceeds to destroy the game
They're releasing the rework on that bag of dicks? Time to quit forever (again).
cod4 2018 edition with mods and dedicated servers. its not fucking hard when will a dev do it and put actishit to shame
>losing 90% of your players base in less than a month
>not dead
this game is just WW2 Counterstrike. What were they thinking?
>EA early CoD trash
I'll stick to RO2 and Day of Infamy, thanks.
dont play shit like battalion then
>all the games that are popular you can't stand
>PUBG, shit
>Fortnite, shit
>CS:GO, shit compared to former entries
>MOBAs, shit
>Overwatch, shit
>TF2, rip dying
what do I play fuck
Tarkov is very alive.
hunt > tarkov
>can't stand
>translation: I suck at all the popular games and don't have any friends to play with
Stick to single player, kiddo
Can I play it for free now?
Great atmosphere, ruined by a generic squad based FPS concept, i like Hunt but i prefer Tarkov for the STALKAN experience.
good games?
>implying Tarkov isnt much worse
I guess we're not considering PUBG as an FPS now?
I think you are the problem, user. How about you stop being a whiny bitch and enjoy vidya?
what game?
matchmaking was the real mistake
with community servers 1k players is totally playable and alive. with ranked or "internal mmr" matchmaking it's not. and people assume all games want to be sOyverwatch
I'm really enjoying RS2 Vietnam and Day of Defeat.
I heard Squad is good too, worth picking up?
Also play a game of KF2 from time to time.
Titanfall 2 was a lot of fun for a while as well.
Is that the beast hunting game? How is it? Still EA shit?
PUBG is cancer.
It's spooky as fuck
Are the monsters bullet sponges?
No it's not. You're just a nigger who plays shit games.
I play Overwatch too
>Make a shitty promod clone
>Fill it with bunnies
>Add cosmetics because (((reasons)))
>Make map so small that you can basically wank at your spawn and cum straight on enemy spawn
>Only one gun is meta
>Fuck the remaining guns
>No anticheat
>Crappy sounds
>Forget the reason of why promods failed
>Release the game anyway
I wonder how,I wonder why
What's with that nigga music in the trailer?
The bosses, yeah, but they have some weakpoints or some get hurt a lot by fire.
Most of the monsters can be killed with one headshot or two shots to the body but there's two types where you need 5 or more shots, depending on what gun you have. There's also some kinda witch that has a bee-hive in her body and those bees will attack you,