Mononobe no Futo is a nice girl. She gathered all occult orbs just to wish for a plate

Mononobe no Futo is a nice girl. She gathered all occult orbs just to wish for a plate.

Futo is fukken shit dude.

There's nothing wrong with Futo, certainly.

obligatory watching

I back this up


Wow, what a little shit. She needs punishing.

Byakuren is a fucking fraud who continues to blatantly lie to and cheat the villagers, as seen in latest WaHH. She also rejected Miko's perfectly safe solution to the Urban Legend incident because she wanted the glory of "solving" it all to herself. And then she didn't solve shit anyway.

Her temple burning down would help everyone.

>Burning down a temple with humans still in it
Stop deflecting, Futo is a shit and so is Miko for tolerating her shitty behaviour.
Not much of a surprise considering the company she keeps (i.e. Seiga), but whatever.


There are humans training/visiting/staying at the temple, dumbass.

whats the current touhou girls power ranking?

Hot Topic

Okina > everyone else.

Most of whom are suicidal/mentally ill, according to Akyuu.

Your favorite during an incident caused by her.

Reimu has never caused an incident, fool.

A true hero

Nobody has Reimu as their favourite -- that's like saying Mario, or Liu Kang is your favourite when you have such a cool and interesting cast. You pick the boring red one? Jeez

>saves people from a fake religion
>she does it for FREE
>still bullied

I disagree, Reimu a cute and a best


Akyuu is near Aya tier in terms of reliability and integrity. Almost all her pieces are wildly exaggerated as demonstrated in the games themselves.

>tfw no shrine maiden will heal me from depression

>Saves from a fake religions
>Imposes a different fake religion
>Still burns people

I'm going to lick her thighs

She deserves lots of headpats.

How the fuck is Reimu boring if most of the time the fanbase is bitching about how much of a raging asshole she is and how she’s bitter and indifferent to almost everything? I mean shit Reimu isn’t even close to my favorite but to compare her to fucking Mario or Liu Kang?


Mononobe no Futo is youkai filth

Read the Symposium. It's Byakuren who mentions Yamame's comments on her human disciples, which Akyuu then explains. It's not Akyuu's claim.

Describe Yukari Yakumo in 3 or less words

I have read it, it doesn't describe them as depressed, just that the underground youkai cause problems.

fat big mac

yukari yakumo

Her thighs belong to the Crown Prince only.

Scheming manipulative cunt



old and busted

What's the worst touhou game and why is it UFO? Shitty gameplay gimmick, no memorable characters or bullet patterns. Not to mention Nue is a huge letdown of a boss.


Your mom is a huge letdown

why the hate user?

You can stop pretending ten desires had any memorable 2hus.

Semen slurping sage
This also applies to the other sages

If toaism is fake then how do hermits exist?
Also being a person in Gensokyo is like asking to be dead
t. Mokou

abuses her shikigami

Buddha has been observed and Bishamonten exists.


That is a slanderous lie. Yukari loves her shikigami and her shikigami's shikigami.

1. Hecatia
2. Mooncuties
3. everyone else

I love these little shits.

>how much of a raging asshole she is and how she’s bitter and indifferent to almost everything?

Another boring sage boss like Byakuren, Junko, Cupgirl and the newest games final boss.

>no memorable characters
I really wish that wasnt the case

17 year old

>No memorable characters
Go on [s4s] and go see how badly Kogosa wants to show you her umbrella boobs.

Shou is unironically my favorite 2hu. I love her and no one knows she exists.



At least you're not the Wriggle Nightbug fan.

I love Nazrin though, she's not forgettable.


Shou's is unironically my favorite stage 5 boss. It pains me she's not as popular as most of the other stage 5s

Thats funny because thats also me


I won't let you get away with this.

>not liking the bug

Irrelevant, ousted in terms of power by her technical inferior, and she doesn't even adhere to the tenets of the faith she's supposed to represent.


where are touhou boys ?


Nazrin, Kogosa and Irchirin are all memorable. Ichirin more for Unzan than her own boring design.

Byak only became memorable because she has big titties in the fighting games which means 2hu fans interpret this as her being Gensokyo's canon cow.

Why would you bully such a cute girl?

What's a boy?


Human village.


Least cared about 2hu of all time, resembles a boy. Mystia is also also equally as shit tier. Despite the popularity IN has a lot of who gives a fuck characters.

I have no idea why I love her, and I hadn't even paid much attention to her when DDC came out, but at some point I just fell in love. Why is she so great?

You get a turtle, a cloud, and a filthy half-breed.

I don't care about Mystia at all, but my brain finds her colour scheme extremely pleasant.

>Why is she so great?
She just is.


Stop bullying the INs

please explain


>Not because she's Buddhist Youkai Jesus
>Or for hinting that Shinki is still a thing in Windows canon

Stop eating people and selling shit food.

Nah Kiene is also shit

She. Just. Is.

>Buddhist Youkai Jesus
She's neither Buddhist nor Jesus-like. She isn't even a youkai, technically.

The True Villain

No, it's because she has boobs and 2hu fans look for validation to give character huge boobs.


whos this qtpie?

The catfish from Hisotensoku.

She turned herself ageless with magic. That's pretty literally youkai.


Just love her even more already?

>2hu fans look for validation to give character huge boobs
pic related, she's actually Shiki Eiki tier flat.

See this? This is the worst IN, the absolute worst.