Click on pot to eat

>click on pot to eat
>loading screen
>go talk to trader
>loading screen
>select trade
>put items to sell
>click haggle
>loading screen

>not having an SSD in 2018

>Enter house
>No loading screen
>Ride a horse across massive open world
>No loading screens

Buy a SSD or stop playing it on console

theyre loading screens?
Kind of just thought they were fade in/outs

still better than skyrim where you cant even enter another room without a loading screen.

>get arrested for lock picking
>20 minute loading screen

They didn't have SSDs in the middle ages, this is bullshit

>Don't bother optimizing your game because you're an amateur developer.
>Retarded fanbase blames your hardware to defend your amateur hour game on a swedish basket weaving and low res photography meet-up.

>Loading screens

>dat damage control

>talk to NPC
>loading screen
>finish talking to NPC
>loading screen
>watch cutscene
>loading screen

If the game didn't have redeeming value no one would be defending it.

>pause the game
>it freezes for 20+ seconds
>it freezes again.

Literally every other game ever made has been able to do common character interactions without a load. Having to take two seconds to load up the dialogue interface in a game composed largely of dialogue is ridiculous.

>If you don't pay 60 dollars and a SSD for an unfinished buggy alpha shit you deserve to sufer, because this is a SJW BTFO masterpiece

the absolute state of this board

whoever thought of the save system needs to die from cancer. Got in a infinite conversation loop with a npc making me lose hour+ of gameplay. This game has so much fluff bullshit like having to eat, sleep, save system. Developers want to spruce up the illusion that the game isn't this small map game with shit gameplay lol.

What's worse - 1 second loading screen in dialogues or 25 second loading screen every time you enter a building?

25 second loading screen in dialogues.

>need a special item to save the game
>sometimes the game doesn't even save automatically after finishing a quest
>lose at least 2 hours of gameplay

Better yet when combined with:
>devs don't want you to beat a certain grunt at a certain time int he game
>make him literally the strongest character in the game capable of killing you in three hits
>you spend 30 minutes taking down his trio of thugs one by one
>get to him in a 1v1
>he instantly kills you because the devs need him for a future quest
>lose from 30min to 3 hours of gameplay

you know you can save by sleeping for 2+ hours too right? those items are for saving away from a bed

>barely started the game
>did no side content I can think of
>patrolling with nightingale
>sit down to play some dice
>"Look everyone, Henry's come to visit!"
>"God bless you, Henry."
>"Good day to you, Henry."
>every fucking villager
What did I do for these people?

The game really at once suffers for and excels by Vavra's singular directorial vision. The game is ambitious as fuck with cinematic flair and strong, authentic atmosphere, but its also full of completely bizarre design decisions. The save system is one that serves only to be a huge inconvenience for no logical purpose, but other things like the UI, the horrid perk balancing, the idiotic combo system, and the bafflingly useless speech stat discovery system just make one question if the team could have used someone to second guess the director and polish some of the rougher gameplay systems.

>talk to archery master
>start little archery competition
>shoot 3 arrows
>archery master: "Hey look, it's Henry!"

Jesus Christ the shilling is out of control

>Meet wayfarer knight
>Duel with him
>Win or lose, kill him and take his shit
>Do it over and over
>Make a lot of money

Being called Sir Knight is also pretty dope

Toaster problems.
But answer me these questions three:

WHY are there no children anywhere in the game world?
WHY the fuck do the Rattay guards keep attacking me out of nowhere for no reason even after paying fines.
WHO decided that your romance with Theresa should end the second you fuck her, and why can't you choose to marry her like a good Christian?

>"sandbox" game
>devs put unkillable enemy NPCs in quests
>"bro, you can just turn around, walk for 5 min to the city, and sleep in a bed to save before starting the fight"

racist game

>Arrive in Rattay for the first time
>Go poaching deer for 15 mins
>Sell the meat to the apothecary
>Buy every single saviour schnaps in town
>Still got tons of meat and silver left over
>Have a feast
>Use left over silver to buy a horse and a 4 bag saddle
>Next day go poaching again
>Come back with 4x the meat
>Make 15k
>Rinse & repeat

that's because the Skalitz people start off with good reputation, and Rattay has Skalitz refugees roaming about it.

Problem is that those animals don't respawn, so you'll eventually run out of groschen. And food.

Do the bandits respawn?

has anyone combined wounding arrows with poison?

Putting children in the game would have made it impossible to sell in some places, due to the violence. Wouldn't be so bad, only the game directly calls attention to their conspicuous absence by asking you to drive a woman and her kid away from the German's house. But there's only the woman. They probably forgot to change the script.

If you mean the ones in the camps in the wilderness, nope. They will SOMETIMES spawn as an encounter on the road, but that's only while fast traveling I think.

Before you cry and bitch about the saving, try to understand that savescumming has always will ruin all RPG's because it takes away any measure of consequence from the players actions.
You don't think twice about anything you do when you can just save and load at a whim. It's by no means a perfect way to limit it, but it's better than a standard save/load.
Once save on exit is in, that is 90% of any saving related problems gone.

Meanwhile I would personally have liked to see more in-game methods of saving, like praying at reconciliation crosses and wayshrines. That would give them an extra purpose.

they do, but the leaders do not. if you do the sidequests for clearing out the leaders then it does prevent them from respawning

It was really neat when I was accosted by a knight trying to impress his mother by being all knightly and trying to duel me.

Only after dueling him and taking all his money, I met him in another location and he and Henry acted like nothing ever happened. I hope this isn't a regular occurrence.

They didn't.
You get into a fistfight with the Deutsch's son seconds after.
How the hell did you manage to forget that.

Sup Forumsshit isn't "redeeming value"

>putting children in the game would have made it impossible to sell in some places
Skyrim seemed to have no problem with children in a violent world.

Savescumming is a matter of personal choice. And frankly, in a game with as many bugs as this game, frequent, player-controlled saving seems hardly game breaking.

I understand the intent, but it should have been a selectable mode at best, not the only way of playing without mods.

agreed and amplified, comrade
there is no place for fascist, racist, or bigot in video games

It would be alright if the autosave ticked in more and there were save zones/unlimited saving in the wild (like in final fantasy).

>You get into a fistfight with the Deutsch's son seconds after

Well that's just even more confusing, since only Deutsch's wife was there and only she left when I spoke to her.

The best way to handle it is to make kids invincible.

Eating from pots basically made the nourshment meter null.

>Anyone who likes this game is a nazi

This is your brain on propaganda folks

The Bohemians sound have been more open to Chuman cultural exchange, I bet they had nice food.

Why do people say this game is challenging?

struck a nerve, huh?

It's really bizarre, too, because you don't even have to pay for it.

Today I was riding down a road towards Sasau.
An armored man by the roadside called to me.

He said he was a mercenary and that a trader had hired his services, he was waiting for the merchant to arrive so they could leave together. He felt that since I looked capable and he was bored, we could fight and have a friendly wager while doing so.

I said yes, and bet 50 groschen.

The fight started, and I proceeded to bring down my mace in an overhead swing, directly onto the top of his helmet, thereby shattering his skull and brain. He fell to the ground shaking eerily for a few seconds, then passed this this earthly plane. Shocked, I looked around to make sure no one had seen me. Then I lifted the body onto my shoulders and proceeded down a small slope. I hid him in a bush near a pond. No one would find him there.

While my armor was quite good, he was wearing a beautiful black and dark gold padded vest over his armor. I took it, as I had technically won the wager and he was in no position to pay me anyhow. He didn't even have 50 groschen with which to pay me, in any case. I left off, saddled my horse and continued on my way. A few moments later I passed a merchant on the same road. I spurred on my horse and left in a hurry.

Let it be known before God and man that I committed no wrong.

You tresspass, but tresspassing and being in private areas affects nothing.

The loading screens are so, so annoying in this game. I really enjoy everything else about it, but it is so crazy that I have to sit there for up to ten seconds just to talk to a person.

>And frankly, in a game with as many bugs as this game, frequent, player-controlled saving seems hardly game breaking.
this is the argument i have about the saving in the current state of the game. it's buggy the restricted saves can be a pain in the ass and despite planning ahead properly you can still get fucked over because of the bugs. if they manage to fix this then i'll be perfectly okay with the save system

If the games "redeeming value" is a watered down version of a 2-decade old franchise that does the exact same thing much better then its hardly worth defending.

Why anyone defends this amateur hour shit is completely beyond me. I understand being hopeful for the future since this game somehow manged to succeed (Dumbfucks eat up mountains of shit stop the presses) But pretending this rookie shot is of any serious quality is the definition of delusion.

>Hungarian "food"
So how do you like your paprika? With paprika or with extra paprika?

hi leddit

fuck off racist piece of shit

90 percent of rpgs save spamming or not does for the game. The few survival rpgs out there like breath of fire dragon quarter or survivial horror games in general its appropriate to not allow the player save whenever to keep the tension going and decide whether to use consumables or not. Games like kingdom come and baldurs gate its just a annoyance that adds nothing to the games enjoyment.

It's a flawed game that tells a good story and gives a great experience.
Rather than AAA+ titles which are flawed games that tells shitty stories and gives bad experiences.

People will put up with occasional bugs if they are entertained. Something big name studios are entirely unable to grasp.

With goulash.

To be fair, there is no fucking reason there should be a loading screen for a second just to load some audio and text.

Never thought this meme would become retroactively relevant.

>loading to talk
What? Like Artificial Academy?

A fade to black is that much of a bother to you?

I was being sarcastic, making fun of people who only also bring up food when arguing for multiculturalism. Also to my knowledge the cumans were central asian Turks, not Magyars. Lastly I do enjoy goulash.

>doing the murder mystery main quest, looking for the runaway stable boy
>head north on the main road
>see a little encampment on the should, pull over with my newly acquired horse to see what's up
>there's nobody, just a chest
>not even locked
>open it up
>it's literally a knight's full kit, each piece worth over 1k groscens, some over 2k
>completely pristine, 100 durability
>steal it
>expect to have a tough time fencing it all
>none of the equipment has the stolen tag
>it literally had no owner
>I can wear it with zero consequence
>I'm basically invincible now

What the fuck, this ruins the game. I'm honestly considering dumping this shit back in the wilderness.

excellent game

>wants to be historically accurate
>is basically a We wuz kangs: Czech edition.

I get the feeling like that shit is only supposed to be in the game when you have the quest that sends you to the camp. I think they forgot to do that.

Deutsch's son is at least a teenager, probably around Henry's age. How old is Henry anyway? Somewhere between 16 and 20?

They are just fades
OP is a moron

>Also to my knowledge the cumans were central asian Turks, not Magyars
They were Magyars. They lived in the Urals, then settled in the Carpathian Basin and founded the principality of Hungary.
When the mongols came, they were driven into central Europe.

multiple people in-game acknowledge that Wenceslaus IV was a fairly shit ruler though

How do I stop getting riposted every time I attack?

You have to remember during that age, you were considered an adult around 16, but in the eyes of most people you remained a kid until you married.

What's the verdict Sup Forums? is it worth $60? wait till it's on sale? pirate?

The game is on my ssd, you cunt.

Don't attack, let them attack and then riposte them.

>"they are just fades that last a proportional amount of your processing power, not loading screen"

>he doesnt have an ssd

Guess I missed out on that shit. I had basically no armour until shortly before fighting runt. I purposely let Radzig's men die in the assault on Prizlyzzthzchzh so I could loot their shit and gear up while they were fighting.

I'd wait until either a sale or patch unless you're big into history or story focused RPGs. It's immersive as fuck and if you can get past the jank the combat can actually be pretty fun, bugs and the save system are a pain though.

Seriously? I just found it on the side of the road heading North East from Neuhof. It's not like it was hidden at all. Is it some kind of quest reward for a late game thing? Because fuck, what an oversight.

>no loading screen
>pop pop pop innnnn

I actually prefer a save system that can't be abused so I'm not worried about that, does it crash a lot for you?

Does this happen on SSDs?


no crashes, but I've been stuck and had to reload a save a couple times. got trapped in a doorway and a cutscene wouldn't trigger after playing dice with the town guard in Rattay.

those things are overpriced memes.
is it a requirement now to run games that are ass and developed poorly?

You people all forget one important thing.
That early in the game, you don't have the required strength to wear the armor. This means that if you equip it, you actually disadvantage yourself severely.

You take more damage, you more slower, your stamina drains faster when hit. You're gimping yourself because you think it's based on Skyrim rules. So yes you can get a full set of gear, no problem. But if you put it on immediately instead of gradually as you become stronger, you fuck yourself.

I've seen so many youtubers playing this and not understanding why the game becomes harder once they have plate armor on. It's fucking tragic. And it's the same with weapons. Not enough skill, you swing slowly, you can't block properly and you do no damage.

thanks I think I'll take your advice and at least wait until it's on GOG

But that is instantly fixed with one or two practice duels against Captain Bernard.

Is this the Sonic 06 of WRPGs?

my game actually stopped launching after the 4th time I had to reload the same save because of bugs
this is more broken than vanilla stalker

that's Risen

Yeah you bet
Literally unplayable, another TORtanic, we did it reddit

Not even close.

Install it on an SSD and all of those are gone.