What went so horribly wrong?
What went so horribly wrong?
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Fighting games are pretty shit and simple desu.
No fighting game can have a healty life spam on pc it seem.
Low skill ceiling. Boring to watch. Boring to play.
BTFO eternally by SFV
Fighting game scenes thrive more on console than PC.
>but Sup Forums begs them to be simpler
But this is BIG TEKKEN we're talking about. The most popular fighting series of all time. There must be some mistake, amigos.........
says a lot given SFV is shit
mustard race doesnt play fighting games
only people who play fighting games are niggers and gooks
and those people do not play on PC
go on steamchart t7 has about 3,000 players right nao
>People can't even be bothered to check OP is lying faggot
Sitting at around 1,200 on steam which is pretty solid over the long term for a fighting game on PC. Still can find matches very quickly.
actual numbers, plus PS4 is usually the go to console for FGC fags
Thats still pretty terrible.
Dont be fooled. we still strong boyos
But this is great for a fighting game, the only one with numbers over that is DBFZ.
good try for a thread OP it was fun before the no fun allowed namcops sniffed it out
Fuck off shill
>buying a non americoon car
I don't think so
It's the best version.
lol tekken 7 beating SFV in 24 hours
>playing the console version
beat it kid
>want to support aris but want something in return that's more tangible than a "don't talk to me, muchas garcias"
>all his shirts are trash
Tekken fucking sucks to play as a newbie
t.salty SF stoner
>60 fps and no mods anyway
>wtf y u not play mustard version
top tanyer t shirt coming thru
no it doesn't retard, it was literaly my first fightan and I managed to get stuck in green in no time
>Relying on outright lies for bantz.
Absolute state of SFV niggers
It's Tekken, the shittiest of fighting games
>want to support aris but want something in return that's more tangible than a "don't talk to me, muchas garcias"
How about the entertaining content he puts out huh?
I already get that for free.
So why support him then? The "dont talk to me" is literally why people want to watch and support him
The top 10 games on steam need to be deleted. It's the only way this will stop happening.
on to an actually dead game
Mexicans don't play games on PC, so of course it's dead.
There was a top 10 long before people thought "Tortanic" meant "Doesn't have a billion players".
still better than mvci
only edgy contrarians care about Tekken
I considered getting Tekken 7 but held off, and now Soul Calibur 6's been announced so I'll get that instead.
or how about the game i took the image in the OP from which is an even bigger flop
>want to play tekken but don't care enough to learn KBD
I don't think it's that much more popular on PS4, Tekken is just niche, Tag 2 did pretty poorly on PS3 for example
three directional inputs are too much for you?
KBD is a meme 2bh
i'm a genbu yoshi and have never done it once outside of styling on people
It's not really something you learn, it's something you practice. The theory of it is super simple: bb, d/b, b. It's all just developing muscle memory. You don't even need it as a beginner at all. Most people online at the most populated ranks can't do it yet either.
PC is just awful for fightan in general. Crossplay is a must if you want it to succeed.
>Fighting games on PC
>best selling fighting game series of all time
>people acting like the current tekken playerbase on steam isn't solid
The question is, will Soul Calibur 6 have crossplay or will Sony be jewish again?
It's not the 90's anymore, Tag 2 bombed, Bamco admitted it
It won't. For sure it won't. But it will still have a decent amount of people online on steam, just like Tekken. It'll be fine. You don't need 2 mil active players to find a game quickly, it's a one on one game. All you need is one other person in your region.
same with a lot of fps, why is this. Seeing good games with dead playerbases makes me profoundly sad in a weird way
>fags from Sup Forums can actually see difference between Tekken and Street Fighter
EZ to play hard to master.
>7 months in Tekken 7
>still don't understand the random code bs on tekken forums for controls
>game has no tutorial
Oh well, patricians get good from playing matches only without labbing.
>It's not the 90's anymore, Tag 2 bombed, Bamco admitted it
So? T7 is pretty sucessfull it sold over 2.5 million
>noticing the difference between 2D and 3D fighting is Sup Forums shit
Dumb wojak poster.
Lmfao what is this? Are you underaged or do you actually believe sony cockblocked tekken 7 crossplay when they literally have nothing to do with the development?
Bamco literally just doesn't give a fuck to implement it.
unironically yes
Maybe I have weakass hands/wrists but tekken is the only fighting game where I have some pain after playing it
if it's not important until much later, what do I learn as a newer player instead?
>can't pick a main
>can't figure out what I'm good at and what I suck at, don't know what to focus on
I've only gotten as far as green ranks with Josie, Paul, Alisa, and M Raven but I'm not really feeling any of them anymore. I was trying King for a while but he doesn't seem to fit me very well and I don't know why. Even after learning how to apply his more practical throws and mixing in mids he just feels awkward to play. Sucks cause he looks cool. I'm considering moving to Yoshi but he might be too unorthodox for me. Doesn't help that I've only recently switched to stick so my skills aren't as sharp at the moment. Don't know what to do.
can you hit back twice? can you sometimes try sidestepping after? congrats you're now yellow rank
Why would they? There's no real benefit to it.
it's literally just abbreviated directions and numbers for the attacks
Anything that isn't "early access" goes to the shitter
Thanks gabe for helping pushing this shitty practice
Why are developers so against cross platform??
I have played tekken for years and i built a new pc two months before tekken 7 came out so naturally i wanted to try it on my computer and of course i saw que times get slower and slower
>demoted out of blue ranks multiple times
There's no hope for me in this game
>some dead genre anime shit with forgettable characters
>some dead genre anime shit with forgettable characters 3D
who do you play?
I really don't understand how this can happen to anyone with 10 working fingers
I'd never played Tekken online in my life but on release week I win-streaked my way all the way to Grand Master as Kang without learning any of his throws, and never left blue since then
>Why are developers so against cross platform??
One: they are not it's the console manufacturers
Two; PC players (not saying all but the 'playerbase as a whole) cannot be trusted as they shit up any and all communities
Bamco are cheap and don't care.
You have 1 (one) fucking dlc character in Tekken and it's 3/4 of a year now.
Mustard race is not the place for fighting games
>take Tekken
>remove all the content from the game
>throw in some shitty story mode
>give everyone Tekken Tag 1 tier "endings"
>focus completley on online
>surprised that everyone has dropped it
This is a game series that once gave you Tekken 1-3 packaged with Tekken 5. Now you barely get anything. Worst Tekken to date by a fucking mile.
It's literally the best place for fighting games.
I jumped around with different characters for a while before I picked Shaheen because I heard he was straightforward and having a slide seemed cool
well beyond the fact I'm obviously fucking terrible, I don't think people on release week are going to be anywhere near as good as people now, even if it's the bottom ranks
The Yo Man is the patricians choice
Fortnite "accidentally" turned on cross platform play more than once. Its just something forced by Sony and MS.
What are arcades
Dead everywhere but Riceland.
That's what i meant by "console manufacturers" as i couldn't be arsed saying nintendo sony and microsoft
I really hope he looks cool in SoulCal 6. I'm not a fan of his Tekken 7 design.
Same, but I love playing as him in Tekken 7. Most fun I've had with him since SoulCal 2.
Do you know his combos? Are you block and whiff punishing?
>whiff punishing
I do my best
>block punishing
I'm fucking awful at this because I have no idea what's punishable with what. Like I just learned that Asuka's elbow move is launch punishable. Unless it's a really obvious animation like a blocked sweep, everything seems lighting fast on block. I just default to using 2,1 or 4,1 to punish thinga
How do I git gud with Nina?
I don't know Shaheen at all but stick with the basic 10 frame punish if you're unsure. Try 12 frame and launches once in a while too. Never hurts to test stuff out. Also try to stay moving whenever possible. I don't know what else to really without knowing Shaheen but keep practicing and you will get better. Some people improve slower than others and that's fine, just stick with it if you want to git gud.
no it's not. it looks just as bad but hating on capcom is more fun I guess
I gave a custom female character in SC5 his moves just for this pose
I don't see how ~2k players at bad for a 1v1 fighting game.
fighting games will need to evolve or die.
>every competitive genre is dying
>>>"esports" bigger than ever
>can't do a shoryuken to save their life.
Play your fuckin Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Wii U Edition, I'm waiting
He has a few good ones.
GTA one
Classic logo one
I think weed culture shit is dumb but the green herb one is p funny to me anyway.