Sup nerds, havent played WoW since Cata...

Sup nerds, havent played WoW since Cata, but Battle for Azeroth made me interested in the game again for the first time in years.
Is it a good idea to buy Legion now and just get in the groove of nu-WoW while waiting for the next expansion, or is it pretty much pointless since everyone has done all the content already?

Also, anyone tried those meme key sites like Kinguin or G2A?Fuck paying full price for Legion considering its towards its end, but im scared that im gonna get scammed by some Russian blyat if i buy a key from those sites?

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No. Stop being retarded. Go shill elsewhere.

Nah, Legion was trash


I think Legion is the best state WoW has been in when I look at it objectively from my perspective as a casual PvPer. Gear templates emphasize player skill, strategy and tactics, and PvP talents are great.

The magic has definitely worn off. Some of my best memories of classic, TBC and WotLK were leveling with my friends and world PvP with them. Now, leveling and world PvP are crazy broken, and all of my friends grew up so I'm alone if I want to play at all.

That's my perspective, everyone enjoys WoW differently.

Im in the same boat. I played the beggining of legion and quit. I got a month to try again but the game is so bad. I just have to wait it out until battle for azeroth

is there even world pvp anymore?
i mean, it was more or less gone in TBC and WotLK already, but it still happened now and then...I stopped at Cata and at that point it was pretty much non-existent


BfA seems to be bringing world pvp back with warfronts and not being able to turn pvp off except in cities.

from point of view of someone who doesn't look for it, 99% of people avoid world pvp, just killing stuff and trying not to hit eachother, unless someone really wants to gank someone, but you can just go away or hop to another server/mirror. In, TBC you wouldnot avoid that on dailies, so you did them in pvp gear ready to fight even as primary pve player, but now it's pointless (and we have no pvp gear, but you get the point).

Legion was a step in the right direction especially up from warlords,minus the RNG of legendaries and titanforging. Artifacts were cool minus the grind early on. It seems they're taking feedback into consideration. Raids were really fun if youre into that and story was spicy if you also care for that. You're gonna get a lot of wow hate on this board though. If you care so many people are coming back for bfa that when preorders hit it broke their site.

BFA literally allows you to turn off world pvp if you wish, eliminating old server system and warfronts are huge pve scenarios made to look like warcraft 3 thing, unless they changed everything.

You can diable pvp on "pvp servers" yes but you can only opt in or opt out inside a city. If you opt into pvp then leave the city you will not un flag til you go back to a city and opt out.

Warfronts are literally 100% PvE.


>and we have no pvp gear

In case youaren't shillin, ye it's worth it.
Maybe not right now but may/june to bfa is enough time to get up to speed.

Are you alright?

but is it worth full price, or should i risk one of those questionable key sites?

pvp is bolstered so everyone is on an even playing field

wait, did they remove pvp gear?

>Is it a good idea to buy Legion now

Ehh on the one hand, I'd so go ahead, since there's catch up mechanics and you won't have to go through the AP grind like we did.

On the other hand, those Artifact weapons will soon be gone anyway, and since they're a focal part of Legion, I would just wait for next September.

it's honestly amazing the amount of subtle marketing this expansion is receiving. Just like Legion, they come out of nowhere and post about it for weeks on end.

>worth it
this is fucking hysterical.

Ehhhh kindaaa. You earn gear from PVP boxes yes, but like how PVE gear is scaled for PVP, any gear you earn from PVP is just PVE armor.

Also like any container in Legion, you have a chance of getting legendaries.

You mean talking about the expansion like anyone would because fans are interested in it and talking about it on video game forums meant for that?

Word of mouth being the oldest, and most simplest marketing tactic since the birth of trade hundreds of years ago?

go talk about it in the WoW general then, faggot. There's literally no reason to make a thread asking a question about WoW on Sup Forums when the general exists, except to bring attention to it.
sure. fuck off.

What about arena gear?



I don't know, I suck at Arena.

There's no difference between arena gear and battleground gear and dungeon gear except the way it looks. If you get above a certain rating in an arena season you get a cosmetic set which becomes unobtainable after the season ends.

>PvP is so bad player participation dropped more than 80%
>having everyone equal is good
>pvp talents great
>player skill mattering when buttons are 1,2,3 rotation
marketer or mouth breather?

90% of the games Sup Forums talks aboit have generals too, you autistic sperg, let's just close this board and move to /vg/ alltogether...

Holy shit, Sup Forums is now so used to shitty twitter screenshot, Sup Forumseddit bait and offtopic threads that people LITERALLY get butthurt when someone actually makes a game discussion thread.
The absolute state of this dogshit board

No wow sucks if anything wait for classic

Well thats just retarded
Guess ill stick to private servers until classic launches then

>marketers this mad that no one will buy the worst expansion yet
boohoo :(

>Trying to get Kin'garoth Mythic down
>Becoming extremely apparent that two of our healers are carrying hard
>Two others consistently doing 600-800k HPS while the ones carrying are doubling that
>One of those two has been in the guild literally sicne TBC

I know. the absolute state of this place.

Also I'm good at MM dps.

Also, that nigga's "shilling marketers" bait is now too obvious, just hide and ignore. He ain't getting any more (you)s.

Artefact weapons are probably the most retarded thing in all of WoW on par with LFR, Garrisons and Pandas

good choice. Legion is the worst expansion yet and battle for azeroth looks just as bad. WoW is pretty much dead and I bet they'll fuck classic up somehow.

Artifact weapons were one of the cooler things in Legion (the grind not included), all the different skins, and challenges, and traits were pretty neat. Best memory of Legion will be getting my first Artifact and leveling throughout my first adventures on the Broken Isles.

LFR honestly, while shit sometimes, is my go to for a "bored and wanna do something", as well as where I go to follow up on the plot, and do the Quests for said raid.

Garrisons were meh yeah, but it's great for leveling your professions.

Pandaren are thicc, and that's ok with me. That and their cool Asian aesthetic.

>is there even world pvp anymore?

I was playing on Tich, a very Horde-favored server. I don't know the exact stats, but seeing a fellow Alliance player was very rare. I remember counting Horde until I spotted another Ally, it was usually like, 7 to 1. I played the first 3-4 months of Legion, and came back to play around in Argus a bit when it came out.

I basically couldn't advance in Argus, since Horde killed me constantly, I just gave up on it fairly early on, since I am a casul pvper as I said. World PvP has 2 big problems: hugely inflated damage, and unkillable tanks. Practically everyone could 2 shot me. Tanks in world PvP are broken, like I said, having absurd HP, self-healing and/or mitigation. While they don't do as much damage as DPS, they'll still kill you pretty quick. They're shit in instanced PvP (except maybe 1 per team, as a flag carrier), since the templates nerf them hardcore.

I actually don't care if the enemy faction outnumbers me, in fact I find ganking large groups one at a time as a rogue or winning against bad odds very fun. But the damage inflation just made everything stupid, you don't care if you win or lose since people kill each other in globals. Honestly made me want to play on a PvE server for the first time and I played WoW since vanilla.

I mentioned leveling being broken, and I figure it's broken in the same way as world PvP. I realized this when I made a priest, and got SW:P at level 8 or whatever: it killed mobs in 2 ticks. I was grinding mobs without stopping while running around Teldrassil. I started pushing it a bit and seeing how dumb I could get, and soloing dungeons was very easy as a Disc priest. I got bored about Hellfire, but could solo every vanilla dungeon, I did notice a small difficulty spike while leveling in WotLK areas, in which people could actually potentially die while running an instance. As in, I would actually have to perform my queued job as healer, whereas previous to that we just facerolled.

i think artifacts would be fine if relics were simplified to ilvl boosts (or traits were more balanced) and were guaranteed additional drops from bosses.

Yeah, as i said, i stopped WoW mid-Cata, but BFA hyped my cuz of the setting and all the pirate shit, ive alway wanted a south seas themed expansions, but seems like the current state of Legion is not worth the money

Well the Pirate stuff is Kul'Tiras, and Alliance only.

If you're a hordie, you go to Zandalar, which is Meso-American shit.

I'm not looking forwards to the return of weapon durability, weapons break before armor is lower than 60%


>Battle for Azeroth made me interested in the game again for the first time in years.

Why exactly?

We'll surely avoid scurvy if we all eat an orange



i'm sure

Mane, i love trolls, but holy shit, all their zones and troll themes shit are so underwhelming and boring.Zul Gurub, Zul Drak, Zul Farak, Zul Aman, etc all look the same and all forgetable as fuck

can you even buy just the base game and latest expansion? I assumed you had to buy them all.

Zandalar looks very different to those zones. There's fucking solid gold T-rexes walking around.

You just buy the base game and latest expansion, every old expansion is rolled into the base game.

>>having everyone equal is good
As I said, I was a casual player. I don't like losing to people because their gear is better.

>>pvp talents great
I like that they allow for diversity in builds. Why do you think they are bad?

>>player skill mattering when buttons are 1,2,3 rotation
People have been saying this about WoW since I started playing it.

Warlords was far far worse than Legion. Cataclysm was also quite bad.

Well see the base game isn't just "vanilla" wow. It's WoW base plus ALL expansions up to the latest one.

Once BFA comes out, the buying base WoW will include all expansions up to Legion.

Only good thing about Warlords was the zones, the Grim Rail Depot Dungeon, the model updates, and that it was the expansion where I first hit Max level on a character.

wew lad, did you start WoW during MoP?

>People have been saying this about WoW since I started playing it.
lol and when is that? warlords? pvp talents are cookie cutter, and losing to players with better gear is way better than homogenizing the gameplay lmao

>burning crusade

Officially yes, unoffically, I think somewhere between BC and Wrath, but very very small time since the folks who introduced it to me weren't good at helping me get into it, and I was kinda turned off by the slow pace at the time. Mind you this was years ago.

MOP I came in, when I heard that WoW went F2P up to level 20, and did so on a Pandaren. Then I went up to BC with a Dwarf Hunter, and never touched that account again.

Then I came in for realsies during WoD, because that was back when Game Grumps was good, and had their official Guild which I wanted to be a part of. I made a Goblin Hunter, got him all the way to Level 100, and had a blast from there.

Before you ask, even the guild weren't fan's of their WoW videos where Ross got the Grumps to try WoW...from level 90.

>worst class design
>worst PvP
>AP grinding was awful until a year in
>developers literally don't listen to feedback because they think they know better
>subs dipped so bad they stopped reporting it
>PvE is diablo 3 styled loot system
>realms are so empty they had to "redesign" them aka reduce the total player cap in order to make worlds seem full
so how is Warlords worse than Legion again?

I started playing in 2006, shortly before TBC was released.

Classes were homogenized more by ability pruning and giving every class what is essentially a base list of abilities, as well as mobility creep. I liked that PvP talents allowed me to play as a fistweaver with spirit of the crane, if I wanted to, even if it wasn't as meta, it was fun. I don't think PvP talents or gear normalization homogenized it as the other factors I mentioned.

Serious lack of content

>subs dipped so bad they stopped reporting it
That actually happened in Warlords

>realms are so empty they had to "redesign" them aka reduce the total player cap in order to make worlds seem full
This one too

>First "content patch" for WoD was basicly garrisons fixes, juke box and SELFIE cam

All servers are pve servers now. Blizzard is bringing back world pvp by getting rid of it

I think wowcrendor best described it.

You know, I really liked building my garrison.
But then I realized my garrison looked exactly the same as everyone elses, quit 2 weeks after we killed Blackhand heroic

>All servers are pve servers now.

Because World PvP is completely busted and it desperately needed to be reworked. The average player in Legion has about 6 million HP. As a Sub Rogue, my biggest crits a close to 60 million with Shuriken combo Death from Above crits. World PvP is just fucked.

What they've done is revamped pvp talents, there is basically 4 basic slots added now. Those plus your normal pvp talents can be use in pve leveling if you have world pvp enabled. This seems fine and gives a reason for non pvp players to turn it on. Those who want to pvp will and those who don't, don't. Its a win win.

>It's a win win
How far is your head up blizzards ass?

World pvp in legion was so balanced at launch that paladins and warlocks had stuns that lasted 20 seconds.


are classes still incredibly imbalanced, whats the OP class right now?

>Work hard to get artifact weapon
>Retire it by the end of LEEJUN


good, artifacts were a dumb fucking idea

Not gonna lie senpai, I don't see that as blizzards fault. I'm pvp 100% of the time, and considering how much people avoid wpvp when it' inconvenient or just stick to pve all together just proves people don't actually want it.
Blizz could force them sure, but it's obvious the majority doesn't want it. They're faggots yh I'm not arguing that but they make up the most of nu-wow and blizz's sub numbers.

Cuz they didn't work in the end, the whole AP thing was terrible in the long run. Can't exactly know that until you push it out and see what happens

PvP is dumb and retarded in the first place

Gives no loot and just a huge waste of time

t. pve shitter

Pic related. Bursty and has great surviablity with a fucking aura that cuts your health down effortlessly as long as you're near them. DKs are the definition of EZ mode right now.
I have to Stun and burn mostly everything to Outburst these guys because I'am fucking paper compared to these motherfuckers

Also PVP is super fucked right now as the Gear it gives is WORSE hen the gear raiding gives the itemization is all FUCKED.

Welp, seems like nothing changed since WotLK and Cata then, DK were always faceroll....I still have nightmares from Blood DKs in battlegrounds on early Cata literally winning 1vs5

t. pussy coward who hates competing with other humans so he groups up with like minded shitters so they can hit a target dummy once a week

Nah all tanks have been gutted for PVP now they now serve a Support Role like holding and contesting things because of the damage they take or are able to displace their enemies in certain ways.
>MFW Knocking niggas into the abyss as my Monk because they think because I cant do damage quickly

I wish Blizzard completely removed pvp for real. I am tired of pve being balanced around pvp, now they even introduced interesting talent tree that go to waste because they are used only in pvp situations.

this and afli warlocks are pure cancer
>guis what if clothie dps had tankiness and self heals of a blood dk lmao XD

>Want to remove the WAR from Warcraft.

Man you people are insufferable.Good thing WAR MODE is here so I wont be able to see you faggots ever again.

this happens every expansion
same posts
same threads
same words

I wish they removed arena. All the balancing cancer comes from there.
You cant have fun in BGs because these pillarhugging shits complain about being bursted by dedicated burst classes.

oh look, another carebear shitter. how embarrassing.

>Put in content to grind different transmogs for artifacts
>Remove content that's actually fun once it's done

Looking at Panda and WoD questlines, same thing will happen with BfA

The way PVP is handled in the game needs a complete fuckin redo.

Ranked Battlegrounds need to be a fuckin que because it is difficult to find 10-20 people on a server to PVP. All those extra fun battle modes that are sometimes better then the actual battlegrounds themselves need to be available at all times not during a certain time of the fuckin Year. The world needs an all important small objectives for us to capture and maintain World PVP quests almost solved this but its not a good replacement for the mini objectives TBC had for us where people were always and are still competing for them to this day. Bounty Hunting NEEDS to become a thing because certain individuals that kill and gank others become wanted and depending on how much they do it and stay alive gets a ever increasing hit on them of Gold/Honor payout Ganking lowbies will increase the amount higher then you would get for ganking people around your level. Gear should drop from faction leaders as a trophy for being able to kill them while on their home land and lastly PVP gear itemization needs to be more then just Vers/(insert stat here) and equal to current raid tier gear that shit doesn't work and it keeps people who actually only like to PVP from ever getting into normal raids / higher rank raids but not the other way around.

Theres basically almost no meaningful incentive to PVP right now and in a game built around WAR thats pretty goddamn sad.

Don't waste money and buy Legion when it's going to be included with Battle for Azeroth.

And dont waste money on BFA cos it looks like trash anyway