>Your workshop has stopped producing goods
Your workshop has stopped producing goods
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Can I hijack this thread and ask what a good builder/management game for a first time player is?
the one OP posted
Anno 1404
I wish I could play the comfy 1404 and Venice expansion, but with the quality of life improvements from the most recent games. Manually hunting down and clicking norias is such BS when all it does is cost gold, just make it have a gold upkeep cost since it accomplishes exactly the same thing.
Also dead thread OP.
Sup Forums doesnt talk about fun games no more.
I would like a city builder like classic Zeus/Pharaoh games.
I can't get in to these modern times shit like City Skyline or Cities XL.
>people don't talk about fun stuff anymore
Fixed this one for you ANNOn.
I am kind of interesting with that new Anno (1800). I hope they will go away from that 2100 something layout and systems.
Ayy, but it's true.
You rarely see fun stuff anymore and when it pops out it dies instantly because of no interest to post shit.
>lost my Zeus screenshots
thanks jesus
1404 is about to be a decade old and they still haven't made another decent entry into the series since.
2070 added a lot of great things to the series
It's just the setting that is not for everyone
did you ever play children of the nile?
I did, it was fun but it lacked the complexity of needs chain and logistic like Pharaoh/Zeus did.
It was still fun tho
There are currently a couple of architecture and design universities which are waiting for able minds and able hands, user.
The only good time to get this message is when the storage capacity is reached. 1404 is perfectly balanced in terms of its tedium on the chains of production. Later titles are just a nightmare.
I think it's shift-click to select all of them on an island. And Venice gives you Oriental perks to drastically increase their capacity.
Also, certain island items to make them infinite (with higher upkeep).
pharoahs die too often and the overall resource mechanics are a little unbalanced but it's a solid game
Also I love anno threads this is probably one of my favorite games of all time
>>Your workshop has stopped producing soy
What did they mean by this?
Do you have to?
What a shame.
Please don't even reply. Hide comments like that if you have to.
made up they're going back to a historical setting for the next one.
My autism never allows me to build shit like this. I save rivers for salt and leather. Is there a mod that widens the reach of buildings like the Church?
Man, I was too much of a brainlet to set up proper production lines to satisfy the highest level nobles in this game.
The naval warfare was fine but I didn't like the ground combat one bit with the camps and dumb capture / reinforcement system.
2070's Deep Seas(?) expansion really added a lot to the base game, I had a lot of fun with it. But it still seems shallow to 1404.
Also, the Science monument is broken as fuck despite its exorbitant cost.
Im playing 2070, how the hell do I finish the 3 star quest. Thor just randomly gets angry and attacks me
Anno 2070 was OK
But i hate how they removed some 1404 mechanics.1 step forward 2 steps back
Satisfying nobles requires you to build building chains and trade routes before you even get the pompous fucks.
If you want super-basic "I want a taste but everything scares me" then try Kingdom: Classic
>2070's Deep Seas
I didn't like it very much. I like my future cities BIG, and the game just couldn't deliver.
I disabled the pirates and other AI players in open play precisely because the combat is so dumb.
As for production, you really need to look up guides for proper ratios for things like raw materials to workshops. After that it's setting up trade routes properly, which means deciding which islands will have which production.
There was somekind of mod that improved on the game.
Anno 2170 i think.
>Islands have finite resources
>Have to ferry resources around
>They are never big enough to fit the ultimate cities that the guides show
So how the fuck am I supposed to get comfy when the game outright stops me from it? I want a sandbox mode where I can build whatever, wherever in Anno 2070 or Anno 1404.
yeah you can do this with any resource in the game just hold shift before you replenish and it will do every similar resource on the island at once
Also fun fact if you have an island dedicated to a couple resources you can drag the resource from inventory up to the display at the top left of the screen to create a custom quick view of its current quantity just by scrolling over the island
Well, in open play you're choosing the largest maps with the easiest islands and the most fertilities, right?
nothing is finite in 1404
While on the subject, are there any nice city builders that focus more on completing relatively stress free scenarios rather than sandbox/multiplayer? Sort of like Tropico. I find I often get bored when I have like no short time objects to aim towards and instead just constantly expand and expand.
The old 2D city builders, particularly Emperor: Rise ofthe Middle Kingdom.
Anno games does that.
It's still Anno but with more futuristic staff. I loved that game with Expansion, but 1404 was still my number one.
Absolutely. Even tried various seeds posted on forums but none of them have what I want.
There's a map editor but there only like 2 large island types for both orient and occident that can accommodate very large cities.
Cheers. Not sure why I've never gotten around to playing them.
I've only really played 1404 but to me that felt like the scenarios were a pretty big afterthought and the focus was more with the multiplayer aspects. It almost had a sort of board game like quality in a way. Are they more fleshed out in the other games?
Then make sure you're doing space management correctly. Try to have your city islands contain as little industry as possible, pack the people in there. Make sure you're using the largest possible islands, as an user noted above.
I believe there's a mod called IAAM or something that lets you freebuild autistically af but I've never tried it. Never seen the point in freebuild it's like buying a box of random lego pieces
I wanted to try it just to build an actual Venice. But the whole site is in German.
IAAM is great, but it's not freebuild, you just unlock more options later game.
That's why you mod it so norias basically never run out. It's not a significant gold investment anyway.
pharaoh/emperor: rise of the middle kingdom
Oh nice well that's not bad then
>>lost my Zeus screenshots
>thanks jesus
thou shalt not worship pagan idols
Is there an IAAM mod for Anno 2070? I want to make a dystopian Tycoon-island.
I bully the nun ai.
those are two different genres though
it's like ARRC or something.
I want to get into Forest Village but I feel like the game still needs some work
I think gameplay wise it was better than 1404 in almost every way.
The real problem was everything that wasn't gameplay.
>the soundtrack was much worse
>comfy medieval theme gone
>user interface outside of the game is complete ass
>the campaign was a glorified tutorial and complete ass
>almost no missions
>shitty achievements, 1404 actually had you do a lot of fun and clever challenges like building a huge city with only ever taking 2 islands, meanwhile all of 2070 achievements amount to "do this thing, then do it 10 times, then do it 100 and then 1000 times"
>fucking always online bullshit Uplay bullshit
I enjoyed 1404 more than 2070 because of all the above reasons, but the gameplay itself, especially the military perspective of the game, has massively improved.
anno 1404 is such a pretty game considering it's like almost 9 years old by this point.
I guess, I just want proper city builder set in Ye Old Times.
I love the traffic autism in Cities Skylines(at least once you get mods and the option to stop cars from just vanishing so problems can actually pile up infinitely and result in total gridlock if you fuck up badly enough) but I just can't get engaged in expanding my city. I don't really feel much impetus to make it bigger other than the game telling me to, because there isn't actually a reason to do it. In those old games that I can play forever, you usually have to specifically gather certain resources in certain locations to produce goods to make money, and you're building city infrastructure to support those facilities. In the modern sim city style you're just building a city for the sake of building a city.
I think that's the reason behind my dislike for it.
There is no logistic chain just build shit.
>the game still needs some work
I does. Quite a lot really.
This was my problem with Cities/Skylines. It's TOO sanbox-y. There's nothing to really achieve other than expanding and making shit look pretty. The game is gorgeous and runs well, I just wish there was more to it.
So what's your opinion on Anno 2205?
I like it
Am I the only one? At first I was a bit disappointed because it was different from older Annos, but then I realized that it's the right way to progress the series. It's pointless to make the same game over and over with a different skin, now I can play a different Anno depending on what am I looking for.
>So what's your opinion on Anno 2205?
Total fucking horseshit, they removed EVERYTHING that made Anno a good game, while not introducing anything else to make it worthwhile. I don't mind them moving away from the original formula since it did indeed become quite dated, but this game is just awful. Glad I pirated that piece of shit.
I liked it at first but it gets frustrating after awhile going back and forth to different worlds to balancing the production chains. It has its charm I guess but it didn't keep me hooked past the HQ. I would like a continuous mode option as well
put the islands on big/easy and it's pretty easy to build a huge city so long as there's no industry on it
How in depth is Anno 1404? I've read some reviews that says it gets boring really quickly. I don't want to play another Banished where it's fun initially until you realize it's as deep as a puddle.
is the next anno going to be good?
Depends on how you want to play it. You can do the campaign and challenges or just continuous play with hard opponents that you need to compete against and try to sabotage all while trying to progress, or you could just turn off all the rivals and build in your own time
maybe, I think it depends on the back end uplay system and how you manage resources. It certainly looks good but so did 2205
>Stress free
>I would like a city builder like classic Zeus/Pharaoh games.
There's a new one on Steam. Steampunk setting, you should be able to find it.
It's about as deep as The Settlers or Civ.
The game is relatively simple and if you can't enjoy the gameplay loop for what it is, then it's simply not for you.
also what are your expectations on the upcoming ANNO
>Have to ferry resources around
But that's 90% of the fun
I expect the worst because it's Ubi. I'll probably just pirate it.
>Anno 2205 destroying the series
Tropico is pretty simple but enjoyable and addictive, I've only played 4 but from what I've gathered they all are mostly the same.
isn't Forest Village just a Banished rip-off?
Try Stronghold crusader not 2 just the 1st one it's comfy and good
4 is the best
>ANNO 1800 saving the series.
>new anno game looks beautiful
>still has shitty rct1 tier grid roads
niggas need to learn how to bezier curve already
when does the beta for anno 1800 starts ?
What about the roman city building games?
Caesar III, Imperium Romanum, CivCity: Rome are all pretty good.
0 A.D
Pharaoh + Cleopatra
And I dare any fucker to say this is not the best city builder.