From a purely financial it still viable?
Inb4 consolefag it´s not about that at all. RAM and GPU´s are getting more expensive by the day, and most games are multiplat anyway. i have both a decentish (i5 4990k/r9390/16gb ram) and a why upgrade if at all?
>and most games are multiplat anyway This is exactly why you go for a gaming PC. Unless you want to have to buy a grand new PS5 after your PS4 becomes obsolete in 2 years.
Levi Jones
>From a purely financial it still viable? It's more viable than ever, and quickly becoming the only platform worth jack shit.
>RAM and GPU´s are getting more expensive by the day, Only for the latest, hi-end stuff. Anything below 1060 seems to have dodget the bullet. Luckily, the consoles keep and have kept the system requirements so long for a decade now, that borderline decade-old components still get the job done. There's tons of 1080p / 60fps capable used PCs and their components available for dirt cheap on online auction and sales-sites.
Plus the bitcoin craze's gonna die out soon, new generation of GPUs will even out the prices even further, and stuff like the GTX 900-series are still more than serviceable to this day + unaffected by miner craze.
>(i5 4990k/r9390/16gb ram) You literally have zero reason to upgrade. I myself was still running i5 2500 + 8GB + GTX 560ti, all from 2011, up until last November, and had no problems running ANY game or program. I did however use tax returns to get me the GTX 1060 6GB at that point, and paid mere 200€ for it, plus sold the old 560ti for 30€. I also got a fine used mobo w/ RAM set for cheap recently, so now I'm packing 16GB of RAM as well.
>most games are multiplat So? PC has the best multiplats as well, PLUS some tens of thousands of exclusives. Plus emulation, mods, game-creation tools, and all the other benefits a PC brings ya. Including but not limited to free online play + way cheaper games.
Gavin Nguyen
It looks like I'm not upgrading from my mid/low tier PC for a good long while now (750Ti, i3-4160) The thing is the only game I even needed better specs for was Titanfall 2, and even then I just had to settle with medium graphics. Where having a better PC really works for you is with unoptimized games like KCD. But if you ignore those games people really overshoot with their GPUs anyway (assuming you're just using it for games and not blender/mining etc.)
Bentley Bailey
>Luckily, the consoles keep and have kept the system requirements so long for a decade now, that borderline decade-old components still get the job done. There's tons of 1080p / 60fps capable used PCs and their components available for dirt cheap
again.why upgrade then?
>Plus the bitcoin craze's gonna die out soon
why?because of two or three crashes? the prices as of now seem to disagree.
>>(i5 4990k/r9390/16gb ram)You literally have zero reason to upgrade.
not asking for me i´m happyish right now, it´s more about the general state of things
Jaxson Ross
>again.why upgrade then? That's the whole point I've been trying to make: you don't HAVE TO upgrade. I have no idea where people've gotten this "Lol you gotta upgrade every couple months to keep up!" meme from. My previous PC from 2007 I did not upgrade at all, and I only built my current PC back in '11 because the old one was struck by a heat wave or something and broke down.
>why?because of two or three crashes? Because people are coming to their senses and not trusting the whole bit-craze any more. And the HC miners already got their tools.
>not asking for me i´m happyish right now, it´s more about the general state of things the general state is that unless you WANT to be a 4K / 144fps enthusiastic, you don't need to shell 1000 bucks on a PC. We've had numerous "potato builds" for the past few years now, that already BTFO all current gen consoles, while costing roughly as much as the said consoles do.
Isaiah Jenkins
actually helpful. thank you user
Grayson Smith
but you can buy a ps4 now for like 200 bucks or less
Aiden Watson
You have to wait for the new launch of GPU and reserve one, they're also releasing mining cards soon so that must alleviate gaming gpu prices.
Hunter Ward
>but you can buy a ps4 now for like 200 bucks or less And you can find 1080p/60fps capable gaming PCs for 150 bucks or less. Not even joking.
On consoles, you also pay a lot of extra for the games, the peripherals, and NEED to pay in order to play online MPs, because local-MP is practically dead nowadays for some stupid reason. Not to mention modern consoles are practically, or literally, just multiplat-devices, usually completely lacking backwards compatibility as well. And no, HD remasters =/= BW comp.
Leo Brooks
what would you get in order to have 1080/60 fps for so cheap
Parker Hill
If you want to play normalfag AAA cancerous garbage then a PS4 is all you need. If you want to play the same cancerous garbage except with modern resolutions and FPS, then PC is the only way. If you want to play good games, however, then a cheap PC will suffice.
>what would you get in order to have 1080/60 fps for so cheap Just last week some user posted in PC gaming thread how he got a system with i5 2500K, 8GB and 750ti 2GB for 145 bucks.
Pretty much anything with Intel i3 (any model), 6GB RAM minimum and GTX 660 or better will still do just fine for majority of all games. The rest is just to adjusting the ingame settings properly, and your personal preferences.
In recent years, one popular poorfag way of starting PC gaming's been getting one of those numerous, refurbished office PCs with i5 and tons of RAM for 100-200 bucks, and slap in a 100$ low-power GPU, like GTX 750ti / 950 / 1050/Ti.
Joseph Sanchez
no it is not, and it can become worse but at this point in time is too early to say.
Aaron Nelson
Back in 2004 I wanted a gaming PC because of the games, I haven't felt that desire since then.
Charles Allen
Didn't something like this happen in the early 2000s?
Jason Baker
Jacob Reyes
pc is and always will be cheaper than consoles because of the game prices, console games cost more than double and you need to pay a fucking online fee for some retarded reason
Jack Sanders
Today, you build a PC to get ALL the games + one of the most versatile tool mankind has ever created.
Jaxson Wood
Yeah, running Half Life 1 that way, good luck getting a 150$ PC to run even source games at max.
Julian Rodriguez
Nice 2006-era mentality. You can run HL1 on phones nowadays; a 20$ fleamarket-found desktop can run it as well. You'd be surprised how much some total penny-stretching potato builds can do nowadays.
>good luck getting a 150$ PC to run even source games at max. I already did that, two years ago. Pic related. Ran MGS5, Killing Floor 2, Talos Principle, all my Source games... and many many more, smooth as butter, at 1080p.
You can get used PCs with i5 3000-series CPU, 8GB RAM and GTX 1050 for 300-350 bucks these days, which would run even Witcher 3 smoothly at 1080p. Not all-maxed though, but there really ain't even need to do so in most games.
John Butler
Sebastian Miller
So what's the secret?
Anthony Ramirez
...what secret? Finding parts or PCs? Hunting them. Asking for them. Hell, I myself got tons of PC corpses and components lying around that I could give away for cheap / free.
Chase Nguyen
>i5 7500 >GTX 1060 6GB >8GB RAM Considering I mostly use it for high-spec emulation and last-gen modding, I don't think I'll need to upgrade for a long while. Lucky I managed to find the parts when I did.
Hunter Barnes
Yeah, I bet you'll do just fine up until mid 2020s at least.
My i5 2500 (non-K) and 560ti did well for 7 years, and now with more RAM and 1060 6GB, I bet I will manage just fine for another few years. After that, I might just as well hunt down an used i7 3770K, as they use the same socket as my i5.
Michael Gomez
I've seen people still rock Core2duos and -Quads and DDR2 RAM, using some low-end modern GPUs with them, and still play modern games without much issues. If this trend keeps going, only enthusiasts will be upgrading actively any more. One reason MS and Intel are probably so desperate to force people on newer hardware now. Sucks to be them tho', since Vulkan is now a thing that's getting more popular, it's open platform tech, and seems to work way better than DirectX.
Gabriel Scott
Recomend me some specs that I can gent the best out of my bucks cuz I am on a budget.
Easton Perry
as someone who owns a gaming pc (i7700k and 1080ti)and every console, pc is great and makes the xbone redundant. you'll still miss out on a lot of ps4-only games and nintendo's usual titles though (except botw)
Jace Howard
I'll chime in. I use to play console exclusively, but decided on 2015 to build a PC. Since then, I realize that was the best decision i had ever made. Only reason I wouldn't reccomend a PC, is if you are one of those millenials who expects everything to work by default while served on a silver platter. WIth PC you get a lot more the more you actually try to do thinks manually.
Aiden Gonzalez
>Spending good money on gaming ever instead of investing in good, active hobbies. lol..