It's called zoning, it's a legitimate strategy

>It's called zoning, it's a legitimate strategy

>playing fighting games

I don't know what that means user

>Flashback to working at walmart
The only time in my life I ever legitimately wanted to die.

I don't see what's wrong with it.

its clearly a legitimate strategy if the player, looking accurately as OP depicted cant get around it

You should have posed the negroid one if you wanted this to be accurate.

I also dont know what this means



Is that a walmart exclusive term? Have been working in walgreens for a while and never heard of it.

Don't respond seriously to wojak threads.
Don't respond to wojak threads at all.

>repost after repost
the cancer killing Sup Forums user


It's definitely a thing at Costco and Sam's Club.

Umm, excuse met, this post is not related to the thread topic.

>Farebals to stronk



>If you can't deal with projectile spam, you just suck!


Here we go

What's the matter user, don't you just love playing against Dhalsim? He's fun to bitchslap apart when you finally get in!

This succ better show up tonight or /x/ is getting deleted tomorrow

never ever
cruel user

Git gud or stop playing fightan scrub
t.dhalsim, axl, and teddy player

u must fight for her afection
wat do?

roll before this gets deleted


les go

i'm not fucking user DONT FUCKING TALK TO ME you fucking newfag post your newmemes somewhere else

Rolling for some dfc



Well that isn't very nice. I thought we were having a real connection there. Should I change my filename so it looks like I've been here longer?
Please don't mage the thread I've been lorking a long time.