Take a good look, Switch fans. This is your only game for the entire year.
Take a good look, Switch fans. This is your only game for the entire year
Other urls found in this thread:
wut about NMH, that yoshi game, valkyrie chronicles 4 and megaman 11?
>bringing logic to a shitposting thread
>literally like the 3ds games
>less than 10 hours of content
>2017 was a fluke
What about FE Switch?
Still 1 more game than Sonyggros get.
I am excited to have more than one game that supports 4 players. I want a new mario bros stlye game too for playing with friends and drinking
Take a good look, Piss4 fans. This is your only game for the entire year.
Fuck you, we had Killzone first year and then Bloodborne the second. Thats already better than any bing bing wahoo or toddler garbage Shitch has.
>Later at E3
>With our effort to always bring you the most expressive and dynamic games, we here at Sony Entertainment have partnered with a yet to be named AAA developer to bring you the most ground breaking experience in interactive story telling to date--Nothing.
why does Sup Forums love shitposting so much?
I highly doubt nmh I'd releasing this year. We've seen no footage and no release date has been anounced. I'm pretty sure we should be getting fire emblem this year though.
Neo-Sup Forums is comprised of new age grown adults that heard about how much epic shitposting and baiting goes on here from reddit, and they think thats the whole purpose of the board.
Suda will tear the E3 up
>the 3ds games are literally like the wii game
I mean, I would love it, but I don't see it releasing this year. I would probably say 1st half of next year if you had to press me though.
Nintendo have been quiet for too long, something must have happened internally that they’re not telling us.
I think so too but I secretly hope it comes later that year
Eh I don't believe that. There are still tons of Wii and WiiU games they can port over and charge full price for.
Just give me fucking Octopath Traveller and I'll be happy.
That's okay. When this game was announced at E3 I immediately went out and bought a Switch.
This is all I need. All I've ever needed.
>implying thats a bad theme
everybody underestimates new kirby games
No thanks. I'll just keep playing mario kart instead of wasting my time on this sub 20 hour long Rreturn to dreamland 4 reskin
How does it feel to know that nintendo didn't even bother trying to compete with you sony fans? It literally knew it didn't have to care about you at all to be the best. That's why you're so mad. You're mad because nintendo made the best console of all time so far and they did it without even taking a glance at you or microsoft. It just knew it would be better.
>>literally like the 3ds games
Literally none of them had 4 player co op or playable enemies
And Fire Emblem, and probably Project Octopath.
please stop posting this guy's videos.
the genre of people making "video essays" about video games where they just regurgitate basic information and masturbate over how intelligent they think they sound makes me want to off myself.
not to mention the VCR intro is cringy as fuck.
I believe that is called...an analysis. You just sound buttblasted.
taking tips from seinfeld i see
I have no problem with this timeline
Kirby is better than your favorite game, peasant.
I didn't buy a wiiU so it looks like I'll have a lot to play :P
>less than 10 hours of content
>game isn't released yet
Cool, I love Kirby.