So... now that console gaming has shat the bed I decided to jump on the PC Gaming train...

so... now that console gaming has shat the bed I decided to jump on the PC Gaming train... bought pic related (i5 7300hq, gtx 1050, 8 rams, 1000 TB)... I assume this will handle 1080p 60fps? (it cost me x5 my salary)... what games to try first?

emulate some snes games

>1000 TB
Well even if PC gaming is a joke at least you can hoard a lot of porn.

>1000 TB
so is it like the size of your fridge

>asking for advice after you've made a purchase
just go back to wherever you came from, you're not ready for this place yet

>gaming laptop
why nigga why

better go with a gtx1060 for 1080p 60fps, my man

>ONLY 8gbs of ram
>1tb, not even ssd
>spending out of your means
You literally cant make this shit up

>gtx 1050
>1080p 60fps
Honestly can't tell if this is bait

prebuilt PC are actually the better option price-wise right now because of how bloated gpu and ram is, though buying a laptop for gaming is unforgivable

>replacing anything on a laptop
user are you ok

What the fuck? The trackpad is in the wrong spot, it should be centered on the laptop itself not just the qwerty keyboard. Now your palm is gonna be on the trackpad when your left hand is on wasd.

>Ideal for those making the jump from console to PC gaming
Ah yes, because it will run games at 720p 30 fps

>just read "bought pic related"

my b

>$1000 is 5 times OP's salary


>jump scares
>walking sims
>battle royales
>loot boxes
>free to play
>YouTube culture
All originated or was popularized by PC. So congratulations on becoming part of the cancer killing the industry.

>what games to try first?
you can try ports of console games.

>jump scares
Dead space made that popular, it was a console title.
>loot boxes
mobile games you dumb fuck
>free to play
see above
>Youtube culture
would have existed anyway

BotW if you don't have a Switch/WiiU already

>not even ti
>8gb ram
fucking lol
why not buy a console at this point


(I'm imitating the noise it will make, not doing an anal vore meme)

Fucking no. No there is no chance that can ever fucking happen. You're a moron for even suggesting it.

>jump scares
>Dead space made that popular, it was a console title.
Was also on pc
>loot boxes
>mobile games you dumb fuck
Pc embraced lootboxes
>free to play
>see above
F2p available on pc first before mobile "gaming" was a thing
>Youtube culture
>would have existed anyway
W-would have existed anyway. Great justification

Soynyggers are the best source of irony nowadays

wow, it's the exact same laptop i have except i'm using 1050ti.
The spec itself is fine, but the laptop design is honestly shit.
The monitor is connected to the main body by 2 screws in the middle, which feels like it will break you are too rough with it.
Then, they put the keyboard WAYYY TOO inside, and it's inconvenient to use the keyboard without being in a weird gesture where your left hand reaching infront to press the keys.
Not to mention that you will always accidentally touch the mouspad on the laptop and moved mouse/left mouse.
It's not the worst, but not perfect either.

No really, GPU cost a lot more than you think they do right now unless you get lucky and catch a restock in the 3 minutes that it lasts each week. Go price out a build right now. The going price for a prebuilt with 16gb ram, i7 8700k, aftermarket cooling, and a 1070 is $1400.

>it cost me x5 my salary
I think your boss is ripping you off.

Ronald McDonald treats all his workers fairly

1050 is fine for 1080p 60fps mid settings.

Wew... My ASUS GL553VD is way better than that shit and costed me like 40% less than that shit (650€ instead of 1k)
Same CPU, same GPU(with 4gb, I'm guessing you have the same as your pic has the 1060, just fyi), 32gigs ram, 1TB hdd+512 nvme
And its screen is connected by two hinges instead of one, which makes it quite better.
Still... OP if you don't have the income to pay one of those what the fuck are you doing?

That isn't even pic related and if any laptop whatsoever costs 5x your salary you need to stop being a third world poorfag
