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Video Games #4087
Video Games
Is this true?
There's absolutely nothing wrong with giving a vidya character large breasts...
Kirby Air Ride
Anyone else playing Classic Build games after Ion Maiden?
Hey Sup Forums...
Cosmo is streaming "Nothing" under speedrunning, it's just a webcam of him sleeping
Post interesting Removed / Beta content
Am I the fastest man on Sup Forums? I dare you to challenge my incredible speed
It's over. Blizzard has gone full furfag now, even more than worgen and pandas
Minesweeper Bread
You don't wear video game merch out in public like some kind of reject, right Sup Forums?
Where do you guys think the next GTA game will be located in?
>People shitting on Western designs
This is a bad videogame
How's your game buddy situation looking?
Go to bed
Ready to double dip Sup Forums?
Game 1 has amazing healing system
Recently reached its all time peak player count
Out of all the abilities in the demo, yo-yo made the best use out of the Elemental combinations...
Who was your first Vidya crush Sup Forums?
Late night Melee thread. Let's chill out, talk shit and post some sets
So is she a beloved tomboyish daughter, or a tomboyish girl in love?
It's time to discus the indie game of the year
Leave video games to us
It's a Japan incharge of making a setting based around medieval Europe
March 5th 2010
So is she a beloved tomboyish daughter, or a tomboyish girl in love?
Can we have a jrpg thread
It's inevitably going to happen at the end, right?
A certain scene was altered in Chapter 5
Name a game with more Lore
Just realized new DF version has been out for almost 2 months
UNIST Thread
Can we talk about how fucking great this games story turned out to be. Or at least other games with the similar theme...
Finished dark souls 1
Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Monster Hunter World
Post any Zelda fanarts you want, but they have to be cute
Monster Hunter World 7.5M Shipped
Why was the original Xbox menu so much cooler than any of the faggy modern consoles
Decide to look under my female character's skirt
Games that made you realize you are straight
Do you think they will literally pull the plug on some games in the future and close their service?
Artificial Intelligence easily defeats the World Champion of Chess
So what's the deal with Mankind Divided?
Steam hours
MvC is kill
How can an indie developer put voices in a game without voice actors...
*redeems your genre*
LOK Thread
Filename Thread
What is the single most fucked up video game you have ever played?
This was better than BotW
Are you hyped for Death Standing?
What went wrong?
Im high af and about to play me some chrono trigger for the first time with a pizza in the oven
What games is he best at?
What gaming accomplishments do you have?
Are you going to buy garden warfare 3?
This games pretty fun.. BUT, why are their so few weapon moves? and no ability to unlock more...
Why are they so obsessed with this game. Is this the new DBZ?
How do I play this without falling asleep within the first hour?
So I just played and finished this for the first time, pretty fun game if a bit short
Hey Sup Forums, the potion only heals one heart, and its the only one you got. When do you use it?
Mention western games with good soundtrack
What the fuck is wrong with Capcom?
Medieval game
Just admit it Sup Forums...This is the best fighting game to be released in years
There are people on this board who've never played a game at 60fps
Is there any real life Sword that can beat the Buster Sword? thinking of asking a blacksmith to make one
Concept art is better than the game
What are some moments in your childhood gaming that genuinely scared you?
Vermintide 2
This is Aloyfu. She had the best game of 2017. Her game was better than MGSV...
Vidya red flags
I think this game was good, but I am ready to have my worldview challenged by the critics of Sup Forums
Objective: SURVIVE
ITT: Oh yeah, that happened
...And this is user's room
How is/was this Franchise?
Xbox emulator
ITT: Anti-fun
Currently 55% off, sell me into this game and franchise
What class should i roll this season? wich set is the strongest
Andromeda 1 year Anniversary
Favorite 3D Platformer?
Press any key to start
Wake up Aniki
Post a game without posting it
It's time to choose, Sup Forums
Should I get persona 5 or mario odyssey ?
What are you hiding by making your profile private?
How did Nintendo get it so wrong
What are some games with OSTs drilled into your brain?
Post game you are excited for
What would your ideal Fate game be like?
What's the first thing you think of when you see this man?
Get up
How broken will he be once he is in DBF?
ITT: Worlds confirmed for the next Kingdom Hearts
Why does Sup Forums hate Xenoblade 2?
Is there any reason to play this version over the original NES version or SNES All Stars version?
ITT: post vidya that made you cry
"Dad, when I grow up I want to speedrun games!"
ITT: The worst games in their respective series
Just finished Bioshock 1. What did I miss guys? Everybody praising this game as a masterpiece...
Whats the current bad F2P MMO that I should be playing?
Pick one Sup Forums
Are you excited for Theme Hospital 2 Sup Forums? I've waited 21 years almost for another decent hospital sim
Beating the game on normal unlocks easy mode
My gtx 1070 + i7 4790k are now obsolete and can't run every game on max settings at 60fps
Why aren't you playing the best pc shooter you don't have to pay for?
When did people start caring about how "mature" their videogames are and start hating "cartoonish" videogames without...
What are some things that 99.8% of us agree on?
Will the switch even be able to handle dark souls?
Why is this guy a villain in every Japanese made samurai game?
Where do you go to unironically discuss video games Sup Forums?
Got xbox
New Vegas Mods
Save the flower princess with your vidya knowledge
Endgame is right here brothers
Post em
Why aren't you making Sup Forums better? didn't you said yesterday that you want get rid of newfags?
What is an acceptable framerate in your opinion?
Angry Birds developer "Rovio" is closing down
Buyfag thread
First fucking level after the tutorial
Tell me a vidya example of pic related
Where am i to go to have an intellectual conversation about vidya?
Risk of Pain in the Ass
Into the Breach
Is it more worth buying a PS4 or a PC right now...
Game objective: progress
Reminder that if you use Android 16 in DBFZ you have the mega gay
Its making a comeback
So I've been dicking around with my Wood Elf on Oblivion and using noclip...
ITT: boss fights women will never understand
I got one today
What were the best line from tf2?
Tell me why WoW Classic won't kill retail:
Is he ever gonna canonically wear a cap again...
About to play this for the first time. Which origins are good? Are the classes well-balanced...
Nintendo To Release a 5-Disc Limited-Edition Breath of the Wild Soundtrack
A thread for vidya girls that you love. Post 'em
Where do you go to properly discuss videogames?
Gamer fuel thread?
Game has little to no story
Hey guys I have some grim news for MGSurvive players
I know nothing about this game other than that retards are bickering over it on both side. Sell me on it...
Why aren't you playing first person shooters irl Sup Forums?
New game when?
Kingdom Come: Deliverance Reportedly Costed 36.5 Million Dollars
What the fuck is this bros?
Find a flaw
Sup Forums suddenly hates extra credits
Name a more christian game
Final Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumskend Thread
Let's get real /comfy/
Everybody celebrated the switchs birthay
What kind of headwear do you use when playing vidya?
People care about the opinion of this guy
Whats your opinion on arena shooters?
PSA Remove the 'clock capacitor' from your OG XBOX to stop it leaking and killing the board
How the fuck do you go from this
Are we gonna play this together when it comes out on steam Sup Forums? Which Senran are you gonna main?
Monster Hunter World thread: your favorite weapon is shit edition
What games have the best dog companions?
I just wanted to be an eceleb and get free stuff :(
Weight limit
Notch has changed
Post vidya characters that have NEVER seen a penis
Is it really as good as people make it out to be?
Man Soda is so annoying. It's just a swimsuit
Activision plans more remasters
What went wrong?
Name a better game
Well, Sup Forums...?
Japan is creatively bankrupt
Do I need to play the original to enjoy this game?
*outsells Zelda on Switch*
Video games can't be ar-
That kid who used to tell the teacher that you brought your Game Boy to school because you didn't let him play
How did you celebrate the Switch's birthday?
Would you?
Tfw no gf
Reminder this happened
Damn, humans looks like THAT?
Why aren't you playing Gum's game on your pc RIGHT NOW?
Filename thread
Is gwent important to learn in the Witcher 3...
Hikari is made for sex
I kind of liked this but jesus christ the main character is SUCH a fucking dumbass
KCD thread
Does Sup Forums still hate Minecraft?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Now that the dust has settled, can we agree that pic related was the GOTY of 2008?
WTF! How does this make any sense whatsoever? I just went inside the moon, expecting a dark cavernous area or something...
Resident Evil
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
Have to make an account to get download link
Am I the only one that has this eerie feeling of how the Witcher netflix will turn out...
In your final 3-day cycle
Soul Calibur 6
All he wanted was to cross the border and have adventures with the other Youkai of Gensokyo
Anthropomorphized animal in a video game
Now that the dust has settled, who was best girl?
What's your favorite tool-assisted speedrun video? The more broken and convoluted it is, the better
What's the creepiest game soundtrack you've ever heard?
What’s the best Hitman game?
Work 6 days a week
Is anyone in any entertaining/active linkshells you could invite me to on gilgamesh?
Create a character
Fishing lvls?
Is it worth getting into it now?
ITT shitty mechanics
How come no one played this game? It's pretty fun
Enclave here, why isn't your Fallout tread working?
Should I watch SAO II before starting Fatal Bullet? Or is it better to do it the other way around?
So we all know Dante is 100% a turbo virgin, but what about Bayo?
Mark every enemy
ITT: Characters who did nothing wrong
Final Fantasy XV - Best combat of any game ever?
/Sup Forumsg/ - Sup Forums general
Why aren't you playing Demons Souls RIGHT NOW?
Post a video game character that's literally you
FE: Marriage Thread
Do you miss back when consoles are simple where you could just insert a game and play?
Would people be interested in a roguelike with a story like a jrpg?
KH1 > KH2
Exit out of game
Are ya pre-loadin', son?
Fucking Dva nerf when
Who won E3 2017?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
ITT: kino moments in vidya
Post yfw Ys 8 will come out on the switch before pc
What is the EVA of vidya ?
Mosaic thread: The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
Guess metroid prime 4's metacritic
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
Fast travel
Warhammer Vermintide 2 Thread cont
Worst dragon quest
Vidya summit
God tier soundtrack
Top ten games of all time list
How do you feel about the Scott Pilgrim Game
There is no argument against easy mode. Accessibility is OBJECTIVELY a good thing
You may only post in this thread if this game isn't banned in your country
What went so horribly wrong, guys? This wasn't supposed to happen!
Will Bloodborne 2 have more epic dude so edgy xD gore ! literally brutal visceral killing I'm such a mad man or it will...
How does the game compare to the first Nier?
Why is sora still hairless?
About to finish myself
Two things. First off, I was right. Leveling HP didn't do shit for me...
Oldfags of Sup Forums, how was Super Mario Galaxy received here? Post screencaps if possible
Why are japs so bad at making good armor in vidya?
Kirby: Star Allies
Why are Overwatch characters so bland and emotionless compared to TF2 characters?
What game can fill the void?
How many Platinum trophies do you have?
So the FPS genre is finally dead?
This is my favorite Nintendo DS game
Dude gaming "journalists" lmao
Unleashed is god-like
I never see Sup Forums discuss Dragon's Crown
Perfect scores from IGN, Destructoid, PC World... was it deserved? How much of the game have you played?
Super Seducer drama
Hey, Sup Forums, I'm finally upgrading to a PS4. Is this setup offer a good deal?
Ghost of Tsushima and Japanese games' lack of broad appeal
Who /hype/ here? even if bts was shit i still think this one will be a great cinematic experience
This is why Morrowind is best
Is the Switch becoming like the Wii in terms of shovelware?
Direct Info
What would you like to see in Doom 2 2?
I'd fuck both her imp form and true form
What the fuck?????
Why does it bring out so much autism in people?
It's a good thing
How do you feel that this was a better game than FFXV turned out to be?
Is Marie Rose the pinnacle of 3D modeling?
Give me ONE reason why you didn't marry her
Is Warframe a good game?
What went wrong?
Top 3 RuneScape updates?
Why do Al Bhed have spirals in their eyes?
Monster Girl Quest
Fighterz thread, post teams
New GTA game has an empowered female protagonist
Guy insults me in online game
This is what the Japanese think of western video games
Square Enix sale
Post your weaponfu
3x3 thread then?
The Dreamcast is the cutest console ever made
ITT old games that still look beautiful
Find a flaw
Wow, this game is actually really fun
Why do you people like Hideo Konami so much?
Scientist is the secret best role
Digital vs Physical
Imagine being such a subhuman you have to play on easy mode
Sunday Bread
Video games comic thread
Leaks on next week
ITT: Voice lines that have been burned into your head through repetition
Post tfw it's 90 percent reused assets and animations
Who are the best Overwatch boys and why are they these two cuties?
Is this the last good CoD game?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Good games to play on the laptop while in bed?
Is PC Gaming too expensive now that graphic card prices have skyrocketed?
Games only you played
Well endowed gamers. Gamers with the biggest game rooms, collections!
Will it be as life-changing as Bloodborne? As the saying goes, lightning never strikes the same place twice...
Remember when it was okay to show protagonist as strong masculine heros. What happened Sup Forums?
Bad vidya music thread
Is most of Sup Forums a bunch of basement dwellers with no job still living entirely off their parents?
Babbies think Stratholme is a moral conundrum
Remember When Sonic Was Good?
What is it?
Buys physical games
Why didn't the competitive scene ever take off?
In my country, nobody has a TV in 4k
Anyone else bought this out of obligation due to how asspained it makes e-celebs?
What would you have done to save the Vita?
Persona 3 Portable
What caused Capcom to abandon MvCI so quickly? Even Street Fighter X Tekken was supported better than this
Just got out of ______, getting back into gaming
White male protagonist
He doesnt thank the healer
Planescape: Torment
Seeing the MK11 leak thread here >>408734710 got me wondering...
Doesn't like PC gaming
What's the worst protagonist design you've ever seen?
What online games have the most fujoshis and insecure nerd bitches for me to siphon nudes from
It's gone forever, isn't it?
What did they mean by this?
How can we save bioware?
Girl joins server
How do I fix this?
Top 15 best selling Switch eShop games of February
What games are you playing in this wonderful day, Sup Forums?
Holy shit I'm trying to play this shit because its widely reccomended online and it's so boring I'm literally just...
They're waiting for you, Gordon. In the test chamber
ITT:post your gamefu
Was he even fucking needed in the game
Don't forget anons, Max and Chloe's last episode comes out tomorrow! Make sure you actually bought the deluxe edition!
Medievil PS4 Remaster
Buy a 1 month PS plus signature
How many Steam friends do you have?
Despite being overshadowed by other JRPGs like Persona or Xenoblade I ultimately had a more fun time with it in 2017...
Reminder that the entirety of Sup Forums will soon be banned from playing Rainbow Six: Siege!
Fire Emblem Heroes Thread
ITT times v fell for shilling
Leak for Mortal Kombat 11, Trailer & Gameplay Koming E3 2018
Just found out DMC3 SE's "Normal" mode is equivalent to the original game's "Easy"
I'm experiencing a burnout from playing too much games lately...
Is the ps2 retro?
Why is emulation such an insurmountable task for most people? Is "download the emulator, download the rom...
This is my girlfriend
Titanfall 2
Danganronpa ending
Look at him! Look at him and laugh! He doesn't have a host! HAHAHAHAHAA
Is anyone else excited or is it just me?
What are some ABSOLUTELY must play games?
Was this a good game like most people say?
Opinions about new shop mount?
So was he Liquid or not? i don't get it
Name a more emotional ending to a video game than this
Reminds me of Halloween at Rip Taylors
Would Sup Forums participate?
E celeb suddenly makes video on game detailing its supposed "flaws"
Dad walks in
Let's see which faction is most popular on Sup Forums
Any of you played this fucking masterpiece yet? what do you think?
Why do people pretend to like the Mako? It was the absolute worst part of ME1
How the fuck is this battle ready attire? what do the Thigh High socks even do...
Why does the core gaming audience hate mecha?
Has anybody tried fortnite after playing PUBG?
He mains Katana
There's something that bothers me, everyone tries to make the biggest most detailed game ever, with 4k models and shit...
If he loved The Booss so much why didn't he clone her instead of Snake?
Are they out of touch?
Is it really that good as people praise it to be?
Do you like spears in videogames?
Super Mario 64 vs. Super Mario Odyssey. Which is better?
Hello, I'm the best companion in the Fallout series
Anyone else holding out for the inevitable Switch revision?
When did you realize you were over World?
"Nintendo is for kids"
Wii was $250 at Launch
Borderlands 3
How does one play it today? I tried steam version, and it doesn't click with me at all...
PS1 1994 release
Forced SJW bullshit aside, is it good?
Who is the Furtive Pygmy so easily forgotten?
This is the power of the NINTENDO SWITCH
Banned in the UK
Why did this get such middling reviews? It's fucking fantastic
Bethesda has yet to top their magnum opus
Go play the best RPG ever made
Why aren't you playing the best fighting game right now?
M.U.G.E.N Thread
What's the verdict on Nioh?
Sonic AND Spiderman?
How powerful was the cell really?
Do you still buy physical Switchbros?
They saved millions
Final Fantasy VIII
What's the best SSX game?
How is this supposed to protect anything?
What did Sony mean by this?
Kids these days
It's a good game, just not a good X game
Now that the SJWs hate it, can we say it’s /ourgame/?
Thoughts on battlefield 1
Into the Breach
Is this actually going to happen or was it just a publicity stunt to make Blizzard look good?
ITT: bosses no one one Sup Forums can beat
Now that the dust has been settled
How did this tablet with no games sell so much in one year? Are gamers really this retarded?
What the FUCK happened?
Is battletoads actually difficult or is it just a meme?
What games have the most satisfying combat?
This is the protagonist of Horizon Zero Dawn 2
Game is utter shit/mediocre
Horizon Zero Dawn: 7.60 million copies
You want to violate me, don't you?
How fucked is my Switch?
You reinstall you lose
Todd admits Japanese superiority
I love my Switch!!!!
Why does every LoL player seem to hate their game?
PlayStation is 18 years old today!
Game has a death '''''mechanic''''''''
What's the ideal length for a single player $60 video game?
Could you have made a better roster?
Game is made by the same dev or devs that made one of your all-time favourite video games
Link is eating mushroom soup. What do?
Is there a worse video game community than the FGC?
I decided to check out the Shin Megami Tensei series after being recommended it multiple times...
Let's have a comfy sunday heroes 3 thread
What other games have insane hitboxes?
Who does he remind you of?
Corrin is the best Fire Emblem!
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire
Oh yeah, I'm thinking I'm back
Developer known for making one type of games
29 year old
How is THIS acceptable?
Open world games
Welcome back to the stage of history
Excuse me who the heck is this?
Why don't you have a qt gamer gf yet Sup Forums?
Video games can influence men in how they treat women
Is Subnautica any good?
Can Switch really be a viable multiplat machine considering its specs?
0 marketing
Go on date with iris as soon as i meet her
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Are ARPGs the worst genre of video games?
What game has the most satisfying sword fighting?
Is Blizzard seriously so creatively bankcrupt that they just made a tan goddess in slimfit reinhard armor armed with...
Just had my new 1080 come from eBay for 350 euro, you manchilds can never score a deal and only whine...
Post your fortnite stats
How should Ape Escape 4 be made?
Serious question
Here's your dinosaur game :)
Describe your childhood with one pic
"Mom, I told you not to come in"
Thoughts on Makoto Niijima's posterior?
Why is it that the west can't seem to write likable female characters...
What is your rarest achievement?
I miss community servers
This is the biggest bullshit I've ever seen...
You maybe don't know this, but Apple came to the game console market in 1995 with the Pipp!n
Why did you stop playing?
Why can't Sega understand what people want in a main heroine?
Planescape Torment has the best story in video ga-
Will it change gaming forever?
Never cried so much playing a game until now
RPG LnN vs SnW
Just got this
Revealed at E3 2015
Did you buy her game yet?
So... now that console gaming has shat the bed I decided to jump on the PC Gaming train...
Have you ever written any kind of guide, chart or map for a vidya game?
What was his deal?
Deleted all knowledge in human history to create the better world
Play Granblue Fantasy
I'm tired of, (how do we fix pokemon) threads
Does Roll like mega man as a brother or as potential mating partner?
I've seen people posting this picture in various thread when the matter of piracy was brought up...
My uncle who works at Nintendo says the next Zelda game will be called The Legend of Link and you will play as Princess...
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
How would you react if your opponent completely outplayed you?
Kingdom Hearts is a good series
Games that will cheer me up?
I miss d&d games
As long as the gameplay is fun, the story doesn't matter!
Wikipedians are trying to decide whether to describe this game as racist in the introduction to the article, or not
Post the most cringe vidya pic that you have
这里有人会说中文吗?你们最喜欢玩的电子游戏是什么?我的是 Overwatch. 真的不能停止玩!!!
Average Pcbro
Games where the bad guys are actually the good guys
How did Bioware manage to get away with this in 2007?
Imagine making a game that cost millions of dollars...
Now that the dust has settled we can all agree this was the best game in the trilogy?
Which racing game is the best, and why is it Forza: Horizon?
Xenoblade 2
Tfw vidya games no longer fill the void
Brutal Legend is pretty fun. I don't even like metal
Is there a bigger hack than him in the gaming industry?
This is Rikku. She's an Al Bhed.Say something nice about her to show you support diversity
How is SCP less video games than a gay porn meme?
Silent Hill
These are your reigning turn based tactics kings for years to come (unless Julian releases a true masterpiece)...
What am I in for?
Well Sup Forums would you sign?
Vermintide 2 Beta Thread
People shit on this game for being shallow and one dimensional in gameplay
What accent is this? The way Fran talks is so cute. But it seems all Viera has this cute accent
Only kids who grew up in the early 2000s will remember this one
What game are you playing today?
When are you going to switch to digital only?
What went wrong?
Why the fuck is this character so hyper sexualized by the fan base????
7.6 million
The last vidya character you played as must defend you from exactly one(1) Tactical Marine for 24hrs
The moment when Square Enix went downhill
Why did Constantine have a weird spiral hallway, sideways rooms, a portal room to outer space, an indoor forest...
Webm thread
What is your favorite castlevania game?
[Speech 100] It just works
How come Dark Souls 2 is criticized for the Earthen Peak to Iron Keep transtion...
ITT: How to spot an underage redditor
Why does mediocrity get put on a pedestal just because it's in video game form? If the Last of Us was a movie...
Why does Sup Forums hate Dorf Fort now?
Let's not do that today
Final fantasy xiv is better than wow
What the fuck were they thinking?
RPG game
What went wrong?
Why exactly combat feels so bad?
MGSV by removing the open world meme and turning it into a linear interiors only
There will never be a video game of the Elder Days of Arda that would be 100% faithful to the source material
Is there an RPG more atmospheric than VtMB?
Suddenly jap games are popular now
Into the Breach
Dad walks in
So......was he Bosnian or Serbian?
Are you looking forward to the bloodborne PC port?
Yakuza thread
She sold millions
How would you make Persona 6?
Should console FPS have aim assist?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...