3x3 thread then?

3x3 thread then?
2/3 +Bloodborne and MGS2, -Fallout New Vegas

Elitist weebs are the saddest motherfuckers on the planet.

>strange journey
Hey, see that picture in the OP? It's about you. And it fucking demolishes your entire life, philosophy and outlook on the world - squished like a bug. Good riddance

But I really like SoC and Nier


Replace Bloodborne with King's Field, MGS2 with Ghost Babel, Nier with Drakengard 1, NV with Fallout 1. Then it's PERFECT

>Liking 1 (one) popular game means you're a Sup Forums hive-mind drone
I know this is a bait thread, but come on, at least try.

i like how the games in this template change every time


>shit taste man crying about people's opinions

threadly reminder

>silent hill 2
>resident evil 4
>super metroid
>deus ex

immediately outs you as an underage shitter trying to look cool

you didn't even edit out the moe part you fucking retard

actually it's just a video game about demons or some shit

Okay for me it'd be
Ratchet and Clank 1
Jak and Daxter
Persona 3

>6/9 games are western
>the japanese games on there are heavily inspired by western settings

Reddit pls go

RE4 is the best game of all time though.

Wii version for best controls.

What's wrong with those games though? Stop trying to be such an ironic shitheel.

All of those games are moe.

>Wii version for best controls.
Uh no, sorry babe

I can't even think of 9 games I love

Are you actually retarded? It's an image mocking an imagined western gamer's tastes. It's fucking weeb elitism.

incredibly average games that are products of their time that 18 year old overwatch players think makes them cultured

but I actually like Deus Ex

>threadly reminder
>silent hill 2
1 is great, but 2 didn't really do anything noteworthy, unless you're a dumbshut teenager who thinks it's "deep."
>resident evil 4
Great game.
>super metroid
Too short, map ruins the exploration, but still great for it's time. Didn't really deserve 7 million spiritual sequels.
>deus ex
Never got past the first level, idk.

Am I cool now, guys?

Wrong, Sup Forumscore has to be a balance where the games are critically acclaimed but it can't be too popular, but also not niche enough where people aren't able to immediately recognize your "patrician" taste

I want to make one but it feels so tedious.

My nigga!!

The only true Sup Forumsirgin ITT: all others are fucking NEWFAGS

Ok fine just replace Bloodborne with Demon's Souls and NV with Fallout 1

There's a lot of really fun games on there though.
My favorites look pretty different but I don't see any obvious faults here.

Anyone who makes 3x3s is a pretentious faggot desu.

The OP is edited spillover from Sup Forums, specifically from autists who get kicked out for being overly pretentious gatekeepers.

>Metal Gear Solid 2
Shit taste would not accept into cool kids club

Who would've thought 3x3 threads out the most autists.

Are you retarded? The point of the image is to mock people who refuse to branch out and only play games that are liked by the general hivemind. There's like 5 different variations of this image newfag, stop getting triggered by the weeb boogeyman.


If this is supposed to be the pretentious 3x3, you should have added something more obscure than those games.


Unfortunately haven't played any of the Uunderwater Ray Romanos or those NIS adventure games on the top but the series looks interesting enough to me

do you have a single fact to back that up?

what about 3x3s of your favorite vidya girls?

4/4, +BB, Stalker, MGS2, Deus Ex. Want to Play FO:NV, Nier

6/7, +DaS, WW, XB1, MGS2, FE7, KH2, -DA:O

??? I only recongize Mary Skelter

>making 3x3s
>not making game sudokus where you have to solve a logic puzzle to find out which games i think are good
lmaoing @ u brainlets

i really dont get the point of 3x3 threads. everyone just gives each other an arbitrary rating and thats about it.

You do not.

If others told you it was shit, you would say it was shit.

Remember, if you see someone say something hivemind-like, such as:

"Deus Ex is good"

You will find that all is really thinking about is pleasing dudes

So he can *really* please them

And you will find that all he is thinking about is soy

So he can eat it

Few will admit this.


it's like jerking off your friends in a large collective session of mutual masturbation

I gurantee 3/4's of Sup Forums never even played SS1, or gave up on it after 5 minutes

Is it because he picked choices that are not the absolute most popular in the series they are from?








>You do not.
Yes I do.
>If others told you it was shit, you would say it was shit.
no I wouldn't
>Remember, if you see someone say something hivemind-like, such as:
>"Deus Ex is good"
>You will find that all is really thinking about is pleasing dudes
no? I'm not saying "Deus Ex is good" I'm saying "I really like Deus Ex"
not really sure what you're going on about there with that weird gay shit

sounds like you did that yourself and are ashamed of it

>People are this paranoid that they assume other's personal preferences are just carbon copies of another user's simply because it shows up often

Kill yourself.

Why Planescape Torment? A lot of these choices are just picking lesser appreciated entries for internet cred but Torment is probably the most approachable of the old DnD PC games by today's standards.

Same goes for STALKER and Pathologic
I see threads where people complain about the gameplay and graphics all the time

the Reddit is strong in this thread


Good bait, you completely nailed the way twitter leftists type.

I like Torment, but 9/10 times when someone mentions it on Sup Forums it's for posturing.

>Same goes for STALKER
Sorry but you aren't cool for liking stalker, one of the most popular games on Sup Forums

Strange Journey is great, fuck off

If he's supposed to be a strawman why is he drawn like a handsome LN protagonist making a goofy face? Shouldn't he be the typical poorly shaved, sweaty neck-beard?

>not wanting to play something that is literally a bad ui meme image come to life, except you're playing on a postage stamp because having a resolution bigger than 480*600 is foul witchery
look at these plebs

mike it's time for your ocean swim and game meats, you shouldn't be posting on here right now

I will take the bait.
3x3 thread are for people who want to have new games in their backlog.

You cross games you like with user who have some of yours in their 3x3 and work your way from their.
Only retard begin rating as an approuval of taste for others.
It been a month or so those thread are amazing.

tl;dr 3x3 are for recommendation.

nobody likes stalker to be cool, they like it because its a good game, ive even seen people who arent a fan of it appreciate its qualities

These are objectively the nine greatest games of all time.

None can debunk this.

It was referenced in the OP, user :<
Its not even one of my favorites. I'm just saying, most people probably won't even stomach it

Theres only one good game there

>Darkest Dungeon

nothing screams "goty" like RNG bullshit

you have pathetic taste, nu-male

hm2 is shit
xcom and dd dely too much on rng nonsense and isn't too fun

HM2's level design was fucking retarded.

>new xcom over old xcom


that's a nice list.

The fact that you could fill 4 or 5 3x3s with Sup Forumscore games kind of invalidates this image and its variations.
Gonna have to 0/0 these, sorry for being a pleb.
2/2 I suppose.
Am I allowed to rate a girl I haven't played the game of for this? Because the Christmas Cake teacher from P5 seems pretty good, same with the Gravity Rush girl.
1/1 so technically I can't disagree since the only one I've played is good.

I tried my best to think of 9 games
Could only find 6

samefag trying to salvage his pride after 5+ anons called him out on his shit taste

shameful display

I like the 3x3's where the shit taste washes over you so quickly you can't even notice individual games.

What is the original pic?

Silent Hill 2 and RE4 are really good games though

Deus Ex hasn't aged well despite having some cool roleplaying elements and Super Metroid was always mediocre.


best taste reporting in, fight me! People should post their birthyear so that people can detect the posers. 1993 here.

Unfortunately, these guys when a guy says:

"RNG bullshit!"

You will find that all he wants to do is

Ring his fingers around another man

And he eats and drinks TONS

Of soy

Few will understand this.


but deus ex is good, what are you talking about


2/2 really gotta give twinkle star sprites a go





X-COM was too interested in realism to be a good tactics game to be honest. XCOM is simply better

I know I'm gonna get shit for MGS3 and Majoras Mask, but I can't help it. Love them both to death.

IIRC it had New Vegas, God Hand, DMC3, RE4, Silent Hill 2, Deus Ex, Dark Souls, Planescape Torment, and I think MGS3.

Almost nobody has a full-on Sup Forumscore chart in these threads so I don't get the point of it. 95% of the ones I've seen have at least 1-2 games that seem to come from personal tastes even if most of the chart is obvious/popular choices.


Almost all of those are excellent games though.

>3x3 thread then?
1/3 +DarkSouls -DAO -Zelda
1/1 +Hotline Miami
0/2 -KOTOR2 -Zelda
1/4 +M&B -Skyrim -(Rome2orAtilla?) -Civ5
1/2 +NV -DD
3/6 +NV +Bloodborne +CK2 -WoW -DS3 -GTASA
1/1 +Batman

I know Sup Forums will call me a shill for like half of these games but this is what I can come up with in my head atm

>tl;dr 3x3 are for recommendation.
oh yeah look at all these recommendations that are going down...
just be a fucking man and admit that these threads are eceleb tier shit.

>is literally too retarded to figure out how to change it to full screen


If you really care, I'm and I was born in '96.

Oh alright I guess it was an Sup Forums thing first. Haven't really gone to a 3x3 thread there.

>mommy mommy mean ppl are doing 3x3 threads mommy help help!!!

What are the upper right and lower left ones? I think I know what the other ones are

t. 3x3 was called shit.

What the fuck is that in the bottom right

I don't know any of them and I feel fantastic about it.

what the fuck do ecelebs have to do with anything