How do I fix this?

How do I fix this?
Cities Skylines thread I guess, don't know where to ask this

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Build a roundabout.

pro tip: look at it and think if it would exist in real life or is it absolutely retarded

It looks kinda bad yeah, but I suck at connecting roads

You can fix all traffic problems in this game by deleting the problematic zones and making a roundabout (one way, no traffic signals)

If you're still having problems just delete more area and make a bigger roundabout

This is not a joke

You make me sick.

Literally all traffic problems can be solved with a system of roundabouts with growing complexity.

Looks terrible and from a traffical perspective unrealistic too.

Gonna upgrade the above roundabout to be a double donut too then smooth out the edges on the bridge and lengthen the on and off lanes.


>driving on the left side of the road

Disgusting commonwealth proles

just try different things and don't be afraid to redo more than one road. you're playing with infinite money anyway


Driving on the right side is full retard since most people are right eye dominant.

>And the great architect user decreed that there would be no more. No more intersections. No more overpasses. Only roundabouts.
>It was many years later, though nobody quite knows the date, when we realized the terrible mistake we had made. It was that day when we realized the roundabout was too much.
>For that you see, our creation had outgrown us. It was on that day that there was no more city. No more residential zones. No more high density business. No more trains. Only roundabout. Where the drivers came from? Where they were going? Nobody knows.

left's nicer

It helps you watch for the crazies when you're in the fast lane :^)

>start a new city
>shit's comfy yo
>fill half of starter square up
>1-2 hours in the square is almost full
>too big and not comfy anymore
>delete save and start over
For 20-30 hours until you uninstall the game.

*nigger packs everybody onto a grid and then build grid over passes to connect to grid city*

i don't do this because i'm not autistic

I like to design a big city poorly in C:S, then I like to treat it like a puzzle and try and make the road network a lot better and stuff
I wish there were a load of levels that let you do that more

>Fifty thousand people used to live here, now its a ghost town



Turn that half roundabout into a full roundabout and replace it with a highway road so you remove the traffic lights.

> Before and after a black family joins your community.



Everyone's trying to get to the top right neighbor hood or freeway

Make a bigger road that leads straight to them

When you make roads, lay them out in a hierarchical structure. Think of it like a tree. A tree has a trunk, branches that lead to smaller branches and then finally the leaves. The trunk in this case would be six lane roads that lead to four lane roads that lead to roads that lead to your neighborhoods. A grid following this idea can have low traffic issues without the use of roundabouts.

Also alot of traffic problems can be alleviated by proper zoning and public transport usage. Most cims go from residential -> commercial or res - > industrial / office, or res - > commercial - > industrial / office, but never res -> res.

Have you tried the scenarios in the Mass Transit DLC? The traffic one is

That's pretty nice.

I haven't play Cities Skylines, so maybe I should just shut my faggot mouth, but using my SimCity 4 experience, my uneducated opinion is that streamlining is the best solution.

Build alternative roads for the people going through there.

Heavy use roads should be wide. Upgrade.

Less intersections, more roundabouts.

More transport alternatives - Railroads if industry uses the road. general public transport otherwise.

do anything else than what you've just done

Moar roads.

I'm autistic. Can I play this game without feeling the need to find mods that let me adjust every tiny detail?

Just get the mass transit DLC or mod some traffic lights, you can stand the rest, but not the shit ausie traffic.

Guess what the name of my city is

Now THIS is capitalism.

New New Delhi?

And this is my school complex.
That new parking lot mod is rad as fuck. Little tricky to use though.

yeah, if you really want to adjust every tiny detail you will need mods. specifically Road anarchy, Fine Road Tool, Traffic Manager, Precision Engineering but those 4 mods will set you up nicely and with tons of freedom. and they're all very easy to install, just sign up on the mod workshop.

Vanilla also gives you a fair bit of freedom.

How'd you making the parking lot roads look nice? Seems finicky with snapping enabled

What said.
For Traffic Manager, make sure to get President Edition.

Also if you like more realistic traffic, Rush Hour is great. The in-game clock becomes hours and minutes instead of months and days, and traffic changes according to time of day.
Also it stops pedestrians from putting cars in their pockets, which makes parking lots and the like actually get filled up.
Its obviously CPU intensive though.

Not him but probably mids. Fine Road Tool perhaps

Road Anarchy, and creating the parking lot area before doing the rest of the parking lot roads.
This guy helped a bit.

Garbage day lads

Fix the traffic in this city

Superior game coming through

And this:
transport fever