Two things. First off, I was right. Leveling HP didn't do shit for me...

Two things. First off, I was right. Leveling HP didn't do shit for me, so since my endurance and strength are already apparently too high I don't know what the fuck to level because nothing else matters.


I liked this area! It was fun as hell and really fucking cool, then this shit happens and IT JUST RUINS FUCKING EVERYTHING! THIS IS LITERALLY THE WORST PART OF THIS ENTIRE GAME SO FAR AND IT'S JUST FUCKING STUPID AS SHIT!


Other urls found in this thread:

sounds to me like you could benefit from gittin gud

I was doing fine! I had no trouble with like anything in this game lately except the fucking skeleton ape assholes in the dark tomb place and the giant dudes here that heal themselves. Then this shit happens and it just fucking stomps the shit out of me. How is this fight fair!?

You fight two fucking enemies, one that never stops advancing and has massive attacks and the other that just dashes from one side of the arena to the other instantly without any warning! They hit through each other and they constantly split up so you can't even see both of them so you're always going to get hit in the back! And when you kill one THE OTHER GETS ALL ITS FUCKING HEALTH BACK AND GETS STRONGER!


>bait with all caps pretending to be le ebin newb experiencing game for first time
unironically kys shill, no one cares about the remaster

How the fuck would google help? You get like a thousand different pages from different people just telling you stats and shit but nothing really helps. I'm not even asking for help I'm venting because this shit is fucking bullshit and I'd love to see a person who claims it's a fair fight since EVERYTHING in this fucking game is apparently fair explain to me exactly how it's a fair fight and how it isn't just a massive piece of shit artificial difficulty mess designed to make the player feel like they suck... like almost the entire rest of the fucking game!

Summon Solaire to be your meat shield and take out Dragonslayer first. Problem solved.

I think your problems are stemming from your shit damage. Swap out your +5 bullshit for a decent weapon just until after this boss.

It's fair because every attack is telegraphed and dodgeable. You can't be too aggressive, kite the enemies and try to keep both of them on screen at the same. You have to learn where your windows of opportunity are.

I'm not at +5 anymore and haven't been for like two days. And it doesn't matter if they're dodgeable and telegraphed if they just attack THROUGH each other. The fat fuck's body is so damn huge you can't even see what the other dude is doing and then you just get a fucking spear to the face right through his lard ass, then he smashes you with the fucking hammer! There's like no fucking openings anywhere.

I died like 8 times, 3 of them due to bullshit involving tubby's butt stomp (rolls just don't work in that moment for some reason).

Forget about Smough deal with Ornstein first

If you can't see the rat then don't attack the fat, retard. Then you won't get a spear to the face.

Are you on console or PC? I could throw a sign down to help you.

In defense of OP, O&S seemed like a fight where the devs wanted you to summon help. Its possible solo, just sort of unfair

He attacks THROUGH the fat fucker. Fat fuck just keeps tard running at me and never leaves me alone so I have to focus him, then the smaller dude just lunges and spears right fucking through the fat fucker.

Which one is which? I can't deal with the small one because the fat fucker won't stay out of my face.

Summoning is basically cheating so no.

>unironically kys shill
What? Literally unironically kys shill cocksoy

Bait the small one away. You're gonna wanna deal with him first because it's easier to deal with 2nd phase supercharged slow Fat fuck

Use the pillars to separate them.

>no one cares about the remaster

I haven't been able to do this. They just go around shit. The fat one gets stuck for like a second or two but then gets around, and sometimes his attacks just go through the pillar so it doesn't even matter. And the small fucker just gets around anything then evades my attacks before I can hit him.

What weapon are you using bruh? Have you played a Souls game before?

We already have DSfix and texture packs on PC

This is my first game in the series and I'm using the demon axe.

Just summon Solaire lmao

>Summoning is basically cheating so no.
Are your really THIS retarded?
Summoning is a game mechanic and as such it should be used. That has nothing to do with cheating.

Oh, it's you again. Are you still using the hammer? Keep your distance from them, most of the time the smaller guy will charge at you more quickly than Biggie will sweep giving you a chance to kill Smalls first. All you have to do is bait out the lightning ass stomp from Super Enough afterwards.

Summoning is basically easy mode. It's not cheating but you really shouldn't be using it.

just get the dragon tail sword like the bitch you are op

Still feels like cheating because I have the option to do it on my own. It'd be like picking an easy mode which defeats the point of the game and just says "congrats game, you beat me."

I've never used a hammer in this game.

I don't know what that is but I don't want to change my weapon, I'm using the weapon I want to.

>Drake Sword in Anor Londo
u fukin wot m8 that shit is not good that late in game. I can't wait to invade retards that are still using it there in the remaster

Go get yourself Drake's Sword or Black Knight Sword. I played Dark Souls after Demon's Souls and I thought I was ready but they still whooped my ass so don't worry. It's a difficult boss fight

>implying I read his entire post

why the fuck are people doing their first playthrough of ds1 now when remaster is few months away


Because the remaster will ruin everything with retarded ganksquads

I'm sorry I didn't see the previous post because I didn't update the thread while I was typing. I was just trying to help. Fuck you man just go back to playing Kingdom Hearts

Have you leveled it up?

Hey OP try changing weapons

Why not update the thread before posting if you're trying to help someone? Just isn't even practical.

After how many people I've had tell me I'm shit at this game I need to ask you to think about what you just said. Do you think I am good enough at this game to get this far without upgrading my weapon?

Yeah I meant the axe, I always think of it as a hammer because of the menu art for it. Slow weapons like that are obviously harder to get hits with, though you haven't clarified if that's your issue. Are you constantly using lock-on? It's detrimental in this fight when trying to maintain distance. Lock on only when you're close to one of the guys you want to attack.

As an aside, did you kill the black knight with the halberd in the forest? His weapon is great if you can get it to drop.

Can you stream? Please show us how bad you are.

Why wouldn't you be locked on to the boss all the time? How else would you hit them?

I don't remember if I killed a black knight there or not, it's been a while since I was there. I don't have a halberd from one of them, though. But I don't want to switch weapons. I like this axe. Only thing I would switch it for is the black knight axe that's cooler looking and apparently better but I can't get that yet I guess.

>Why not update the thread before posting if you're trying to help someone?
I entered the thread and started typing and the guy posted it while I was typing for fucks sake why do you have to be like this

Calm your autism. Jesus Christ. Just be happy people are actually replying to your retarded bait.

Ornstein is weak to fire and occult
Smough is weak to divine and lightning

Glad you made it to and through Anor Londo, buddy.

Yes, to the first-timer, the fight is about getting fatty (Smough) stuck on the ridges of the pillars. While he's busy doing his charge attack on the pillar, Orn should eventually dash to you and create a big gap. Duel him when you're safe.

Supercharged fatty should be easy if you bait and SPRINT AWAY from the buttslam.

There are other ways to do it but that's the most surefire. I always convince myself to never give up by remembering that people have done this naked at SL 1 without pyromancy.

holy shit OP you are the biggest god damn autistic man baby that has ever played this game

grow some fucking balls, git fucking gud, and learn to counter the game instead of blaming everything on the game. you have options but you dont want to use those options, but complain that its difficult by yourself?
what the fuck do you want then?
fuck off and kys you massive faggot

As I said, it's detrimental here because they can both charge. Unlock your camera, run away with it turned so that you can see where the bosses are and try to keep a pillar between yourself and at least one of the bosses at all times. When Ornstein dashes forward, lock on and hit him then run away before Smough catches up and repeat the process.


Lock on is actually detrimental a lot of the time in this game because it limits your ability to look around and move freely. Learn when to use it and when to not. This fight is when to not.

Yes, this helps me. THIS is what fixes all of my troubles. This, two damage types I DO NOT USE helps me. Yes, this is surely the fucking key to beating this bullshit, cheap as hell fight when my problem is only partially damage and mostly I CANNOT HIT THEM AND THEY ATTACK THROUGH EACH OTHER AND SPAM ALL THE FUCKING TIME!

Like I said I can't get him stuck on the pillars, at least not reliably, and the small dude dashes in like you said but he usually just moves away before I can hit him. I get a faster or longer weapon would probably fix that but I should be able to fairly beat them with whatever weapon I want to use.

The only "options" are to switch my weapon. In a fair game I wouldn't have to switch my weapons, I should be able to fairly beat everything in the game with any weapon I want to. I refuse to be forced to use what I don't want to use.

That sounds really awkward and hard to keep track of. I already have trouble hitting them when I'm locked on and I just don't think I'm good enough at the game to do what you're asking me to do.

Git fucking gud

Try it without locking on.

Nice blog. Upvoated and shared!!

Where can I subscribe? Is there more?

Can't wait for the next one!!

note the blatant reddit spacing

>he only "options" are to switch my weapon. In a fair game I wouldn't have to switch my weapons, I should be able to fairly beat everything in the game with any weapon I want to. I refuse to be forced to use what I don't want to use.

you arent good enough at the game to stick to the weapon you are using to know how to use it effectively in this fight.



Reminder that OP is like level 90.

Unlocking the camera is important against these guys and all large bosses like dragons. You may not be good at doing it now, but if you practice it you'll get used to it and it will make your life much easier. This really is a case of having to git gud at something, because if you learn how to do it you could go fight O&S with your fists and win. It would take a while, but it would be pretty easy.

Why wouldn't the game tell me in one of those little glowy messages that sometimes it's best to not lock on? Most games where you can lock on it's best to lock on all the time so if it's better to not lock on a lot of the time... how would I even know that? I've never once even considered not being locked on in this game. Is it actually beneficial or am I just going to get shit all over for it?

Right now I'm level 94 but apparently a lot of my points were wasted so I might as well be like level 70 or something I guess.

The game tells you how to use your tools, not when. That's for you to figure out.

Level 70 is still really high for Anor Londo.

>94 at O&S
Most people fight Gwyn at around 80...git gud

Just remember this OP
DSP beat all dark souls games so don't be a giant faggot.
(yes, I know he got help from chat most of the time)

I see "DSP" mentioned in like every thread I've made about this game and still have no idea what the fuck people are talking about.

I have no idea who or what Gwyn is so that doesn't really mean anything to me.

Gwyn is the final boss that gets referenced throughout the entire game.

> checks calendar
Wow, okay, thought I'd dipped back into 2012 for a second there

Stupid normal fag

Like I said in the past I really don't understand shit about this game's story so I've kind of stopped paying attention. So it's the final boss, but like... that still doesn't tell me anything because I don't even know how far into the game I am. I have to be getting close to the end, though.

You're gonna have a bad time with Gwyn because you aren't using a shield. You may want to learn how to parry and take off gear so you can still fast roll. Did you kill Havel the rock dude near Capra/Taurus? His ring is good to up your equip burden. go to 2:17:20 to watch a former scrublord like you kill them. He went on to beat every soulsborne, but started with DaS. Not locking on is important.

Yeah, this no lock on thing isn't helping at all. If anything it's making it harder to keep track of them. It's a little bit easier to hit them I guess but it's getting me destroyed way faster.

I have the ring from Havel, and even with it and my high endurance I only barely fast roll now so there's no way I can fit a shield in even if I wanted to, and since I'd have to switch to one handing my axe that's not going to happen because one handing it sucks.

Stop spoon feeding this fag

I fucking hate looking for older videos on the Internet. Does anybody have the video of a guy insisting that a developer message in the asylum is telling him to walk off a cliff right after the boss fight? I can't find anything with all this Dark Souls 2/3 shit taking up all the search results.

He also had one where he couldn't get out of Things Betwixt because he didn't see the door.

I want to see him react to Archives/Crystal Cave, I wouldn't bother otherwise.

Just remember invisible platforms

Bed of Chaos x^D

They're dead.

Make sure you get a pre-emptive attack on the giant bitch in the next room.

This is the moment I have been waiting for since I got to this area. Holy fucking titties that was worth it.

This but unironically, it's fun.

Dark souls isn't about fair. It's about overcoming challenges

inb4 wut challenge, it's so easy lul

This has to be bait by now

have you upgraded your weapon?

I don't know who's more retarded, OP or the people giving him all this shit advice.

Summon another player my dude.
Also use the pillars to your advantage and don't use lock on.
Kill ornstein first.

>hop in a thread
>call everyone a retard
>offers no advice or thoughts of his own
probably (you) t b q h f a m

Get under 25% equip load. Rolls better that way.
Also dodge them and use the fucking pillars at your advantage until you see an opening on the faster one (Ornstein). Be patient.

Pillars user. Get them trapped around the pillars to desync them, but most importantly keep smalls in your sight as much as you can and kite around him. But also keep Biggie towards the back of your vision whenever possible too. Small's relentless in his assault.
Pick one to kill first. Usually I go for Smalls rather than Biggie, because buffed Biggie is a pretty straight forward fight. Just do what you've been doing already but watch out for the thunder buttslam with AOE.
I solo'd them first time I fought them. Took a few tries but its really not THAT hard. You just have to make sure you don't get trapped between them or boxed in by Ornstein. This fight is all about mobility. Hit n move. Hit n move.

get the FAP ring as well if you need more carry capacity
you have to invade and kill lautrec

This helps too.
Since they do big chunks of damage anyway its better to just do everything you can to avoid their attacks in the first place. I remember unequipping most of my armour for fast roll so I could keep up with dodging Orstein's attacks in my first fight.
Seriously though, the guy sometimes just stops as if to catch his breath after a chain of attacks. Thats when you poke him with your pointy bit then run away like a giddy little schoolkid trying to dodge a beating.

>backtrack around the arena
>wait for Ornstein to overextend
>punish with 1/2 attacks
>repeat until dead
>learn Smough's pattern so you can dodge it effectively in phase 2

Obviously there's an element of randomness in every run but it shouldn't take you more than 5-10 gos if you follow these steps

>Seriously though, the guy sometimes just stops as if to catch his breath after a chain of attacks.
yeah this fight has a lot of bugs in it, especially Ornstein. He tends to get stuck on things or get his animation chain stuck

Also those pillars are there for a reason. Use them to separate the two or, better yet, get smough stuck behind one while you wail on ornstein.

There's no memey easy win for this fight outside of summoning. Just keep trying and learning from your mistakes

I know right. The game literally throws you a bone in that fight more than it unfairly glitches out against you.
Fuck me. If this guys struggling now. He's going to be screaming at the top of his lungs facing off against Kalameet or Manus.

This sounds familiar to me too. No clue about it how to find it though. I remember him being even whinier than DSP if my memory serves me right.

If you spent as much time playing as you do posting these threads multiple times every single fucking day whining you would be able to do a ng++ no damage run

Oh yeah, he actually had autism clearly.