Where do you go to properly discuss videogames?

Where do you go to properly discuss videogames?

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Hots general chat


Resetera, of course!

I go to boards.Sup Forums.org/v/thread/408774872

This, specifically the sub reddit of the game you want to discuss

anywhere but reddit or neofag

With your friends. Serious discussion about vidya died thanks to anonymous boards, discord and reddit.

Holy shit I love capybara thanks for a new capy onsen webm

This is now a Capy thread

Capy love fruit infused onsen for him and his son.

Sup Forums

did someone said capybara?

I only really do it on Sup Forums and with my friends on discord. /vg/ for fightan games.


Get out.



What the hell is wrong with you?

Why are women so fucking hot?! It's unreal.

my friends


hard question really where do you find people who play games that don't have their head up their own ass, have enough of a life where videogames and discussion of it are clearly not the only thing in it, and don't obsesses over youtube garbage and "theories"?
So far I have not found that place.

Here, I brought you some fresh OC from Reddit

real life

It's nice that you found a way to feel superior to everyone else though, faggot

thanks for this

your birth was a mistake

To you, yes. To anyone a job (or any meaningful commitments outside of games) and doesn't sperg out when someone says that they genuinely enjoyed any game from the last 10 years, no.


My friends house. There's no true discussion to have with psudo-anyonmous asshats from the internet. A net handle or post count doesn't change the fact that the kind of stupidity seen on Sup Forums et al is the default level of intellectualism the internet runs on.

See and smell enough vaginas and it starts to lose its effect.


>have autism
>base level of sexual desire is above the cutoff for hyper-sexuality in normal people
it never stops

Lardass, lifehating Amerimutt.

At work or with friends.

What kind of an evil, soulless, hollow degenerate monster do you need to be to hate Capybaras like this?

Yikes, my dude. Any kind of treatment for that? I mean, I used to jerk it off to practically everything, and then it just got kinda old. Then I started getting laid and it got really old.

>ywn be a capybara

yeah how fat do you have to be jealous of a rat with social skills?
no that I know of.

>rat with social skills?
So a rat?


cross species social skills

>rat with social skills
you realize they're one of the smartest animals on earth? rats are inherently social, you moron

Whoa there buddy what kind of bizarre projecting are you doing right now, who the hell said anything about projecting feelings and shortcomings onto an animal but you.

People just think they are funny/cute looking and like to look at them in onsen because it is funny/cute.


can you not recognize a joke when you read one?

on Sup Forums? everyone here is either an idiot or pretending to be an idiot- which is worse.

what disgusting creatures

and responding like that benefits who exactly?

>Plebbit is this upset that Sup Forums is banding together to derail their shit threads
First shoop, Harmony, Aniki, and now capybaras, you fags can't catch a break.

Year of the eternal Harmony is a go.

I'm laughing while you're having an autistic conniption fit. Unbunch your panties.

>I'm laughing while you're having an autistic conniption fit