I found it
Awww shit Sup Forums
a sideways vase? why pic so big?
Allen Carr is legit, read the booklet tho
do you think he beat the addiction?
I need help boys, i cant quit
Is this basically a daily thing that tells you to exercise and gives you a round of applause if you tell it yiu didn't smoke today?
Im gonna smoke brb
It's luring you into a false sense of security. Also rotate your pictures fgt.
>tfw too intelligent to have ever smoked
why am I not surprised.
post more
Its fucking gay that you have to touch the screen to advance instead of pushing a button
Who do i pick?
top left is hottest, only real option
Bottom middle highest difficulty
bottom left will give you the most shit for not kicking the habit
I haven't smoked since the middle of January but every day I wake up thinking how much I'd like to smoke, but whenever I'm around smokers it smells absolutely horrible.
This dude doesn't look mexican
el fumador...
I tried a cig for the first time with my boss a couple months ago at 25. It was pretty alright and I felt cool doing it but the lasting affect on my breath was fucking awful and I'd never do it again unless I was as drunk as I was then.
this is why i still come here
Schinkel 'bout it
I picked the strong Danish lady