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Video Games #4088
Video Games
Get me DMC but worse in every way gameplay-wise and with a shit soundtrack
What are some games that are similar to Fallout New Vegas on hardcore mode...
So, in the end, since Wily created Zero, was he better scientist than ight?
She right?
The ones we couldn't save
Life isn't just about passing on your genes. We can leave behind much more than just DNA. Through speech, music...
Sup, what rank are you?
Scientist is the secret best role
Tons of great games in 2017
What am I in for?
Got this from Goyimstop a couple days ago for 7 bucks
Street fighter 5
Why is Pokémon one of the only franchises that gets away with releasing practically the same singleplayer experience...
Battlestation thread
Starting this for the first time. I’ve played Oblivion & Skyrim, and I know the combat is shit...
Which is the best game? Which is the worst one?
It's time to the discuss the best coded game of the year
Umihara kawase
Are you going to play Far Cry 5? Yes or no?
QUICK! Miyamoto isn't looking!
What's your favourite rifle to use in vidya and why is it the kar98k?
Possible Half-Life info
Sup Forums went from a brotherhood of outcasts who enjoyed a niche hobby to a cesspool of marketers, 14 year olds...
Why do so many people prefer this game over the others? It's so fucking depressing
Do not buy my game
Are lazy meta twists the key to success?
Since third Chrono installment of the series is NEVER EVER. Pitch your story, ideas and concept for this game
What is the best Halo game and why is it Halo Reach?
ITT: Video game characters you could beat in a fight
Post top 5 games
Hello yes this is dog
Saves a little girl from getting kidnapped in Zero
Tell me, General Kenobi, if the Republic was so great how come there are no good Clone Wars games
/ctt/ Console-tan Tuesday
Jesus fucking Christ, Rise, tone it down a little
Is there a game that has a house that sprouts chicken legs...
Both are mobile ports
How did she die?
Finally got around to beating Dark Souls
Why did they make him like this. No one playing this is going to look like this. Where's my escapism
ITT: you have to live in the map below you for eternity
The PS4 controller has a gyroscope, yet the switch is only 1 year in and managed to have more games use gyro aiming
Why isn't there a Camping Simulator?
Bloodborne could've been a perfect game if only the pvp wasn't so half-assed
UNIST Thread
You just gonna stand there like a lemon?
Debating with a friend. Would you consider Dark Souls a multiplayer focused game?
No 3DS thread
I was playing ocarina of time and I named the elf "Dat Boi" then when I went to the giant tree he called me "Dat Boi"...
GTA VI leak
Do you think Life is Strange 2 will feature male love? Or is the love between two boys still taboo?
What do Sup Forums thinks of patapon games?
I'd like to see it happen
Anniversary of Door-kuns death
What is Sup Forums´s opinion on Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness?
What am I in for?
Finally got around to playing this and it wasnt nearly as bad as you people made it out to be...
Yakuza Thread
When was the last time you were tricked into buying a shit game
2 > 1 > 3
What a wonderful loyalty program. I'm glad I bought my Switch day one
Name a more disappointing sequel
I want to buy this game. Convince me not to do it
What game allows me to kick logic out and do the impossible ?
You can't refute it
.emag cinos yna morf egats gnikcuf tsrow eht si sihT
*Destroys your favorite games /vg/ general*
Why are there so many good games released in year 2015?
Dude lmao what if we just ban people who say things we don't like in a chat that can be easily disabled by anyone
Why aren't you playing Etrian Odyssey right now?
Kirby thread
4 Nintendo newcomers you want, 1 3rd party you want
So I was interested in "competitive" Pokemon
So Sup Forums what genuinely terrifies you...
ITT: We post the best girls from their respective games
What are they working on?
Why do game developers insist on making armors into literally thongs. It has no protection
How is this acceptable?
Gentlemen, how do we save the video game industry from impending doom?
Where were you when Square Enix Business Division 5 made FFXIV great again?
Holds technology back with consoles
Hello anons did you like fallout 3 or new vegas more?
What is the best year for video games?
Games women will never understand
SoulCal VI
Meanwhile at the Sup Forums mansion
Free, you can only buy cosmetics
Tool/weapon/spec/spell is meant specifically for one type/specific boss
Anybody thinking of buying this when it comes out tomorrow?
What will the modding scene be like once TES VI comes out, Sup Forums...
Why Hyrulean princess has an ass like this?
This is the greatest title screen in all of gaming. Fucking fight me
This comes out on PC in a few hours
So after all the hootin and hollarin, is it REALLY historically accurate or what?
Reminder that Square Shitenix cancelled Sleeping Dogs 2 and put the Deus Ex franchise on hold for this
Have or planning to get any gamer ink Sup Forums?
This thread is here to remind you that Solid Snake is a better character than Big Boss and I will throw hands with you...
I have 3000 hours logged in darksouls 2
Kingdom Hearts Orchestra World Tour coming to a city near you
Let's discuss 2008-2010 vidya
Kingdom Hearts
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
What's the first game you're replaying when the Switch virtual console comes out?
What are some cozy games I can play to deal with getting dumped by my first and probably the only partner I'll ever...
Is this series worth getting into? I've never really played fighters, but dbfz has me wanting to learn...
Was Cuphead just a flavor of the month game?
Can we all agree that Visual Novels are not fucking games?
Any other "hardcore" gamers that hate cod but love the yearly mario karts and pokemons?
ITT: criticize your favorite game
Temmate asks for healing
Like fucking clockwork
Since the Sup Forums mods are no fun, lets talk about wether FF9 is truly underrated or not
Hollow Knight
ITT: Confess your gaming sins
Into the Breach
I'm in the mood to play a game that has takes you on a long adventure. I just beat XC2 right now and I loved it...
Shoot barrel
Anybody here was watching VNN stream? There was something about HL3
For the 4 or so people that played this, who was your favorite character?
How would you improve the Switch's 2018 lineup?
Shujinko did everything wrong
The protagonist of the last game you played is now Carl Brutananadilewski. How does it change things?
Play as melee class
This thursday:
YOOOOO, wanna train, user-kun?
I'm no heretic, but I'm just curious:
This is unironically the best Monster Hunter game that came out in the last 12 months
Bethesda E3 Predictions
What is he the king of?
If Nintendo can't even add online co-op to Kirby Star Allies or DK Tropical Freeze...
Is he the best black character of all time?
Want to replay game with romance in it
Is it any good?
Finally got around to finishing this tonight. How did it go so wrong?
Just found a cheap copy of this game since my R4 is no more. What am I in for?
Death Stranding, starring Oscar winner Guillermo del Toro
YOU are the final boss. what is your
Yfw Zelgius wins because they don't leave Same hell until the last hour
Screenshot Thread
Are you ready for the SWITCH version?
Dragon's Dogma. Yeah, I'm late to the party, but I don't care. I picked it up cheap on steam over the weekend
When does the PSN store usually updates? I want to play Ratchet and Clank
Game lets you play as a human
Falcon at 5th
What a fucking disaster
What is the best language to code your game in?
So now that the dust has settled and pubg is dead can we all realise Fortnite was the better game all along?
Dr Freeman i'm HECU
That game you love that Sup Forums hates
Platinum shows interest in KLK game
This isn't actually 80 hours long r-right?
Ace Attorney
Vermintide 2 thread fellow lumberfoots
Are there any games where you can play as an actual German like Von Bismarck?
What am I in for?
Assassin's Creed or Middle Earth
Are you addicted to video games?
Kirby Thread
Unpopular opinions thread
How's your game coming along, Sup Forums?
Rate me
This is why we need national socialism
Which one Sup Forums
Are the Left 4 Dead games good?
Craiglist Thread
ITT: Top tier sleep over games
Is Vegeta the most redpilled character to ever exist?
I didn't think kirby games could get any more mindlessly easy...
CGI trailer shown at E3 2014
What did Del Toro mean by this?
Nintendo and Sony selling better than ever
Thoughts on this character?
Now that no one cares about Pokemon GO anymore, what's Nintendo's next big hit phone game?
FFXV Royal Edition
Has a video game ever taught you a real life skill? metal gear taught me close quarters combat
Why do we hate Yukari again?
Bump computer
Uuu Mimi, yeeeah, first gurl eva suck mah cock
Bioware is making real 3D model characters
Will I be able to romance a frog?
Is Fortnite a good game?
Steam remove profile pic
When did you grow out of playing dual-wield classes, Sup Forums?
Should I buy this game???
Brigitte is the best new character in Overwatch
Where do these two races fall in the timeline?
Literally nothing to fucking play
I have always wondered this for Doom, when you die you lose your inventory, so I always reload last save to get it back...
Game has a merchant class
Reminder that if you like Resident Evil 2, CV, 4, 5, 6, Revelations 1, Revelations 2 or prefer the REmake over 1...
About to play pic related for the first time, any essential mods I need to install first?
You have to beat the last game you finished without dying or getting a fail state once. How fucked are you?
You're chilling out, playing a game when suddenly this character pops into the screen
Are you a girl fetishist Sup Forums?
Dark Souls Remastered will be released in a little over two months time and we haven't even seen a screen shot of the...
*teleports on top of you*
Who hyped for Code Vein here?
Want to replay a game
Well, Sup Forums?
This is the most attractive girl ever featured in a video game and I'm helping her get her green card so we can be...
Now that the dust has settled, was he really that bad?
Is this worth picking up if I have never played a persona game before ?
Why Did Agents of Mayhem Flop?
How do you make a hard difficulty mode that is also fun?
Is this the best character design in the history of video games?
Say we were to get a sequel to this game, but this time with more important characters (Crash and Spyro...
How the fuck Mercurysteam made this good
Vidya Gore
Filename thread
Any really richfags able to gift a poorfag some gp's?
NTR series Grancrest Senki is getting a PS4 game
You will NEVER play Maplestory with your friends in its golden age again
Night in the Woods
Reminder that elves are the worst part of Warcraft
What did mario saw?
Second Chart Suffering Thread
Why is this allowed?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Game pushes its definition of good and evil onto the player
Welp, that didn't take long. Survive now has less concurrent players than TPP
Are you still playing Hatsune Miku Future Tone?
Can Ann top Rise?
What gets you angry in online games?
Name one(1) good thing about this genre
Leave Sup Forumseddit to me
What game lets me explore and build a base but isnt memecraft?
What would be Sup Forums's equivalent of Code Geass season 3?
So now that kojima won an oscar what does this mean for death stranding?
Square Enix updates Chrono Trigger on Steam
Fully grown adults think saying niggerfaggot in online games is good banter
So how will the soul series continue?
Can we please talk about Pokemon XD
Monster Hunter World is now Capcom's best selling game ever
When did discussing fucking mobileshit become acceptable on Sup Forums?
Horizon Zero Dawn is the most grossly underrated and underappreciated game of all time...
Do women hate Persona 5? Are there any gamer girls here who like Persona 5 and its female characters?
PC gamer here...
Is it any good?
ITT: Game Series' with only 1 good game
Kirby Thread
It's ya boy user,back after a one week hiatus.Up for another image replies only thread?
Who's in the wrong here?
How much longer do we have to wait for a remastered Ninja Gaiden Trilogy...
Oblivion vs Gothic 3
Currently 37 personalities have access to Artifact beta
Is this video games?
Who was in the wrong here?
Dragon age: degenerates
When was minecraft ruined for you Sup Forums?
4.3 in
Can we talk about one of the greatest dad's in Vidya?
Are there any other games with the aesthetic of VTMB? I love that look but I think I've exhausted Vampire at this point
Fire Emblem
Thank God no one was stupid enough to buy this game here
Pat the saria
Risk of Rain
Dlc ends up being the best content of the game
Where the fuck is he
Why do soyboys hate this game?
Please don't suck
How about that new update and new monster?
For Honor
New vegas sold 665K copies on steam
Switch Thread
When was your last computer upgrade Sup Forums?
New Scribblenauts
Has never won a console generation
100% Orange Juice
All that talk on Sup Forums about how world will flop
All of the pilot's hair color are different shades of shit-brown
For years, straight white males were ridiculed and beat up for being comic geeks
Is there a more chad vidya dev than kojima?
Has the pope beat genocide?
Your Shitposting score vs Real Score
Reaction Image Thread
Hardest boss isnt the final boss
Is this the holy trinity of indie platformers?
Should businesses have the right to strip you of your game purchase if you break their terms of use?
Why is Japanese character design superior to the Western one in every aspect through all genres of art like pic related?
ITT: Scenes in games women will never understand
Press F to pay respects
Best vidya OSTs
Losing 0-2
Is Steam dead?
There are people who unironically believe this is the best RPG ever conceived
Does Sup Forums like my Pokémon team?
Boss is immune to all status effects
Puyo Puyo Tetris
Game Informer TOP 300 GAMES OF ALL TIME
Why does the 90's PC era feel so off? just looking at art for the majority of games gives me such an odd feeling
How do we save Sonic?
Game has more cut content than Mafia 2
Be me
Is Diablo 3 worth it?
You DID give nia a happy ending right Sup Forums?
This is King Noctis Lucis Caelum
Hunt: Showdown
What's your favorite RPG class?
Detroit: Become Human downgrade
Was there ever a bigger disappoint than MGSV?
/bst/ - Battlestations
Ffxiv is better than wow
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Enemies don't respawn
Game 1 is good
Okay Sup Forums, you have to say five things that you like about this game
At what point is it okay to review a game?
Tekken I Made Nina Williams Pretty Again!
8th gen summary on PS4
It's canon again, Mario is a plumber
Is this the black sheep of resident evil games?
Alright guys, is it really THAT good
She was barely legal
>your age >your top 5 favorite games
Gwyns theme starts playing
She looks like an adult but it's okay because she's actually 3000 years old
Subnautica thread
You have 10 seconds to explain why Soldier isn't the best vidya character ever written
Grove Street. Home
What are some good mods for this game?
Why haven't you beaten a roguelike, yet?
Charmy or Tails
[incomrephensible techno babble]
Is Subnautica basically Minecraft underwater?
Go to akinator and answer all questions as if you had yourself in mind...
Gravity Rush 2 is still on sale on PSN! And you still have plenty of time to get 6000 Dusty tokens before the servers...
Am I the only one afraid to play Bayo in handheld mode due to the risk of shattering the Switch when playing this...
Buy a game "new"
If you post in this thread, you will die within the week in your sleep
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Nintendo thread, get in here faggots. What's your favorite Nintendo console and what are you currently playing?
Do you play as a girl or a female in video games when given the choice?
Buy pic related
Original is a 7.8/10
Recently picked up this game and it's amazing. What are other good licensed games for the GB, GBA and DS?
You there! You're the one they call Dragonborn?
Thoughts on this?
When did you realize that the people who bitch about Sup Forums on here are Redditors?
Deus Ex Thread
What ever happened to chibi?
What other devs have never made a bad game?
In todays society, only 30-40% of men will reproduce
Try to come up with a new gaming genre or at least sub-genre, like metroidvania or souls-like
Name your character
SOUND... the retreat
Demon's Souls
Install pic related because Sup Forums keeps praising it
Let's talk about Nintendo Switch's port problem
Why do soyboys love the Switch so much?
Is there a realistic way to solve the RPG problem of almost every player becoming an invincible god by the last...
AWFUL game design general?
Tired of having your kids playing violent video games like Counter-Strike?
Jagged Alliance 2
I was thinking of getting the Poker Night games. Are they worth the price these days?
Ff15 tries to sneakily add denuvo without telling anyone
How many games have come out for Switch this year?
This fucking game right here
Muh super saiyan Bardock!
Game punishes you for choosing the easiest difficulty
Is it normal to play one match and immediately want to quit? How do people play thousands of matches in this game?
Little Witch Academia - Chamber of Time
Is this game any good single player?
Well Sup Forums? Is it possible?
Why are so many Switch users soyboys?
Hiroyuki Stream
Let's create a character whose only notable personality trait is being a huge bitch!
Steam profile rating thread:
Metal Gear Survival Hit Pieces
Game features underage drinking
Rainbow six siege has one of the worst fanbases ever. Bunch of ubisoft fanboys, shills and dickriders...
ITT: Post classic Sup Forums threads
Will we see new content/sequels in the near future?
Teammate betrays you
*ruins your franchise*
Can we have a Disgaea thread? Made one last week and it was fun
So I'm pretty excited for the upcoming trilogy, loved the PS1 Spyro games...
Would you play a videogame featuring Donald Trump as a character?
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire
Rank them
What is your hope for Company of Heroes 3?
Why are there no games where I can play as a mature woman?
Playstation 5
Hey Sup Forums, I’m going to run to the store to pick up Destiny 2 Collector’s Edition. These Tendies are hot...
ITT: Games that were universally thought of as garbage until some eceleb told numales to worship it
Where do you torrent games from?
Post cursed vidya images
What are the best mystery-solving games, Sup Forums?
Foxhound codenames
Why Did Agents of Mayhem Flop?
Manhunt 3 leak
All AAA games are now at least 50 GB
In this thread: Pictures that make us channers physically ill
What went wrong?
You will live to see videogames become more popular than cinema
Who thought this was a good idea?
Have you ever fallen in love with a girl from a videogame?
I tried playing Morrowind, got bored 10 minutes in
Why does this keep happening to speedrunners?
Fuck you all, Sup Forumsipsters
Playing game with a European
Terrible level design thread?
Monday Morning 3x3
Download and install a great game illegally, you enjoyed it all
Post your favorite vidya man
Remember to be happy, Sup Forums
Am I the only one triggered by these fucking unskippable animations that interrupt gameplay for everything you do such...
Post a picture and other anons will recommend you a game based on the picture. I'll start
This is Makoto Nijima with long hair. Say something nice about her
How is he gonna work in games? Seems like broken bullshit if he has the best dodging
What did Blizzard mean by this?
Too hardcore for casual Pokemon fans
ITT: Games Americans will never understand
Into The Breach
When's the last time a video game genuinely made you laugh out loud...
The demo honestly just reinforced the main problem I thought I would have with this game
Grim Dawn
Inb4 brainlets say tetris
Buy GOTY edition of game
What are your thoughts on this character?
ITT: Overrated garbage
Is Kerillian really that OP?
Post your stick bro
Holy fuck why did Nintendo make the Gerudos so fit and tall?
Blame! author establishes new company to create games etc
ITT: girls shaped like penises
Would PC gaming have died if it wasn't for Steam?
Come nerevar, Come and look upon the heart
Ehhhh guys
System Shock 1 remake couldn't find a publisher and was canceled
Sup Forums says a game is good
BY SIGMAR, THE HAMMER AND THE Vermintide 2 thread
Is there a game I can play that will give me fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! moments??
All these cheap as fuck Canadian videogames
30 minutes into this, steam discount
It was going to flop they said
What does Sup Forums think about Subnautica?
heheh, it's funny
Borderlands 3
Paul Raines, CEO of GameStop, has died
My drawing skills are really bad but I decided to put this here anyway. I created this with Paint.Net...
What the fuck was his problem?
I just got this game, What should I know?
Little sis catches me playing Neptunia U
Villain wants to destroy all life to end suffering
What are some games with an upbeat strange funkish forest feel?
Post your favorite vidya loli
Get dragged into video game conversation with normalfags
Who is your favorite FE girl Sup Forums?
Who is billy herrington and why does he get an RIP message? what games did he make?
Why aren't the bigger third party devs racing to make games for this...
Achievement: Beat the first level
ITT: the last game you played, and the single worst item/weapon in it
SL > 3 > 1 > 4 > 2 > 6
What games have the best post-game content, i.e. content that you reach after beating the game? Pic very much related
The final boss fight makes you cry
*kills your guild chat*
Living normal lives with our families is dumb...
Literally confesses on live television that he murdered someone and had been comiting crimes
How does this thing work?
Any games that shows nazi germany as the actual good guys and not some false propaganda?
This is still the best Final Fantasy since X
StarCraft is 20 years old. Say something nice about it
Why doesn't Japan make an authentic medieval game like Kingdom Come, Deliverance?
Sick and staying home to play video games again, son?
Switch Wins
Aww yiss... you know what time it is... COMFY MONDAY AFTERNOON MOTHAFUCKAS!!!
He plays video games and is older than 16
Too hard for me
What are some good games with bees, Sup Forums?
How's the framerate on both?
Finished N:A yesterday
A literal God gives you a great artifact after completing a grand quest for them
So when are they going to make her bi and start liking men too?
Why does France like Nintendo so much?
CDPR and their inability to set boundaries for themselves
So was there a reason this game never get much love on Sup Forums?
When the fuck is it gonna happen holy fuck i just want smash 4 deluxe god dammit holy shit nintendo just fucking reveal...
This last weekend I bought a Switch (and pro controller) + Bayonetta, Mario, Stardew & Sonic World. Did I do good?
Establishing secure connection
LawBreakers bounces off the bottom
MTG Arena
So I'm going for the True End path on Hard mode in Agarest: Generations of War but I'm getting my ass whopped by him
Just bought Subnautica with 30% off with a steam coupon, what should i expect from this game...
This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is how 100% Swadian perfection looks like
Did you buy her game yet, Sup Forums?
Send in the divers!
Where did things go so terribly wrong for Smash Bros?
Odd Time Signatures
No silly business
I currently have a 750TI. Should I wait for the 2080 to come out before buying a 1060?
Finish a great game
Our friends over at /vg/ are making games. This week they posted demos of their current projects...
He violated millions
Have you had your coffee this morning, user?
How do we stop Jewnami?
I'm always so happy to see Kojima happy
Valkyria Chronicles 4 soon
Pascal's village... home
Your proudest achievement
Hey Sup Forums rate my toon
Gamer fuel thread
Which game lets me play as furry hunk?
Why are 75% of japanese video games actual passion projects and not entirely motivated by money?
Cockblocked by video games
The stormcloaks were on the right side of history
Today's the day, Sup Forums
Sequel reuses the entire overworld from the first game
Jap games are popular now
Where do we fit in anymore bros?
Yume Nikki
This game any good?
Ecelebs are trustworth-
What are some good Discord alternatives for gaming...
Tfw you still prefer consoles despite the hate they get on Sup Forums
Are video games just "mindless pap"?
Remember when MAFIA III got called SJW garbage for accurately portraying the racism that was prevalent throughout the...
ITT: Remasters/Remakes BETTER than their previous versions
Do girls play video games?
Discord server for game
Anybody else still prefer consoles?
Poorfag thread
I bet most of you newfags dont even know what game this is referencing
One Automata thread will suffice, 9S
Older brother is a chad white guy
Want to immerse myself in a game
Im gonna KILL Praxis
Is Fortnite actually good? It's so popular
You may only use vidya quotes
Did people really use to do this? How can you claim that PSX was a better console then just beats me
User I saw this tv article on something called... esports?
700 hours played
The GameCube had Melee and Animal Crossing within its first year
Throughout all the zelda games, ganondorf uses lightning attacks, swords, earthquakes among other things
Do you think Cosmo is still in there somewhere?
ITT: Post bad reviews of games you love
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made
How this guy was able to BTFO so many Great Ones?
What's your usual SPECIAL, Sup Forums?
Yakuza thread, bitches
Considering picking this up when it comes out tomorrow for PC because I do love a big open world to explore...
Go ahead user, tell us that wonderful game idea you mentioned
Kirby Star Alllies Thread
Why did this never take off?
Play XCOM 2
Caligula Effect
Was it autism?
Using a time loop as the basis for a plot makes literally zero sense
He doesnt play the best 4x game since master of orion 2
Game is fun but overpriced
Look at the main secondary; 276 vs 317, is that still worth the upgrade if I'm going with a Tal Rasha Meteor build ?
Pillars of Eternity 2 - Deadfire thread
Labo thread. I assume all my bros on Sup Forums have pre-ordered theirs already, right?
What games let me explore interesting alien worlds?
Comparing Gacha games
How do you cope with dead pixels, Sup Forums?
Kino games made by shit developers?
You're gonna extract HIM!?
Everyone says Bayonetta 2 is better than 1 in every way
How did they fuck up so hard?
That japanese kid in school who figured out how to clip into the girls bathroom by crouch jumping into a urinal
Should I buy 1050 for not very serious gaming? Fallout, Kingdom Comes, so on
Any other old men on Sup Forums? 25+?
Playing first person shooters with a controller
Welp no more gaming for me
This is my copy of Megaman Legends 1 and 2 my most cherished PS1 games of all time
Enemy can climb ladders
Nazi Ubisoft
This game fucking sucks
Radiant historia
What mobile games does Sup Forums play?
Characters nobody likes and don't even need to be in a series, but keep making appearances anyway
Twilight Princess sacrificed a free roaming overworld for more focus on large dungeons...
Awww shit Sup Forums
Why are crazy girls the best, Sup Forums?
Dynasty Warriors legacy
Tfw just got to 2nd lantern and beat the cleric beast
Play Granboob Fantasy
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...