>there are people who unironically believe this is the best RPG ever conceived
There are people who unironically believe this is the best RPG ever conceived
And they wouldn't be far from the truth
best ever?
but it is undeniably excellent. i wish more devs gave as much of a fuck about their work as cdpr
first post shit post faggot
It's not, but it is damn good.
It's pretty great. You just don't like that some people call it their favourite which you erroneously conflate with them saying it's the best. Who knew OP was a faggot after all?
This. It deserves the praise it gets.
nah, cunt, we know it's the best
The sad thing is most Witcherbabbys haven't even heard of Gothic which was a big inspiration for the franchise.
Name a better game, you dirty homosexual
Kingdom Hearts is better.
it's like 1% better than other AAAAAA open world RPGs, it's shit.
The best game of this decade
Name a better one
It is objectively the best game ever made, even the contrarians of Sup Forums can't deny it.
Kingdom Come Deliverance not even memeing, but both are great.
>haven't even heard of Gothic
Anyone who's been on Sup Forums for ten minutes will have heard about it because there's a nigh on constant thread with the bridge pic.
mount your friends 3d
>Controls so shit
I deny it
best story pretty sure
lots of go here then come back here shit tho
also runs quite well on my shit 670
kingdom come runs like shit though, also
>muh huge battles
Yeah, but normies don't browse Sup Forums. And you can bet that the majority of them holds the Witcher 3 in high regard, but has never heard of Gothic.
That would be the first one.
you probably think fallout 4 is better than new vegas faggot
It's a good game but a terrible RPG and witcher game
be fucking real gothic is extremely popular in eastern europe
There are a lot of retards out there for sure.
>There are people that STILL hold this game as the highest standards for computer spec requirement
I swear 50% of the negative reviews on new games on Steam are “my gaaaaaaymer PC can run ultra on Witcher 3, why can’t my 1050 run this game at Ultra!?”
There are no normies in Eastern Europe
I thought you were referring to here specifically my bad.
Come on any old game that runs on a toaster is popular in eastern Europe.
It is pretty damn good. I feel bad for anyone who decided to skip it because of Sup Forums shitposting.
>imagine having a fedora so far up your ass that you couldn't enjoy Witcher 3 of all games
Fuck, that must suck.
potentially true
It's been popular ever since release. also I have a better PC than most of the westerners that post here. affording dumb shit is easier when you're not paying 90% of your paycheck on rent
I started playing this game again recently after stopping in my first playthrough like two years ago. I didn't get that far either so I hope I enjoy the game to continue going.
That's not Bloodborne though
I enjoyed it, but it's not as good as you try to paint it. gameplay straight up sucked and open world was generic, everything else was a solid 9/10 10/10, though
>also I have a better PC than most of the westerners that post here.
I wasn't trying to say no one had good PC's over there I'm just saying I've noticed allot of Eastern Euros enjoy them selves some early 2000s games and some of them are because they're easy to run. I mean I've been in the same boat no judgement just saying there's a patern.
How do you go from this...
or maybe it's because we grew up with shit like gothic 2. consoles weren't exactly popular here except stuff like terminator2 and we always were a gen behind unless you were lucky.
... to this?!
>dem grafixxx
what mods?
The best ever and Dragon Age : O. comes real close no contest no debates you retards!
300x bigger map with different priorities.
Being overly handholdy is a real issue though, and one I hope they'll address in 2077.
>Being overly handholdy is a real issue though, and one I hope they'll address in 2077.
I wouldn't hold my breath.
>three years later and he's still mad
>300x bigger map with different priorities.
that felt 300x smaller because of the horrible boring design
And they are right except it's not really a RolePlayingGame
It is not the best RPG ever, but of the nu-RPG genre Bioware started, it is by far the best in all areas.
Get mad if you want, I don't give a fuck.
wtf this is true!
dragon age:o and me1 are much better. and me2 is a better action game too
Eh, apples and oranges. I enjoy those small comfy hubs where you can jog to other side of the map in a few minutes which allows for manual instructions which feel nice to follow. Larger open world games have their drawbacks, but if done right they also have their benefits like finding new quests, locations etc. in a way that the hub games can't.
yeah and w3 did nothing right in regards to it's open world. should have kept it progressive like 1 and 2
This game is good and people like it so I'm gonna dislike it so I can be unique.
If it wasn't for shitposting nobody would care anymore about this game.
>this is what Witcherfaggots truly believe
I can't think of any other RPG that has the insane amount of generally high quality side quests scattered in its world that the witcher has.
>look Sup Forums, I don't like this game that you like
ok user, it's fine
you can play something else, I don't mind
>Gothic map is as big as the biggest city in Witcher 3
>Searching for a cave in Gothic 2 is easy because you can literally walk from one point to anoher in less than 4 minutes
Searching for a cave in a vague description would be tedious in big games. That it. Running around for one hour to find somewhere isnt fun and would just make a game longer for no purpose at all.
Well and Witcher 3 had a better story, better characters, better gameplay better music better level design and of course better graphics
You can turn those things off, that alone I normally wouldn't argue but you can play the game without them because npcs actually tell you where shit is with enough detail you can play without way points.
Hmm, a shitposter. Gotta be.
witcher shits all over gothic because gothic is an old game that has aged like sour milk while Witcher is a modern game that utilizes modern technology and ideas.
Your arguement is invalid and your opinion, shit.
Some of the time, but mostly you really need to use the map. I'd turn off the stupid question marks though every time, unless I want to make absolutely sure I've not missed something in an area.
honestly if done right it woudnt have to take an hour
just simple direction following and a being less of a brainlet to orientate around a map would be enough to make it worthwhile instead of getting checkpoints ffs
i mean i loved playing dayz and orientating and finding my way around by following town name signs
shit was atmospheric as fuck
> There are people that believe that bloodborne is the best RPG
But don´t feel bad, there are people that actually think FF XV is good so you are not hopeless.
It´s not the best but it´s a pretty good ARPG.
The combat is utter shit. It gets simplified to an annoying degree, despite its insistence that a Witcher must be a 'varied' in their approach of different targets. I never brewed a potion or a bomb that I needed in a fight, nor did I vary my attacks. Each fight was just dodge + fast attack + quen and since dodging is so easy quen would run out instead of being broken. I didn't even put a single point into the alchemy skill tree, because it was just pointless clutter. I mean, potions, bombs, oils, concotions and the like are helpful, but you just don't need them at all and it's a waste of time. Also some dev thought it would be a great idea to have that skill that makes food heal you for 20 minutes straight. You almost have to gimp yourself to make the game a challenge. I was able to fight enemies 15 levels ahead of me because dodging became so ridiculously easy. My biggest problem became the sword breaking due to the 100000 hits it took to kill anything 5 levels ahead of you instead of the challenge of fighting the enemy.
You're a faggot. Go back and play your fighter games
this guy is right, witcher is perfectly playable without minimap. hell, it's even better. i've recently started playing it this way, i've turned off any waypoints and beaten first hours (i was midway in baron quests when i left it last time) without breaking a sweat. even minor shit like finding weed underwater for bait was explained by the girl well enough for me to not have any problem finding it.
this game is infinitely better without minimap. you can use big map when you're stuck (though it didn't happened to me so far), and you see the world in completely different manner. and it's not clunky at all, you just wander around the city from time to time, learning about locations, which only makes game better because there is lot of enviro storytelling i've missed when i was playing the game with minimap (this is, rushing to the point on the map)
The open world, its design, and the exploration in The Witcher 3 is absolute garbage. (and keep in mind this is just one of many flaws in this game, but let's only focus on this one now)
Right off the bat - the minimap, the quest markers, and GPS ruin the entire experience completely. Just like that, this one single feature automatically destroys the whole idea of exploring and turns it into tedious and boring garbage. Following a GPS trail to a POI on your map is not exploring. Exploring means discovering stuff on your own. Stuff that YOU discovered, not stuff that's already been shown to you on your map.
But of course you can disable all the GPS and all the markers on the map. But that doesn't solve the problem at all, because the core exploration and open world design in The Witcher 3 is garbage.
All loot is leveled, meaning you will never find anything exciting or find anything useful. All items you find will always be "just ok for your current level". And that's only when you do find a sword, because almost all the loot you find in the world is useless crafting junk for useless alchemy system. There is no point in exploring because everything you find is useless garbage.
Take a game with great exploration, for example Gothic 2. In Gothic 2 there is absolutely no level scaling for loot, which means that at level 1 you can find a very powerful armor or a sword if you search in the right place. This makes exploring very exciting because nothing is marked for you on the map, and you never know just what you might find behind the next hill. You are curious to see what treasure is in that cave you see. You know it might be something valuable. It's also very rewarding and motivates the player to explore more.
This never happens in The Witcher 3, because as soon as you see a POI on your map, you can be sure as hell that it's going to be more useless crafting/alchemy ingredients. Or in rare instances, a leveled sword. It's not exciting, interesting, and most importantly - rewarding. Going to the POIs on the map in Witcher 3 is just done for the sake of it - just cause "I gotta do SOMETHING in this game, right" - rather than the player's own curiosity and desire to find interesting and cool shit.
Money being completely useless in the game is also another problem. When the money in the game has value and is hard to get, exploring will automatically become much more rewarding and interesting. Instead of just finding swords, armors, or alchemy ingrediets for you to use, you could also find regular items that have value to them - chalices, bracelets, necklaces, even junk loot that you can't do anything with other than sell it to a merchant. But since money has value in the game, even finding junk loot is rewarding because you know that's always some extra dosh after selling it to a merchant. And that extra money will be useful to you. Even exploring and finding junk loot has rewarded you. The money in The Witcher 3 is meaningless and not used for anything. Therefore it further destroys the exploration.
To sum it up, the exploration in The Witcher 3 is boring, pointless, and pretty much a filler.
>tfw reading The Last Wish at the same time as playing the first game
>tfw gonna read all the books and play the first two games before I start 3
Could have done with more RPG elements though. It barely qualifies as a RPG. However that being said The Witcher series is legit top 10 series of all time (games not the books).
Nah, that prize goes to horizon zero dawn
I'm one of those people. Does that bother you?
Best way to do it desu. 3 legit resolves story arcs better than the books that being said 3 doesn't really follow the books much at all.