Rainbow six siege has one of the worst fanbases ever. Bunch of ubisoft fanboys, shills and dickriders...

Rainbow six siege has one of the worst fanbases ever. Bunch of ubisoft fanboys, shills and dickriders, For fucks sake you can't say anything bad about shitty practices ubi pulls because 'muh free dlc' or some shit like that. Do these fuckers not understand that the 'free dlc' isn't something ubisoft does because they are good people but because the game would die otherwise. You don't get to use a free to play model without making maps and characters free.

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Maps and characters are free though.

No shit.

I don't know why this makes you angry enough that you made a whole thread about it. Pretty much the prevailing attitude I see in the Siege community is "Ubisoft is pretty much the worst developer ever, but this game is actually good so what are you gonna do"

Genuinely don't know why this infuriates you.

It's the dick riding in general that pisses me off. You can't say anything bad about paid loot boxes because free dlc. And the community is filled with shills!

Now I can’t call people niggers when they act like niggers. Refund me please.

Meanwhile each new patch makes the game run worse.


Given how popular the game is they don't need that

Time to upgrade your toaster.

>lol git gud casual detected
>WHAT?!? how is it pay to win? i-it's free you entitled child! you get it just by playing the game!
>stop acting like it's 2003 in chat and you won't get banned

It's like the Overwatch fanbase if they actually believed they're playing a hardcore """"realistic"""" FPS.

Dude my toaster ran the game perfectly until mid season patch dropped. Only then it started getting worse. It's on ubi, not me.

>OP made a post trying to shit on the game, but got laughed at instead
>he keeps samefagging the thread with his innate childish ramblings
I'd rather be Anthony Burch than you, OP.

I don't see anyone laughing though. Wipe that ubi cum out of your eyes.


They're not wrong. Calling people "Nigger" isn't video games.

But, that's exactly how the game didn't die years ago. It was saved by Ubisoft having free weekends and people shilling the fuck out of it.

Are all of you seriously "that guy" who randomly calls people niggers in video games? What year is this?

>and people shilling the fuck out of it.

Once again, do you have a single fact to back that up? Could it possibly be that even with the game dead as fuck at the start they kept putting out new shit which convinced more people to talk about it and continuously retain their playerbase? There aren't a ton of FPS games like Siege, so that probably helps too

>thinks the only thing theyll ban u for is saying nigger

amerimutts are so dumb.

No but I would also just laugh and not report because I'm not a tattletale bitch

Point isn't whether or not someone wants to call another a nigger. Point is you shouldn't be banned for WORDS.

Or maybe it's just a good game.

They're not wrong. Calling people "Nigger" "Kike" "Faggot" "Wop" "Jew" "Spic" "Wetback" etc. is not video games.

straight out of reddit

>Enter restaurant
>"Okay, sir. We have one rule: Do not call people nigger."
>"Fuck off, nigger."
>Get kicked out
Woooooooooooooooooooooow how was I supposed to know?

The only thing here that's from reddit is you, cockgoblin. Learn some new insults that aren't fag, nigger and reddit.

Are you retarded?

>be a sophomore in high school on free lunch
>walk up to cafeteria lady after waiting in long line to eat the bagged food that she busts her ass off daily to prepare for your poor bitch ass
>as soon as you get to the front of the line and grab your chicken sandwich you say "thanks, nigger"
>white cafeteria lady looks at you confused and reports you to the staff
>get suspended for acting like an immature moron

>waaaaaah I can’t call someone a nigger anymore!!

Is it really that big of a deal? Get over it or don’t play. Side note: the only people I ever see using racial slurs in this game are usually those who are team killing and ruining it for everyone else.


>Agree to Terms of Service that say not to call people nigger.
>Call people nigger.
>Get banned.

talking to other people isnt videogames either
their rules arent the videogame either
theres alot of things that arent videogames but are still allowed

That's literally what my point was you penisbrain but you were too busy doubling down on your retarded nigger argument

>theres alot of things that arent videogames but are still allowed
And calling everybody a nigger isn't one of those things.

Holy shit, you really are retarded.

>People here used to laugh at the children on consoles who were so lacking in creativity of insults and emotionally unstable that they could only screech about people being a niggerfaggot
>Now there's anons defending those retards instead of wanting to see their tears and bait them into saying that shit to ban them even faster for laffs
Where did it all go wrong?

The only point here is the one on the end of your pencildick, cunt.


I love these intentional food analogies to rustle trumptards

we should just ban everything that isnt playing the game silently while doing the objective or we should allow everything but hacking and cheating

>calling someone a gay nigger is just bantz bro


It's so funny how you're still missing the fucking point lol.


>retard gets caught being retarded
>keeps doubling down in an attempt to make it look like "hes just pretending"


I'm not being retarded, though. You aren't banned "just for words."

You're banned for being racist.

Saying nigger doesn't make you racist you fucking retard.

Increase the quality of your bantz you children. Good bantz is always able to ride the line well enough that you could never get banned

>Calling people a racial slur isn't racist.

Lol it's an insult you fuckhead. There is nothing racist about a word.

It starts with banning for saying nigger then they will ban just for saying gay or suck. Eventually the only thing you can say is compliments (and you get banned for using sarcastic tone too)

Just like league. Imagine being banned for saying ggez lol.

Fucking retard.

I'm happy to see you go

Co suck a dick, faggot. People aren't racist just because you want them to be.

>The only insults he ever has are "Nigger" and "faggot" so he's assblasted that he can't """""""""""banter""""""""" anymore.

Lol I never use nigger. That doesn't mean I think it's fair to ban someone for using it.

>You can't say anything bad about paid loot boxes because free dlc

I remember some years ago that people said the only okay micro transactions are ones that dont affect the gameplay and now people complain about them. But then again im not a twat that gets buttmad about skins. Instead of skins complain about the shitty coding

You seem pretty hung up on calling people nigger.

Can i say Big Niggles

I'm not mad about cosmetic microtransactions. I'm mad about loot boxes. Cosmetic or not those arenever okay.

>op bitches about siege
>somehow everybody is bitching about free speech

What in the fuck.
Rainbow is a niche game that is dominated by hardcore players that defend the game with almost fanboyish anger. I guess that's okay if you dump 500 hours into a single title but siege still has a ton of problems.

Any game that matches a diamond player with a copper player needs to have its match making overhauled and don't even get me started on how angles and ping works.

Rainbow ain't fun for 90% of Sup Forums.

I'm hung up about free speech.

Well some dumb fucks are paying for them so clearly they are OKAY, to somebody.

Why are you mad about loot boxes that give you cosmetic items?

>Rainbow is a niche game
That's not even close to true
>Rainbow Six Siege gets 2.3m players a day
That was 8 months ago

>Free speech
>In a privately owned video game

Pretty much everybody shits on ubisoft and says something along the lines of "the game is good despite being run by ubi" so what the fuck are you on about OP?

it takes 10 years to get a single character

What gun should I use as Rook

MP5 with an ACOG. P90 has too much recoil

>join game
>play badly during first game
>get told I should kill myself

that's why I stopping playing

did you play an online FPS for the first time in your life?

I'm good at MW2 and Halo 3

>join game
>Air Force One map as Attackers
>climb ladder
>get shot by a teammate before I reach the top
>turns out he's a squeaker
>calls me a nigger
>can't even vote to kick him because there's another one on our team, probably his friend

MP5 is the best GIGN defender gun and it has ACOG. Use P90 if you want the added difficulty of lots of recoil. Use the shotgun if you just want to occasionally blast someone in the chest or make murder holes for the team.

and in those games you never had a guy trash talk you?

>ride the line

The line is being eroded user get with the times gramps.

Getting with the time means acting like a 13 year old sperg?

What's your point? Which game doesn't have shit talking fanboys?
Considering your post, you probably didn't give very constructive criticism of the game yourself.

Your fault

>stops autists and annoying kids screaming faggot and nigger for no reason

If you think this is bad, you are the type of person everyone has hated playing with. Also in the article they say that trash talking is an important part of pvp games and is staying, so it isn't Overwatch levels of censoring. I'm alright with trash talking like 'ggez', but man-children like you lot who scream 'nigger' 'faggot' or 'kike' for no reason other than to piss people off and inflate your worthless egos deserve to be gassed

good lord clam down. being toxic and banting are 2 different things.


>Majority of Sup Forums wanted Siege to sink
>Play the beta
>Enjoy it so much I buy it day one
>2 years of Sup Forums claiming it was dead on arrival and that every thread was a shill
>Alpha packs and waifus happen
>Now Sup Forums likes it
>Sitting on so much renown thanks to the exploits in the early years that I'm never missing a single operator
>New anons keep buying the starter edition and getting mad

Such a great feeling

>being toxic

early on siege used to be a game you could solo queue in without any problems, but ever since the game got more popular and ubisoft started to punish people for tking really badly all the fucking squads full of retards and squeakers think it's so fucking cool to take turns and TK people outside of their squad. It sucks, I really want this game to continue being popular for years to come, but with that popularity comes downsides like this. Back in the day I never used to get TKed if I was solo queuing, only TKing I ever saw was when I was playing with my squad and they had some internal drama about something, but we never ever got anyone outside the party involved, and if they were still mad about something after the match we just settled it in private matches lol

>muh reddit boogyman

But those those loot boxes are free and you can buy the specific item you want in the store, they are literally just to give you extra free cosmetic if you win

What, did you buy the starter edition? If so, you're an idiot and have nobody to blame but yourself

>Rainbow six siege has one of the worst fanbases ever
That's not true though.
It's one of the nicest fanbases I've ever seen.

>le tacticool thinking man's shooter
>guns and models clip through walls
>strategic barricades can only be placed in locations we allow you, goy
>E-sport league players compete in a totally different game
>the mongoloid fanbase is OK with it
>we need that 50/50 gender ratio to be ((((progressive))))
>waifu faggots gobble it up
>each new dlc increases power creep making the base cast even more useless aside from 2-3 characters
>"it's OK you can grind all the DLC ops it only takes 40 hours!!!!"

I regret ever getting roped into playing this by my friends. The ONE cool thing about siege is Tactical Realism but that game mode is fucking abandoned because they need the CSGO audience and esports faggots

>Everyone else is loaded in
>I'm the last one loading
>Vote to kick starts

>b-b-but Sup Forums is a sekeret klup!! H-HOW COULD I B-B-BE FROM R-REDDIT!!

>never saz nigger
>get ban because you could have said nigger
Are you guys happy with this kind of system

>got Siege with my graphics card before launch
>played beta a few times, liked Overwatch better, dropped it
>try to pick it up again since theres waifus
>0 renown, no waifus unlocked at all

this happens every fucking time which is why i randomly start a votekick 5 seconds before the timer ends.

The fanbase was pretty good at launch, people worked together and tried out different strats. Now the community is mostly kids who cant work together and blame each other for every mistake.
The game was honestly better when people thought it was going to die

>Un/Ironically mentioning reddit on Sup Forums

the complete edition is 89 bucks of course i'm not going to buy it