So I was interested in "competitive" Pokemon

Then I read up about chain breeding, IVs, EVs, natures and personality values.
..this is a bottomless pit and a HUGE timesink, isn't it?

Any competitive players here, who can comment on that?

Other urls found in this thread:

>"competitive" Pokemon

Not really .Every iteration has made it easier and easier to IV and EV train

Just use Pokemon Shodown or something if you don't want to timesink


if u arent autistic enough to grind just play on the smogon emulator

most competitive pokefags inject to get perfect pokemon for battle


Don't bother. Your only two options are VGC which is >>>>>>>>>>>>Doubles and Smogon
Smogon is absolutely trash garbage at this point. They fucking banned Arena Trap ahaha, nigga they banned Arena trap and Lando-T is untouched.

How many hours do you approximatelyneed for just one "perfect" Pokemon?

Considering this just makes me not want to play these games at all

It was hard on earlier generation but as points out it is way easier to get into competitive pokemon these days.

The most time consuming part will be the IVs. I recommend to focus on a particulary OU pokemon and use your breeds to trade on pokemon communities, theres a bunch of facebook groups for trading.

My boyfriend does the competitive shit and yeah, its an autistic timesink

Can you elaborate on these formats? I know they exist, but that's all I know so far.
I played Pokemon just like every other casual and never competitively up until now

There are like 100 pokemon viable and you only need 6. EV's are easy to get maybe in two hours? The IV's now in that one you'll waste like 5 or 6 hours

>mfw you can't even do fucking 6v6 on battle spot

If you know what you're doing? Not even 1 hour. Most people just hack though.
Anyway competitive Pokemon is a joke, people just use the same cookie cutter teams and the balance is so horrendously terrible that even if you try your damdest to build a team of Pokemon you actually like, they'll be extremely outclassed by the hoards of identical, hacked teams of UBs, Mega Psuedos and Legendaries.
It's not worth your time.

If you play on cart, its an enormous timesink that is so annoying that even after making it easier every gen most people just inject hacked but legal pokemon.

Official tournaments are doubles which a lot of people aren't as fond of. It also has had large problems with balance in the past (someone post the regionals team chart, you know the one).
The largest other group is Smogon, and they attempt to balance things but it ends up with huge issues from how inherently unbalanced pokemon is, and whiny stallfags bitch until dumb clauses litter up the banlist. As a result, you may not like their OU set up, but OU happens to be the most popular metagame.

Eeh it's really fun with friends that don't do that grind shit

but h-he's weak in U-Ubers

>1 hour
This is just plain bullshit

Simulators let you play competitively without the timesink, but the newer games make the process much quicker than it used to be.

Just use an action replay, or something like that to get good pokemans, competitive breeding it's a pain in the ass no matter what an a waste of time.

this is chansey, it wrecked your competitive scene, say something mean about chansey

VGC is the official format. Rules and restrictions are created by TPC (The Pokemon Company)
It's a team of 6 pokemon, but a double battle AND you only get to use 4 of your 7 pokemon.
Smogon OU is the most populated tier, and is 6 v 6 Singles. It's basically a tier that is, "These are the strongest legal pokemon you can use in the current meta." Smogon has other tiers as well such as PU, RU, UU, and ubers. The tiers are basically their own little bubbles and environments and helps shitmons be competitively viable within their own bubble. Smogon used to be a really good format. For some reason, though, it gets progressively worse each gen. Seventh gen has basically been the nail in the coffin for me at this point with Smogon, which sucks because the alternative of VGC isd absolute ass by nature of doubles.

6v6 Singles is the only format worth a damn.

IV and EV are fucking bullshit and should not exist

>Then I read up about chain breeding, IVs, EVs, natures and personality values.

where were you 15 years ago?

This is literally the reason why I stopped battling online 2 gens ago, so now I only breed Pokemon I like for post game content (which has been nothing since gen 5) and sometimes battling friends.

>Breed competitive pokémon
>Never compete

I just like knowing I have really well bred/trained pokémon

Evolite was a mistake.


Braindead faggot doubles is better

it wasn't, they just didn't think about the ramifications

Just inject. Set limitations if it'll make you feel better about it. Inject them at low levels, change existing pokemon into perfect versions. Do whatever you want but honestly if you want to play competitive on cart then just fucking inject.

Also ask anyone who talks shit about injecting where their foreign 6iv dittos come from

Gen 5 to 6 transition led to a more ban happy environment.

>Protect literally on every moveset.
>EQ + flier
>Discharge + lightning rod

It makes me so happy to reminisce about the Pokemon champs that got their title taken away a few years ago.
These guys tell the story better than I can:

hello weather warrior

To be fair it's really easy to get dittos on XY

too many hackers, why bother even playing pokemon anymore.

Getting your first perfect is slow, but after that it gets fast. I have over 100 legit perfect Pokémon.

Basically, you need 5-6 perfect IVs depending on the Pokémon. (Example, physical attacker wants 31 in every stat except SpA which doesn't matter at all. Mixed attacker needs 31 in all 6 stats. Special attacker ideally has a 0 for attack to lower Foul Play / confusion damage. Trick Room / Gyro Ball Pokémon need 0 speed stats).

Destiny Knot passes down 5 IVs from the parents. So if you have a perfect Pokémon as a parent, it's really fast to get perfect offspring.

Everstone passes down nature 100% of the time. Regular Abilities pass down 80% of the time. Hidden Abilities pass down 60% of the time.

The only remaining variable are egg moves. Most egg moves only need a single chain (I.e. male Pokémon with move + female Pokémon of right species). Some require egg chains (pass move to species in another egg group, then pass to desired species. But MANY Pokémon don't need egg moves thanks to TMs, tutors, and heart scales.

Lastly is EV training. In Gen VI it's easier than ever. Horde training + Pokérus + Power Items = 50 EVs per battle. It takes 252 to max out a stat and you can get 510 total. In Gen VII, it's a little bit worse. But if you aren't in a hurry, you can EV train passively by leaving your Pokémon on Poké Pelago. At level 3 Isle Evelup, with beans it takes a little over 15 hours to max out a stat. But this happens based on real time and you don't even need your system to be on. You just dump the Pokémon on Poké Pelago and take it out 15 hours later.

Final step is getting them to level 50. Which is insanely fast in Gen VI, and not too bad in Gen VII.

>which has been nothing since gen 5
>Not breeding your boy's Golisopod
only retards and 9 year olds play on cart

How the fuck do you ban arena trap before Lando-T ahahaha. Were they that sad at Koko being revenged?

Doesn't that fuck up your data or something? I-I need to know for a friend.

>Smogon used to be a really good format. For some reason, though, it gets progressively worse each gen.
Can you elaborate why? The reasons why it is worse than before?
Too many Pokemon to classify them fairly? I'm super interested in your posts

I blame the complete and utter shitfest that were Megas

Honestly, who cares about this shit when you just play through the story of these games?

no, you transfer in the hacked pokemon

Speaking of bans and shitfests,

>Basically, you need 5-6 perfect IVs depending on the Pokémon.
Real talk: Fuck Hidden Power. I finally got hidden power fire on my Bulbasaur. That shit was painful.

>8 years ago, inna college
>Have a few friends that are into competitive pokemon
>They do all the breeding, grinding and smogon shit
>Go to some official tournament at a local mall with them, we lived in a major city.
>Watch them all get their tryhard asses kicked by some little kid using a bunch of legendaries.

Yeah since then Pokemon has just become "dress up your loli" for me.

It's possible if you have good stock. I have many 5 and 6 IV Pokémon I've bred over the past 5 years. So there's a good chance I could do it in less than an hour depending on the Pokémon. But I've already sunk over 1200 hours into it.

Chansey's great but I'd say exeggutor, snorlax, and tauros are even more staple than it is. Though I guess you could say it's more cancerous because it can recover off damage to invalidate half the pokemon in the game.

Imagine the retarded hilarity if you could only catch random pokemon, no breeding allowed, train them up to level 100, and fight it out that way? Less time spent on breeding, more luck of the draw, but also more viability for more pokemon, and fuck metas. Skill would of course still be needed to actually win the fights though.

I meant a battle area like the Pokemon World Tournament. It was really nice being able to battle gym leaders across all gens, and being able to do type specific tournaments. Then they took a massive fucking shit all over that great idea with a new (and worse) version of the battle tower.

Kudos to that kiddo, hope he got far in the tournament.

>Can you elaborate why? The reasons why it is worse than before?
Keep in mind I'm just speaking from a personal opinion. They seem to be getting REALLY ban happy. Bans are basically for stuff that is just beyond too strong for OU. They used to have a rule of thumb of not doing "complex bans" which is stuff like, "You can use this pokemon, but only if it has this skill." Somewhere along the line of gen 5/6 they just completely threw it out the window and started doing really annoyingly stupid bans. Some admittedly were needed, such as banning the combination of Drizzle and Swift Swim, but then they start doing dumb shit like banning swagger, setting limitations on baton pass, etc. Just recently they banned Dugtrio with Arena trap ability, which was his one niche and was extremely useful. AND YET,they refuse to even touch or suspect test stuff like Landorus-T who is almost quite literally on EVERY SINGLE TEAM.

Huge time sink. Get yourself a cheated Ditto for breeding that passes as legit so its offspring is legit. If you do this you'll waste hundreds of hours breeding instead of thousands.

Oh yeah, Hidden Power is a bitch.

If you have Golden Bottle Caps, it's okay now. But those are a pain to obtain.

No one does anything legit anymore, they all hack.

If they claim they don't hack, they are liars.

The only people who don't hack, are the ones who aren't competitive.

>Pokemon has just become "dress up your loli" for me
A man of culture has appeared.

>some little kid using a bunch of legendaries
I though legendaries are banned in official tourneys

Megas are /okay/. Z-moves, Fairy Type, Beast Boost were all the true mistakes.

>pokemon thread that doesnt involve news or developments
back to containment you go
enjoy playing a brain dead single player game in a meta-slave competitive way

I’m glad to see Sup Forums knows even less about competitive pokemon than /vp/

>If you have Golden Bottle Caps, it's okay now
Yeah. I'm also glad that they brought back a way to farm multiple Lucky Eggs in USUM. Wtf were they thinking in SuMo? Going to 100 was bitch and yes I did use 5* Rare Kitchens along with Bewear or E4 grinds.

>mega gengar

Little kids with legendaries are the best opponents. You can wreck them with really dumb strategies. Like Durant + Dugtrio or Ninjask passing.

Holy fuck you are a enourmous faggot. I hope you don't become a mod on here, we have enough soyboys and ponyfags as mods

What's competitive players general consensus on megas?

My opinion is oh God why

Landorus and Heatran are prevalent in tourneys. I've played every game and I've yet to have a competitive Landorus in my stable

If they are btfo by little kid with bunch of legendaries, they're just bad.
Git gud or stop lying

I've loved Doubles ever since Colosseum really showed me how it could really be utilized, but pokemon like Lando-T really just ought to be banned outright. Fucking Smogon centered their meta around Lando and it's fucking disgusting.

Fuck off and stay out, this isn’t your dumping ground, Reddit.

>Beating little kids in a children's game
Jesus no wonder everybody makes fun of Nintenofags

SM grinding to 100 was really dumb. Especially after introducing O-Powers, restaurants, and Blissey bases. The biggest problem is the experience scaling. Your level 90+ Pokémon are earning about 1/5th the EXP in SM as in XY. 1/10th if you factor in O-Powers.

I remember back in Fire Red/Leaf Green, my cousin would breed a squad of Lv1 Rattatas with Endeavor and Quick Attack holding a focus sash. That strat fucked me up until I wised up 5 online losses later.

Kill yourself dumbass

If the UBs hidden abilities are truly broken you'd take that back about Beast Boost.

I guess only the box and event legendaries matter
which is hilarious because most of them are fucking shit in singles

Aww didn't get to be a faggot mod? So you go around posting rules that nobody gives a shit about, not even the faggot gook who runs the site?

Oh baby a triple

Piss off already, cancer.

This was back when I think one or two were ban, but most were still allowed. Kid had Rayquaza in his team, I remember that much.

He won the thing because my friends ended up clearing out all the other contestants. When they interviewed him, the kid said he just used the pokemon he thought looked cool with his favorite moves.

I dunno, after that pokemon just became a casual thing for me. I was kind of just a spectator for the whole thing, and I just reflected on how pathetic it looked wasting your time with the grind just to show up a bunch of 10 year olds.

Most of them are amazing in singles... Which one wouldn't be great? The worst is Kyurem-Black, and it's A rank in OU right now.

Why don't people like doubles? Fuck, I'd love if the game could be rebalanced and focus on doubles or fuck even tipples. There's just so much more to play with when you're building a synergistic team.

Just hack if you can. It will save you hundreds of hours.

Sorry soyboy, you should go to reddit. You fit in there just fine being the faggot you are.

The only one Reddit here is you.

It's a much different pace and play style. Singles you have lots of control, can switch to make good matchups. Doubles is rapid speed, few turns, and revolves around Protect.

It's definitly you.
Kill yourself post haste

Same here, OP.

I've been getting back into Pokemon and thought i'd try my hand at competitive play, but it seems like you have to autistically grind and breed just to get a mon with decent IV/EV's that may or may not hold up in actual battle.

You can always spore spam or use simulators, but you'll be at the mercy of their more or less arbitrary rules. Evasion boosting is a bullshit tactic, though.

Megas that actively help a shitmon like Altaria are good megas

Megas that make mons that already has a potentially broken ability (but it’s not really broken because of the mon itself) but then makes said mon hugely better and still keeping that broken ability, then it’s a bad mega. For example, see Mega Medicham

The entire meta revolves around double hit moves while not harming your own mon.
Singles is about controlling the pace and tempo and absolutely capitalizing on enemy mistakes.

Just inject like majority of the community. Only tryhards and tourneyfags do the constant grind.

GF doesn't even care about single at this point outside story which is glorified tutorial. Lots of moves are design around doubles in gen 6 and 7

Gamefreak balances for double battles though, VCG is the official format, what are you talking about?

Way less. Find out how to get a 6 31 IV foreign Ditto on /vp/. You'll need a Destiny Knot, an Everstone (common hold item from Roggenrolla, found in a cave near professor's house), and all the Power items (bracer, anklet, etc), which can take a little while to farm out (like, several hours to maybe even days if you're shit at battle tree), but you only have to do that crap once.

Once you have all that, though, breeding a good mon worth EV training takes maybe 30 or 40 minutes, and the actual training maybe another 30 or 40 minutes. This can vary depending on how complex you need to get for breeding egg moves, if you think you need to.

Then just get the fucker to at least 50 (desired moves from leveling up notwithstanding) and go nuts.

It's really more of a pain in the ass farming BP to get good hold items, but if you're lucky, you can get Leftovers off of wild Munchlax using a pokemon with Thief or something, I dunno.

Important, note, though: play with what you like, and just have fun, user.