Well, Sup Forums?

Well, Sup Forums?
C or K?

Dont keep up with flavor of the week moeshit games sorry



tfw I have attained qt black gf and I just have to ease her into anime

>flavor of the week
Game came out more than 7 years ago

Catherine is unironically one of the few 10/10 games out there.
>original idea
>fun gameplay
>great story
>amazing music and style
Give me a vidya that does these things better.

old ladies


Not a nagging bitch
Blonde and blue eyed
Didn't lie about the pregnancy
Wants to fuck a lot
Is a demon
Perfect end results in you becoming a seemingly immortal demon that over throws Catherine's father, and also leads to a harem of demons including Catherine.

Catherine all the way. Katherine is a boring church slut with no personality. Why do you have fun so much, Sup Forums? No wonder you‘re still a virgin hahahahaha


If they showed that K was a kinky slut that liked fun she would win hands down.

Katherine, obviously

You've come to the wrong place, amigo

>implying black chicks can't be cute
get out

I'd give it a knock for it's lack of replayability. I don't mind the alignment locks in SMT but giving Catherine the same system because the choice between C and K is much more pronounced than the choice between Law and Chaos in SMT, so when I replayed the game I was pretty disappointed to see how little Vincent's behavior changed with my choices, instead only changing at the end of the game. It wasn't something I noticed on my first playthrough because I was juggling C and K the whole time so it felt natural for Vincent to act the way he does, but when I went all in on K the second time around and he was still acting like he couldn't resist C's temptation, it was kind of irritating.

my dick says C but my mind dick says K

This abomination.

>the only tolerable weebshit game isn’t gay enough for this faggot


Is that @Hallowwss?

C is for children, K is for men

This one.

Katherine no contest, sexed the teacher in P5 too cause they shared the VA

Amazing how just changing the hair can turn a 1/10 into a 10/10

Neither. Catherine is good for a short term physical relationship but even that’s playing with fire. She’s threatening to kill you the third time you see her. So unless you want to risk being murdered or going to jail, she isn’t worth the trouble.

Katherine is a joyless, nagging mother girlfriend. She probably rules at first before she lets the fun die, but afterward she’s a slow burn who holds you hostage and gradually sucks your soul away until you don’t even remember what life used to be like before her.

This. Also it's one of the few games that you can actually call "mature", not because it features racism or has characters swearing all the time, but because it deals with something an actual adult might have to deal with.
Also, the alcohol trivia is the best pointless side thing ever put in a video game.

My man.



Let me tell you about something called “make up”

She looks a quarter black at best.

What endings you guys get during your first run?
True K

>unironically wanting a tranny

I got K and no idea how I did. I could swear I was making all the C choices I could.
Never played the game again, not big on beating games twice, especially games with decisions.

Enjoy your pussy open wound.



Catherine takes place in a future where people live in a space colony.
Erica is a 100% tranny without any troublesome shit we have now.
So she's legit.

>Catherine remake coming out
>Adds new character

Now I wonder if the original VA cast is going to return. Tory Baker doesn't do VA work with niche/anime titles anymore and does voice roles in bigger titles so I dunno if he will return to voice Vincent.

>caring about english VA
kill yourself
all SJW retards that think they are skillful when they really aren't

If he turned down the role for anything, even if they were offering him shit money he'd get a huge mark against him from not only companies but any of his fans. You don't just not return to a role, you stick with it till the day you die.
So he will return

gonna get MERCER'D


He has said he loved playing Vincent

However, worst case scenario they can just replace Vince and Cath with Mercer and Tipton