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dead game


And another thing...

The two biggest problems with the game right now are
>Pyro's retarded no-aim-required state
>Matchmaking causing 6v12s in pubs
I'm looking forward to those two things being fixed more than I am Heavy's update

anyone up for mvm?

>he hasn't beat the Titanium MVM tour
you're not a trade/friendlyshitter, right Sup Forums?
You get a free badge when you beat it

is something happening with heavy?

Nah senpai they're just going to add shitty weapons and stickers for cosmetics

heavy update might be scheduled for after the pyro update we've just had
No explicit confirmation from valve, they just said "probably some time later"
If and when it comes, he'll get rebalances and new weapons

when jungle inferno came out they did a bunch of rebalancing and a metric shit ton of bugfixes and we got 4 new weapons.
They actually said they held back the matchmaking fixes "because they weren't ready yet", which means they are at least in the works

I don't think we'll be seeing those for a while, they might as well save them for another major update instead of it being it's own thing All I ask is for adhoc connections, Valve servers in the browser, Autobalance to return, and Community QP

don't we have ad hoc connections to friends' games right now? Unless you're talking about solo ones
>Valve servers in the browser, Autobalance to return, and Community QP


Servers full.

Primary and the Medi-gun sound cool, I don't see any reason to use the saw weapon though.

Look great but the stats are shit.

the medigun could be difficult to balance, and the "no negatives are needed" for the primary is retard logic

Thoughts on this revamp?
>sewer stairs area is no longer connected to courtyard, instead there is a passage connecting the lower sewer room and the grate room
>grate room no longer connects to upstairs loft, and now connects to the ramp room directly, meaning a sentry in the upstairs loft no longer controls every single route to the intel
>non-rocket-jump classes can now climb boxes to get into the grate room
>entire map has had interior and exterior space increased


post best recent sfm videos

>tasteful cosmetic that fits the game's style
>1.33 ref

>obnoxious meme banana hat
>10 keys

Why are TF2 players like this?

The banana hat has about the same level of rarity as an unusual. Of course it's expensive.

It's a rarity matter user, banana hat is only owned by 0.1% of players and was made uncommon by Valve, while if you're talking about early series hats they are fairly common

I've seen this time and time again. People make initially OP ideas for weapons and then nerf them into weapons that are only barely worse than stock when used in a special situation... And outside of their niche use they ARE worthless.

These are all shit. The medic shouldn't have a primary weapon to begin with, I don't know why Soldier and Demo got all the support items when the medic should be the one to have them.
If the medic ought to have a weapon, he's best off with the stock shotgun.

>150 health 107% speed class with shotgun, medigun and passive regen
user don't ever mail your ideas to Valve.

>shotgun Medic
That would be ridiculously OP. Essentially a self-healing, 150HP Scout, who can also heal others and uber. Jesus Christ.

>The medic shouldn't have a primary weapon to begin with,
Why not? It allows the Medic to have even a slight modicum of depth and skill outside of running behind people with an autoaim healing gun.
I agree Medic's primary should never be GOOD, and crossbow was a mistake, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't have a primary at all.
>I don't know why Soldier and Demo got all the support items when the medic should be the one to have them.
Now this is an interesting point, and I do agree Medic should have had more primary variance than just syringe gun numerical tweaks and the crossbow.
>If the medic ought to have a weapon, he's best off with the stock shotgun
They already tried that in TFC, they removed it because literally every class but Sniper having a variant of the Shotgun was plain boring.
What's the point of having classes if 90% of them attack in the same way? As it is, 5 classes in TF2 already have some kind of Shotgun.
Plus, if you have an issue with Medic having primary weapons, I'm not sure why you'd give him Shotgun which is a MUCH better primary weapon than the syringe gun.

better give him stick launcher, medic needs good weapon because he's so UP

We need mods and sprays back in pubs too. Disable sprays by defaults for new players, just like they did with sound sprays. If they're worried about exploits through mods just restrict certain sounds or textures from being modded in official servers.
Adding in the removed maps like ctf_well and 5cp_gorge would be welcome as well, add back Arena too.

Friendly reminder that this game is dead and that you should move on. Dwelling on the past isn't healthy.

Friendly reminder that avatarfagging with furrybait images, while telling people not to play video games in a video game thread and contributing nothing of value, breaks three separate rules.
>When you have more autism than the actual playerbase

I think paints are worse than hats honestly.

An outcast of outcasts, how delightful!

>Valve added medals awarded to people who play a community MVM tour instead of just adding the tour into the game proper

thank you


They should keep paints but only let you use them on the Gibus.

Uber consuming weapons is an interesting concept and so is AoE healing but there's no point in making needleguns as long as the crossbow is the medic's only ranged healing option

There's a lot wrong with your post. Unfortunately I don't care enough about you to address any of it. Have a nice day.

It's just that some of them are way too saturated for the game's subdued palette

White, black, lime green, and pink are all way too fucking garish as it right now

>Valve doing anything but change values and adding cosmetics

agree, lime is like this when it should be like this

Oh no, my post was deleted because it was mass reported by a bunch of angry nerds. I'm so upset.

Not really. Everyone knows Sup Forums and its mods are garbage. In other news, the sky is blue and the grass is green, and TF2 is still dead.

yeah i love this meme
we didn't just have jungle inferno which added maps and weapons and contracts or anything like that
cmon user you have plenty enough to complain about when it comes to valve without saying shit that isn't true

Imagine being this delusional.

that's nice sweetie





An update that was teased for years somehow proves that Valve still cares about this meme trash. What a joke.

Literally nothing wrong with this, I can make my characters look classy and barely and cost.

>at barely any*

Why waste your precious time making them look pretty when the game itself is dead?

Why bother tripfagging on a board that promotes anonymous discussion? :^)


Figure it out, mr. college graduate.

at least i can finally filter it. you'd think a subhuman furfag would be all over this game

Actually I appreciate it, you're doing my a favor, thanks.


I was at one point. Fortunately those days are far behind me.

Reminder not to give it (you)s
What's your favourite map?

>get a sick godlike killstreak with my fashionable abundance of tinge-soaked loadout and golden guns as the demolitions expert
>enemy team has to send two huntsman snipers, a badbox soldier, and an engineer m1ing with the short circuit at me to remove me from the part of the map I was defending
>die after taking three of them with me
>the rest of my team has their heads up their asses and their monitors off and we lose the last 10 yards of payload track during my respawn
You'd think after the game being out and popular for 10 years, everyone would have at least a modicum of skill.

What's it like living in the past, grandpa?

Harvest when they aren't any tryhad scoots, playing Demoknight there is the tits.

harvest is shit
>You'd think after the game being out and popular for 10 years, everyone would have at least a modicum of skill.
ur bad

degroot keep

I am the opposite of bad, as revealed by my expensive hats, choice of main, and proximity to the top of the scoreboard

>harvest is shit

I don't know what world you're living in, user. Where I'm from, when a game's player base drops to 50k, that usually means it's dead.

Here's a nigger with some REAL taste\



it's so flat when you're not on the side rooves
the map is supposed to be soldier heaven yet the skybox is too low to actually get good jumps and i hit my head on it all the time
regarding back to the last point, there is literally nowhere to hide from soldiers on this map
spawncamping is ridiculously easy, you even get a nice high overlook over the enemy spawn
sniper sightlines are massive

Terrible design, i think the main reason it's so popular is because you'd have to be retarded to get lost

Anyway, I've grown bored. Gonna go back to playing Metal Gear Survive now. To the few people who are still posting in this thread; have fun and enjoy the rest of your night.

normalfag taste but acceptable

I really like playing on Dustbowl

me too

>pick medic
>dump arrows at the enemy team
>last point opens
>dump candy canes at the residual clusterfuck on the point, hitting enemies for 80 damage and healing teammates to full
>with 40 bolts leaving spawn



I swear you pyro crybabies are the worst

>Go heavy
>Use Natasha slow him down

>go soldier
>Aim at his feet or Rocketjump

>Bait him into a trap

It's not that fucking hard just use your common sense

You have emailed Valve about it, right? cp_5gorge, ctf_well, and ctf_sawmill are my favorites and I'll never forgive them for arbitrarily removing them.

5gorge was shit and gay

It's not for me, it's for the swathes of pub players actively getting turned off the game because pyro requires literally 0 aim right now to reach full effectiveness
Also because, when I am actually playing pyro, waving my mouse around like a retard is tiring on the wrist

>cp_5gorge, ctf_well, and ctf_sawmill are my favorites
i highly doubt those specific maps are your favourites in the game

It was way better than fucking granary or well at least.

Okay you're right. But not playing them has made me really miss them.

Anyone else enjoy cp_Steel?

>defending unintended damage-boosting bugs

Ever since going up against an auto-airblast bot I'm becoming more suspicious of pyros that are able to airblast perfectly every time.

>want to fight someone else
>pyro comes in from an angle no one would think to look
>die in one second
>bait him into a trap
>just kidding, flame range is absurd and the effects are blinding

Airblastong rockets is nothing to get suspicious about even if it's DH. If he can consistently hit reflected pills then go ahead and get suspicious.

Because people like to have fun by looking ridiculous and having a laugh about it. This is what separates tf2 from other soulless games.

Badwater more like bad

You can look funny by dressing soldier up as a founding father and that's fine, what I'm against is stuff like *nuzzles u* furry head with a vomiting purple demon particle effect.

Somebody open a server I really wanna play some tf2 with yall

>muh 99% of players are just idling or furfags roleplaying in servers
>still top ten after literal idlebots get banned, slowly unfucking key prices and causing /biz/ tier meltdowns for high tier trader mains
>more than the playerbase play on valve servers
fuck off.

Being against furfaggotry and edginess is different to being against being liberal with a game's style. If you had started your argument with that I would have agreed with you.