Remember to be happy, Sup Forums

Remember to be happy, Sup Forums

I'm trying, Aniki.

Taken too soon

I will big brother, thanks.

(spoiler) See you soon ;_;

lol fags

Have fun in wrestling in Heaven Aniki ;_;

I am always happy, OP

We're trying Aniki. It's so hard with you gone.

You wouldn’t care about this person if he wasn’t a meme celebrity

Tons of wholesome homos die daily

>mods 404 a thread about gamestop ceo dying
>keep this up

I heard he died - but how though?

Fags dont go to heaven

i'll try aniki

and ?


because gamestop deserves to die

it's harder than any challenge any video game has ever given me


>You wouldn't care about this person if he didn't bring joy and entertainment into your life

Who would have thought


it's not video games

>you woudn't care if you didn't knew him
Wow, thanks for telling me that, you are so smart! I would never figure this out!

Yes.. and whats your point?
I dont care for random homos around the word, i only cared about Aniki.

Complaining about threads not being video games isn't video games either

Took a horse cock up his ass and killed him

He seems like a cool dude. RIP.

celebrity threads are not special


>mfw he's burning hell right now

you are so intelligent user wow

>started out on Sup Forums back in 2007/8 or so
>have no idea who this guy is beyond his use in a couple of reaction images
So much time yet such little culture absorbed. Kill me.

I'll do it for you, big brother

Legit had tears in my eyes when I heard the news. I remember in an interview he wanted to be 100 years old and to look back on these days with happiness and it crushed my soul.

Rest in peace Aniki.

He was our wholesome homo you degenerate both of you need to go drink bleach he was the best of us you included.

What's funny all of nu-Sup Forums are all too newfag to know he's actually bi. Time to gtfo, Aniki doesn't want us to fight.


thankfully i didn't make a thread about it then

Do newfaggots really dont know that Aniki was a huge part of chan culture in the past 10+ years?

I don't even know anymore who's a newfag and who's some nihilistic troll trying to start a flame war over everything possible.

so the HIV finally got to him or what?

>Spend time getting fit and staying fit so you can live a long productive life entertaining and helping others
>Get it taken away from you half way through by an idiots incompetence
Its not fair

The gachi memes were alright but he was still a BDSM faggot who wrestled dudes and talked about how hard he wanted cocks up his ass. He's about as wholesome as a prostitute.

It's just not right, Sup Forums.

Lurk more newfag

>some faggot died

lmao who cares

No, car crash.

If you guys didn't make meme out of him he would be still alive.

its all the youtube and twitch faggots really, even redditors respect Aniki

Drunk driver killed him.

Severe Autism, wish mods would come by and clean up the newfags.

I've known who he is for years. Doesn't mean he's video games.

Nigga if you don't think he was on roids you're delusional.

100% of you faggots just found out who he was when he died

i hate newfags so fucking much

>reddit respects aniki
>nu/v/ hates him
jesus christ, how far we've fallen

That thread was only good for one thing

>user posts
lmao who cares

He will always be remembered as logn as beefcake hunks are in games.

>if you don't like something I like you're autistic/new

Just because a meme is old doesn't mean everyone has to love it


fuck off newfag

The ultimate newfag radar


toxic nu-Sup Forums is toxic

You just need to lurk moar. If you don't like it, you MUST lurk moar. It is simple as that.

Just leaving this here

Why would God hate them when he was the one who created them?

>y-y-you're just n-n-newfags!!

fuck off

Thanks big guy
We'll all join you in the void eventually

What did he mean by this?

here you can observe the average undiagnosed psychopath's total lack of, and even basic understanding of, empathy
for the average undiagnosed psychopath, there is no distinction between caring about someone you know and caring about someone you don't know
the average undiagnosed psychopath usually votes liberal

fuck off newfag

ikr. Craziest part is that they all are gay trap lovers too


>muh pol boogyman

I see Sup Forums is leaking again.

Why should you care more about an eceleb than your fellow man who’s just the same but not an eceleb?

How can I ever be happy living as a wagecuck? Wasting my life away to make shekels is soul crushing.

Sup Forums is mourning with the rest of us, you cock gobbling retards

>changing the filename
It is funny how we can spot newfags when they change to ancient filenames like that.

>>if you don't like something I like you're autistic/new
pretty much. at least you're upfront about it

I wanna nibble on Kayona Kim's supple buds

As much as I like Aniki, I find it ironic that the chances of the people who worship this guy in all these threads are the same ones that dislike eceleb threads. What's the difference? Honestly? This one is special because he's part of """"""board culture""""""
Doesn't make it non-video games..

What are some games?

he might've been a degenerate but his meme status was pretty important to this site as a whole and his death further cements the loss of the Sup Forums of old, first the harmony comeback to remind us of how far we've gone and now aniki is dead

it's symbolic, a road sign upon the pavement that leads into this fresh new hell we have made for ourselves

Fuck I haven't seen someone say this in a while
Good on you user

>mfw I see Aniki burning up some nice hell for me

Move away and leave the US behind

Dunno man, being stuck at home all day just playing games is pretty fucking soul crushing after awhile

You still don't get it?

Fucking hell...

i try. just for you Aniki

just fucking talk about video games


>Done an extra set of pull ups, dips, squats, push ups and lifts yesterday
>Woke up sore as fuck but still full of hope
I may still not be able to do pistol squats but I'll smile and be happy for you Aniki, and bring smiles to others just like you did.

>Sup Forums is actually having a civil war about shills and homosexual indoctrination because of this


Same reason why he outcast Satan. Because even he makes mistakes.

If you weren't such a weeb you might learn a thing or two.

