What will the modding scene be like once TES VI comes out, Sup Forums? Will they ever top the amount of amazing mods Skyrim has?
What will the modding scene be like once TES VI comes out, Sup Forums...
>no script extender
>paid mods out the ass
>bethesda pushing their shitty first-party mod service even harder
I think Skyrim is a rare case. Most of the people interested in modding or creating mods will buy the game early, perhaps begrudgingly, and play through it. Bethesda doesn't care two shits if there's an active modding community anymore so they'll probably fuck up the release of the tools or keep updating for new game versions for too long and break mods repeatedly. Fallout 4 modding is a far cry from where Skyrim was at this time past its release for many reasons, but mostly because there's little replay value and nobody feels like playing the game anymore. Then again, Oblivion did way better than Fallout 3 and NV so it could be the setting, for some reason people prefer fantasy to post-apoc.
>they'll probably
probably you say? so you are just pulling shit out your ass yet again.
It's gonna depend a lot on Bethesda. I can easily see them trying to neuter the fan modding community so that they can sell their own mods.
Sorry, allow me to answer a question about Elder Scrolls VI with absolute certainty because its already been released. No conjecture about this game that doesn't even exist. Okay.
>Over 6 years old
>Still no universally well regarded Overhaul
Meanwhile Oblivion has like four and all of them were first made before the game even turned 5.
Whats tes vi? That looks like Skyrim
because post-apoc is really difficult to do properly, and the new Fallouts fail spectacularly in this regard. When I think of post-apoc, the first thing that comes to mind that fits the feeling is Stalker.
That pic constitutes "amazing mods" to you? What a joke.
given how they keep taking out RPG elements I doubt this next game would be any thing more than an action game where you can just do any thing. They keep closing the walls in on this so called open world I wouldn't be surprised if TES6 ended up being a linear 10-12 level affair worth 20-25 hours. going to skip this one.
Except stalker isn't even post-apocalyptic so its just you.
I hope you like Creation Club and the downfall of Bethesda
I thought Oblivion had objectively better mods in all ways than Skyrim though
>Sorry, allow me to answer a question about Elder Scrolls VI with absolute certainty
you instead decided to go full cringy sperg
Fallout, at least in NV is more post-post-apoc
It'll be the same as it's always been. Maybe a few decent ones buried under a fucking ocean of ENB and slut mods.
Fucking waifufaggots ruin every game they touch.
not all the time. andromeda added lots more customization to your own person comparison to mass effect 3. i still have hope
What the fuck are you on about. I summed up the state of the modding community for F4. Neck yourself.
I never said it was, I said it fits the feeling. Stalker has the survival, scrounging, bizarre creatures, all stuff that's right at home in post-apoc. Meanwhile the new Fallouts have basically no survival elements to speak of unless they get tacked on via mods, zero signs of recovery despite the time, it's as if the bombs dropped recently, and a mishmash of faux-sci-fi injected into it that feel jarringly out of place more often than not. Given that most peoples' experience with post-apoc is exclusively the new Fallouts and nothing else, you can't blame them for finding fantasy more appealing.
>What the fuck are you on about.
no one is surprised you are dumb as fuck
Not really
Those are two different studios. Not to mention you just compared gluten free chips to gluten free pizza crust and declared one tastes better than the other.
You are the cringy sperg here.
its elder scrolls in the current year. of course im comparing it to andromeda
Nigger you never played 1 or 2 so stop posting. Fallout is supposed to be post-post apocalypse, not right after the bombs fell and that's why 3 gets shat on so much you dumb cunting faggot.
Both NV and F4 have survival modes which are both more about scrounging for supplies than stalker has ever had without mods. And you literally said that Fallout looks like the bombs just dropped and that is somehow not post-apoc? Yeah, its stupid given the time frame but you're contradicting yourself.
you mad bro? you seem real mad.
Stop buying video games. you are ruining it for the rest of us.
What the hell is your purpose for being here?
Ya im mad but im not that user. You are a faggot.
did you just assume i buy games?
keep crying faggots. elder scrolls 2020 is going to be so tight right bros?
The reason is rather replay oblivion/skyrim for the hundredth time is because id rather wander around forests and shit with animals and occasional bandits than walking around empty wastelands and garbage dumps
Everyone will have shifted back to Morrowind
There a mod companion that pretends to be my little sister to cater to my low-tier fetish
>Perkus Maximus
You'll have to pay for the creation kit and it uses DRM attached to the Creation Store or whatever they call their modifications shop.
No script extender since they'll push updates over and over like Cuckout 4.
They'll sue people who try and host their mods 3rd party, claiming copyright on their whatever.
Most big name content creators from Skyrim and Fallout 4 already moved to Patreon. Sex stuff will be like the Sims, everything Patreon.
You think free and community organized modding scenes will exist? Corporate greed will flush them out.
Oblivion has
>unimportant NPCs
>City overhauls both closed and open
Skyrim has
>NPC look modifications
>Graphics mods
>Nicer interactive NPCs
>Better Follower mods
Sucks that Arathmoor's autism sky rocketed between Oblivion and Skyrim. Still Gategate was glorious
Someone is going to post questioning whether any of these can be considered "well-regarded". I don't care, I actually like Ordinator, but I'd like to get that out of the way.
i like how you didnt write "probably" like that soyboy higher up
Skyrim literally has inconsequential NPC and open city mods.
of course I haven't played 1 or 2 dumbass, that's why I didn't mention them at all, but I do know the timespan is all fucked up in the new ones which is why I mentioned it. Are you illiterate or something?
haven't played NV, but F4 survival was awful, but that's probably more due to the shitty world than anything else, so I rescind my point there, I'm sure it's fine in NV, right? My main point with that was to tie it in with the world and faux-sci-fi, you have a post-apoc map in a post-post-apoc setting with faux-sci-fi shitting up the entire thing, it's wholly inconsistent and makes for a rather shitty experience, and that's usually the only experience people have with anything even approaching post-apoc, so it's not surprising it's not as popular as even generic fantasy.
>Are you illiterate or something?
you got crazy fucking butthurt. chillout its just a forum with mostly teenage users
you probably have a tiny penis in real life
come give me a suck and truly find out ;)
Yes and?
They suck in comparison, inconsequential NPCs has only voice acting over it.
And the Open Cities mods for Skyrim are pretty trash especially if you're referring to the ones made by the same dude who did it for Oblivion. He went full autist and also lost his talent.
If Bethesda can release an Elder Scrolls game where the combat isn't hard-coded to be terrible, then it will have surpassed every single Elder Scrolls to date, all mods included.
There were people exactly like you asking this question with Fallout 3 and Oblivion.
Yes. There will always be that autistic/cancerous community that continue to mod an 8 year old game with sex and lewd mods, because they have a disease. It’s not their fault, it’s society’s for preventing natural selection.
nice autism you have. what do you rate it 1-10?
>Fallout 3 released
>Golden age of lewd Oblivion mods
>Skyrim released
>Golden age of Fallout 3/New Vegas lewd mods
>Fallout 4 released
>Golden age of Skyrim lewd mods
When TESVI releases, Fallout 4 will enter its golden age of lewd since it'll stop getting updates that break everything, and considering Bethesda has been trying to subvert lewd, it will probably take some time for TESVI to have animation replacers and whatnot.
ok todd it's time to stop
This. A TES game with good combat would be great. But let's not kid ourselves, it won't happen, it'll be worse than Skyrim's and we'll get one skill tree that'll cover everything.
todd is a big guy
What will happen is there will be several big project patreon mods that mop up the community. Like four frostfalls that overhual little bits of everything. Borderline zero compatibility among them. And then second rate community mods will target aspects of these mods.
My standards are a bit lower. I don't even mind if the combat is complete shit by design and on release. As long as it is not programmed down to the engine level to be garbage and it can be fixed into something good with mods, I'd take it. If they'd open up the tools to make major changes to collision and animation, and if the scripting engine didn't run like complete ass, I'd buy it.
Christ what a tard
How's Fallout 4's modding community coming along anyways?
Dying slowly. The only people still working at it get incredibly offended when you suggest that its dead. Everything was pretty much working against it. On the other hand, it might be a better idea to compare it to NV/TTW modding rather than Skyrim, as everyone does, in which case its already surpassed it in terms of sheer content. Still no decent overhauls though.
>the autist left /tesg/ to come here
It's on life support, nothing grand will come out and everyone's waiting for fallout 5
>the autist left /tesg/
gonna have to be more specific
>amazing mods Skyrim has?
...such as?
Skyrim's nothing but a virtual sexdoll house. No TCs whatsoever.
>No TCs whatsoever
What about Enderal
hopefully it's gonna be kino like Skyrim modding
t. console player
>9 years and nobody has fixed the gameplay yet
there are plenty of great gameplay mods though
I would prefer GPUs to not be so expensive as fuck so I could run ENBs better.
and none(zero nada zilch opposite of any) fix the gameplay
they do though
What the fuck am I looking at? It's like some kind of post-processing nightmare.
no they dont
i think you just suck at skyrim desu
Fuck Skyrim, mod OpenMW instead, it has infinite potential, you want a game mode that lets you rule an empire from a top down view while players are playing in your empire, done, it's literally limitless.
move over to OpenMW Reeeee.
morrowind sucks lol
god i hate what the internet has become
>t. console player
I have no idea where you even got that silly idea. Been a PC mustard since turn of the millennia, and Skyrim's one of the worst cancer there is.
Skyrim's modding community is pathetic compared to say, STALKER or Doom.
Are they gonna have children again like Skyrim
>he actually believes this
that's impossible
Elaborate on that. What's the worst part about Skyrim?
>Skyrim's modding community is pathetic compared to say, STALKER or Doom.
Are you high?
That is literally the point of the thread mongol
>posts more wank shit for literal 11yo GenZ children.
It'd be way faster to list things that are not absolutely terrible.
You know it to be true, so you don't even try to debunk it.
SMT's a pretty good mix of Fantasy/Post-Apoc IMO.
I kinda like it
>can't stand seeing asses without screeching loudly
t. soyboy
how many times have you been called soyboy in your life? serious replies only.
wtf i love soy now?!
That's what people said about Oblivion.
guys just install some combat mod-
*angry reddit noises*
says a soiboi that needs digital asses to get it off, all while thinking that's pinnacle of gaming mods.
>in your life
>2018 meme because cuck had been spammed into meaninglessness