When the fuck is it gonna happen holy fuck i just want smash 4 deluxe god dammit holy shit nintendo just fucking reveal...

When the fuck is it gonna happen holy fuck i just want smash 4 deluxe god dammit holy shit nintendo just fucking reveal it already.

.........hopes and dreams or predictions thread

>pikmin trilogy
>metroid prime trilogy
>smash 4 DX
>GOOD Virtual console, like i wanna be able to play every pokemon game + gamecube VC

>i just want smash 4 deluxe
Eat shit, I don't want the Switch Smash to be wasted on a fucking port.

I want Smash 5, not more fucking ports.

>please daddy nintendo give me more ports please I love eating your shit so much PLEASE I haven't paid for this game enough times yet ahhhh

What if it's a port but has enough content to call it a sequel (like a new mode, ten New characters at launch with more coming, twelve New stages at launch with more coming)

Nintendo is ded
It was a console for 1 year only

>wow nintendo has no games for 2018, it's just ports
>I hope they announce a direct with a bunch of ports

You deserve to suffer. See you at E3!

Sakurai is busy on his own project so a port is all you get

>only Sakurai can make Smash games

Give me Pokemon, Pikmin and Ace Attorney and I'll be happy for 2018.


>caring about fighting games and without a story ontop

And Iwata. Last time Sakurai did the project, we got Brawl.

I've been waiting 14 years for a proper f-zero game

literally why

That Labo shit is really starting to scare me after all this lack of news.

If you're asking "why keep want a new f-zero" then you haven't played X or GX

They're NOT going to port smash. The posts that came out first year were to cushion content so it didn't seem like a no games machine. New smash will probably be 2019 maybe, MAYBE q4 this year. They couldn't possibly keep up the release schedule they had last year and that's why they don't want a big direct because it'd be empty.

Sakurai is doing his own game now and no way Nintendo will keep Smash locked on the Wii U.

>no way Nintendo will keep Smash locked on the Wii U
That's already a given with the 3DS release.

The heck does it mean to keep it locked? It was on 3DS too, and it's not like it was a flop on either platforms. I'm not saying a port is impossible but it really isn't necessary if/when they can make a new one


The Wii U game is the one that gets all the visibility, thus is the one Nintendo considers most important.

I just want switch versions of the 3DS games I traded in to get it
>Mainline Pokemon
>Animal Crossing game (I just bought stardew so I can wait until 2019 for one)
>Pikmin (never played a pikmin game but they look fun and I finally have a console for one)
>Monster Hunter
>Nier automata

No shit. It's still the same game divided on already two platforms. If Nintendo will make a Switch port it certainly won't be because Sm4sh wasn't profitable enough

Then why did they port MK8?

Because it was a useful port for a first year of a new platform that would've been slower otherwise. Supposedly at some point they won't need more of those and they can focus on completely new games. I guess we'll have to wait for E3, I don't see any smash port or new game being announced in a mere direct like DK for example was

I feel you, user.

True, but it was the 3DS version that sold the most. The only reason Nintendo still acknowledges the home console ver. is because it uses a huge TV screen and allows Gamecube controllers.

2018 november release, though my gut tells me it will happen in 2019

>Animal Crossing
Maybe? We haven't heard ANYTHING from the main AC studio for quite a while...

I say 2019-2020 release unless Miyamoto wants to surprise us for E3.

>MH and Nier
Unlikely desu. Both Capcom and Squeenix have been throwing indie games, enhanced mobile ports and megaman games, so it doesn't looks like they'll bring some of their best titles anytime soon. Remember back when DQ11 was announced for the NX/Switch?

I want Twilight Princess, Ocarina of Time, and Majora's Mask, all in HD.

What about a Smash game? I might buy Xenoverse 2 to scratch my fighting itch though

Mainline pokemon was already announced, either the end of this year or early to mid next.

Buy Pokken DX, Xenoverse 2 is a casual button masher with no competitive scene.

If you follow Twitter-fags like I do you'll know that Nintendo will let Kirby take the spotlight till release and then we are going to get a direct AFTER March 15th.

I mentioned Miyamoto because Pikmin.

I see a Smash port happening in the future, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was exactly like the Wii-U version because of Sakurai's hesitation about still developing Smash sequels

Idk why I quoted Miyamoto, my bad

Both are casual ass games, so he might as well get the one with actual content.

Labo was the Direct, see you at E3! :)

Don't fling shit. I just said Xenoverse because I miss having a DBZ game on a console. I don't even know if it's good.

i want another mystery dungeon

At this point, it's not happening til e3. They blew their load last e3 so their refractory period is quite large. I wouldn't expect a ton of 1st party games to be announced at e3 either. Probably going to be more of what we already know and maybe one big title with a bunch of smaller ones and 3rd parties.

Labo was the Direct, see you at E3!

I am actually getting really nervous about this shit now. I kept thinking it'll definitely be in January, or maybe February, but definitely March this time. What ARE they doing? I don't even feel comfortable making predictions anymore

Labo was the direct

Labo was the direct, see you at E3! :)

With metroid fail they are going to serve more Zeruda and mario until the end of time.

Isn't it boring to ask for slight revamps of the same game you played ages ago for every console generation.

I came here to say I dream of a port of Starfox Zero that fixes some of the issues I had with it..
.. and get shit out by anons for liking a game that everyone an their mother is supposed to hate.

If it's fun and there's new contebt, no need to change the core concept.

you're cancer and worst of all probably don't even know it

Nintendo shattered the hopes of this fellow man. Now he only hopes Nintendo releases SOMETHING so the mario machine doesn't flop.

>getting a smash 4 port means a smash 5 can't happen on swotch as well


We're most certainly getting Ace Attorney this year, but it will probably be ports.


I feel like Nintendo really spoil their fan with special broadcast like the Direct, Sonybros have PSX and it's a giant shit show, Xbros got nothing and have to wait till e3 for any semblance of game announcement.

If there is a direct before E3 it will be small anyway, they're keeping all their big guns for E3.

I just want a new Animal Crossing

I liked it but wouldn't buy it again unless it had at least twice the amount of stages.

Smash and Mario Maker 2


Nintendo already announced/released all their big games. What is left?

Accept it, the switch is over.

Animal Crossing and whatever Retro is doing.
These games will do 5m minimum and continue to drive hardware sales.

I want Nintendo to move all of their games to PC since we're asking for thing we cannot have.

I don't need twice, just some better ways levels connect and at least something that compares 2 64 in numbers.

I swear to Christ, if they're pinning their hopes for 20 million units in 2018 solely/majorly on cardboard, I will lose all the restored faith in Nintendo after the Switch reveal and 2017 (which wasn't fully back to where it was for me in the early-mid 2000s; that's just a level of faith I can't ever fully have again with Nintendo after the Wii)

You know they say patience is it's own reward.

Do they?

Pokemon alone will make Switch sell 20 million

what i don't get is that they just don't give us any kind of window for any game. like i don't care if pokemon and metroid come out in 2019 or even 2020, but atleast tell us that they are coming in a year or two. that way people can actually look forward to something instead of shitposting fake rumors.

Mate that's a sequel. It's just using assets from 4

>Oh man I can't wait to play Smash Bros Brawl 3.0, now with significantly less features than even the previous installment!!!

That's like saying Smash 4 with the DLC is a sequel to base Smash 4.

If it's Smash 4 Deluxe, then that is a port of Smash 4 with extra content.

Smash 4 online will be a free to play download with a subscription to the paid Nintendo online service. Screenshot this

Making the games that you will soon play. Nintendo is not going to Sony or Squenix the reveal of their games. If you get any news on a game, they will most likely be close to release or a year out.

Please no Sm4sh port; it had its chance on two platforms and it did fine, especially on 3DS

>all games OP lists that he wants are ports

Jesus Christ.

Nigga wtf are you even on about? Sm4sh was fine

They are waiting for E3 because they don't have any ports left to announce, E3 will be new games only
Screencap this

>Making the games that you will soon play. Nintendo is not going to Sony or Squenix the reveal of their games.
>Prime 4
Dumb ESL.

As much as I dread and fight it, we all know a Sm4sh port will be their "big drop" of the show

>Pokemon Switch Trailer just so I can confirm it's going to be shit
>Smash 5 announcement
>Mario Party 11 announcement, hopefully not shit
>Twilight Princess, Ocarina of Time, and Majora's Mask HD for Switch

>Full budget Pokemon ARPG spin-off (not by GameFreak)

>More Wii U games I already own getting ported to the Switch

You honestly think Prime 4 is three to five years out?

Nintendo becomes a multiplatform developer so i can play zelda without buying shovelware soccermom machines

Nintendo continue being megajews

Not him but I expect it Q4 2019 at the absolute earliest

Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing, one of which was announced last year as coming out this year.

>He's so poor he can't even afford two consoles at once

"N-nintendo go 3rd party. P-please..."

I can wait 3 months.

I'm talking about games to expect for the system, like what else can they do? Already announced/released the majority of their IP. I don't know what to wait for.

Pokemon selling 20 mil doesnt change the fact that i only have 5 games to play on the system.

>Smash 4 DX

Why would they use a port to sell an online service?

I just bought a switch. I need games.

Either ports or year-old games, pick your poison

New IP focused around an online heavy genre like a MOBA or card game.

>card game.
they already confirmed hearthstone's not coming to the switch, which is stupid because i think it would be a perfect fit

Which doesn't stop Nintendo from making their own card game for Switch.

>pikmin trilogy
>metroid prime trilogy


I never got to play any of those games because I had questionable taste as a kid when I had a gamecube, but I really want to go back and play them in decent quality because my toaster can't run them in 720p with Dolphin.

I would buy this shit SO hard. I feel like it might happen though, the Switch is very Gamecube-esqe with its titles and general feel. They might fully embrace it.

ded console ? more news at 11

you misspelled ports wrong

fe16 fucking when nintendo?

I think they've talked about how they'd want a situation more like the NES and SNES days for the Switch, where they would want to have more than one mainline release for franchises

A Mario Odyssey followup is practically guaranteed with its batshit sales, and unless the Switch fizzles out or development takes a while I'm sure we'll see that new Zelda hit the Switch