what's your favourite rifle to use in vidya and why is it the kar98k?
What's your favourite rifle to use in vidya and why is it the kar98k?
I miss him already.
>that trigger discipline
Just the gun's aesthetic is good enough for me.
i do love using bolt action rifles in vidya. something very satisfying about it. unfortunately i'm all spent on ww2 games. there was a time where those were the genre everybody was complaining about (as opposed to modern shooters).
i could go for some other conflict that uses bolt action rifles and isn't ww2 or ww1 tho. french-prussian war, or japanese-russian war, or the balkan war.
>trigger discipline
>celebrates by shooting into the air
I love playing fallout as a rifleman sharpshooter. Just crossing the wasteland sniping bandits before they're even in range.
fuck energy weapons, lame star wars shit desu
That's not a kar98k m8
>playing the first CoD
>have to stand the ground in some bridge
>kill germans left and right like allways with the SMG
>runs out of ammo
>take the pistol
>out of ammo faster
>germans only carry the kar98k
>fucking bolt action, this guys are in the middle ages
>die a few times because the slower rate of fire
>have PTDS flashbacks from the railgun in quake3
>get used to timing the shots and the aiming
>play the rest of the game with the k when it was aviable
I fucking love it.
There's a reason the 98k was the decider of lives across no-man's-land in COD1's multiplayer.
just about every bolt-action rifle in Day of Infamy and Red Orchestra 2/Rising Storm
Begone Bosch
why does saddam look cuban?
I liked the nagant sight and bayonet more in Ro2
But yeah picking up the nagant in RS2 was satisfying as hell
>not Darkest Hour
You can't expect much from an Iraqi to be honest. They're just that dumb
never played it
anyone remotely intelligent left the fucking desert 100 generations ago