Please don't suck

Please don't suck

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It won't.

What's with his redesign?

What are you talking about? MegaBoy TM looks like he always did.

What's wrong with it.

Thank God

cartoon will probably drop around the same time.

He's slightly more lean just look compare him to Smash 4 Megaman who's a lot more blocky.

Thanks for reminding me. What where they thinking when they designed this?

Legends & Battle Network artist is the main artist for this game (Like how the music is being done by the Star Force composers apparently). Also to take into account, all the boss weapons/abilities actually being part of Mega Man, when he's using them, like the brick Robot Master.

wonder if protoman or bass will be in the new game

it won't m8

Release date fucking when?


late march this year


Late 2018, which should be late november or just december.

I would have enjoyed MMZ 2 a lot more if you didn't have to relevel all your weapons every New Game Plus.

it looks so fucking sweet

Why do people think it'll suck? Classic Mega Man has always had consistent quality.

Only reason someone would think it'll suck is if you're still somehow an Inafune fanboy.

What's wrong with X3?

You can see the care and love just on this little gif. Yeah, it will be a fine game.

I've waited over 5 years for a proper new Megaman game. I'm gonna like it even if it's bad. Welcome home Megaman.

>no issues with X6

Maybe they got tired of waiting for the next Megaman game and wanted the Blue bomber to live.

>modern day capcpom
no thanks

New art style looks like crap tbqh

>Why do people think it'll suck? Classic Mega Man has always had consistent quality.
They think just because it's not 8-bit it will be bad, just like 7 and 8 were.

> moder day capcom
monster unter world
sfv arcade edition
pc port of devil may cry colection

whats the problem?

Would megaman keep tripping if he tried to climb stairs that are too narrow?

I don't think it will suck but it will be quite lukewarm. That's how I felt with the reveal, more or less.

SFV sucks ass. AE didn't really fix much.
PC port of DMC collection is, well, a PC port. It may be well done, but it doesn't speak too much about Capcom.
Monster Hunter: World and arguably Resident Evil 7 are their only good games this gen. MM11 doesn't seem to be ground-breaking. I'm sure it will be fine but nothing that really stands out.

It's halfway there, it already looks awful. Fucking hate this, HD doesn't help platformers at all. Rayman was the only one that managed to gain/adapting from it.

Legends 3 when?

Right after X9

>MMBN artist is making megaman

Oh so he'll look good this time

He'll will have proper power up designs that's for sure.

They won't disappoint.

The devs seems to know what they are doing.

>Games after 2012
>Not sucking
lol come on man give up already.

>Star Force composers

Seriously underrated. StarForce1's main theme is godlike

I miss his cheeks.

I miss its old proportions.

That taste holy shit.
>X3 being bad
>Megaman 1 being bad
>X5, X6 being good

So this is the new age of gaming, huh.


X3 is bad you dumbass
X5/X6 had some stuff going on for them despite being weak.

Nuage of videogames would claim shit like "X7 wasn't that bad"

>Mega Man 1 being bad
>Mega Man 2 as the best classic series
>Mega Man 4 and 6 as a meh
>Mega Man 9 not having a way better reaction
>liking X6 ever
Abominable taste ngl

god i hope that you're right

X3 is not bad you dumbass, it is not the best thing either but it certainly is better than X2.

X5/X6 adds one idea, crouching. That's it. They have the worst level design i have ever seen and the story is just so fucking bad. Wasted potencial there.

At least X7 tried something different.

>somehow drastically different from 1 and 2
Fuck off.

X3 has better level design then either X1 and X2.

Sure the game has a lot of wasted potential and the bosses are not the best, but they tried something new on a stale franchise and that is something.

Also, best song.

His a cynical turd that follows the hatemob

Just fuck off to /vr/ grandpa
oh wait, that would require you actually talking about games

I think I'll get this on Switch. I already have the Gunvolt Striker Pack and Mighty Gunvolt Burst and I'll be getting both the Legacy and X Collections, so by the time Megaman 11 comes out, it'll be the 22nd Megaman-style game I play on the system. Think I'll get burned out?

every single thread
why? wouldn't it break your immersion to see tits or do you use mods or what?

Music is obnoxious
Ugly mix of styles, MM is rendered and the enemies looks like illustrations

It already sucks

>X5/X6 adds one idea, crouching. That's it. They have the worst level design i have ever seen and the story is just so fucking bad. Wasted potencial there.

Actually no, X6 had difficulty (for the wrong reasons tho) yet challenge on a fairly easy series. X5 had closure and callbacks.

X3 was stage design all over the place and a downgrade after X2 which was rock solid despite having shitloads of content in comparison. The sewer level alone...

>Music is obnoxious
We've heard exactly one song so far...

Also the composer is from Star Force and I recently played Star Force and the music is amazing

No it sounds like typical jap video game music. Poppy with some "heavy guitar" thrown it. Its obnoxious.

Bruh, you can make them flat chested and if you put the body slider to the minimum it's like a young boy. That and they added the ability for the receiver to have equipment so it works

zero already has tits


I could have sworn there was a version with Zero's green boobs

Probably, but that would be gay


go home Airman

>X3 was stage design all over the place and a downgrade after X2 which was rock solid despite having shitloads of content in comparison. The sewer level alone...

Wtf the sewer level is one of the best. X3 has a solid level design, leagues better than that boring fest that was X2.

>yet challenge on a fairly easy series. X5 had closure and callbacks.

X5 is the easiest of them and X6 is fucking bullshit.
And you call that a closure? Callbacks? Are you fucking baiting? Adding the gimmick of the quickman stage while doing it wrong is not something to be happy about.

How can someone think that X5 is better than X3 when the game is fucking piss easy with the worst level design conceivable by a human is beyond me.

Get dabbed on, Crashman

Yeah, so good putting enemies in a hallway that's fucking huge and easy to pass.

Also, X5 has that fucking gimmick where the endings are pure RNG that doesn't make any fucking sense.


>disliking MM1
>disliking MM4
>disliking MMX2
>liking MMX5
>liking MMX6

Try the entirety of SF3 ost
Seriously, give me a bad SF3 song, I dare you

The endings on X5 are RNG based. So if you want a specific ending too bad. This is bad because it changes the end game completely and you can't even control it. The game just doesn't do a good job on explaining things like the upgrade system also.

There is one level on X5 that you literally just wait on a elevator for half of it. And the level is 1 minute long.

This is REALLY good bait, because the opinions on the Classic & X series are complete bullshit, but the opinions on the Zero series are correct.

>Can't understand conditions to get good/bad ending

The absolute state of the nugaming audience. It's not RNG; Zero is a bad ending, every condition is around him

Holy shit do you even played the game? The part where you have to collect pieces from every boss to put more chances into hitting that thing is PURE RNG. After that as well. And in the second time if you fail it decides if you get the good or bad ending.

Hitting which thing? That thing decides nothing.

X5 isn't that bad, if not full of all manner of dumb design decisions.
X6 has the most slapped together bullshit stages ever (lmao fucking blaze heatnix's stage).
X7 is arguably (if not actually) better than X6, just by virtue of having actual level design.

and X3 is better than any of those games

It is. Your actions change the probability, but you could get everything and get the bad ending, or just fire the fucking cannon immediately and luck out.
really, you can savescum at the very start and do that

The issue here is that
X3, 1, X5, X6 are all bad to varying degrees

The original poster of this could be fucking dead at this point

Not your actions, Zero. What's the canon ending for X5? That's the hint.

It is not good either like faggotanon claimed, it is in the league of bad MMX games where X7 is the worst.

I can agree with that.

Uhum. Go play the game and tell me your results after.

>not enjoying every single mega man entry.

You're retarded.

It may not be as good as the first one but it certaily is better than X5/X6/X2.

Cool. A Mega Man thread.

drink bleach

You missed Mega Man and Bass

MMBN is a mainline series
So is Legends

Youve failed to give a comprehensive review of every game

OK, dense motherfucker, I'll have to spoil the game.

>X5's ending: X gets almost killed and saved by plot armor in a fight between him and Zero against Sigma where Zero died taking Sigma with him.

Zero = Bad ending canonwise
X = good ending

>I beated Sigma with X Falcon/Ultimate armor and still got bad ending

Becasue Zero isn't selectable for you in the game because he's kill or evil so he can't die (again) in the canon ending.

That's not RNG, the canon shootout I think it was. If memory serves me right the conditions went a little further but it was all reduced to the final stages.

Now bring proof of RNG otherwise fuck off.

What do half of these faces even mean?

Games get better every year

>no maverick hunter x

>expecting gravity beetle
>its actually the worst track in the game

Man, stop being a retarded. I will have to explain it to you.

>Cannon succeed
You will have Zero being good.
>Cannon doesn't succeed
You will have another chance with a space ship. If you fail you WILL get the BAD ENDING. If you succeed you will get the good ending,


If you want more proof.


That doesn't the deny the fact Zero is the key for triggering the ending conditions. It is RNG when you do all stage and still lose Zero?

>Mega Man 8 not having a way better reaction
And somehow you made it worse


>That doesn't the deny the fact Zero is the key for triggering the ending conditions

You can't control Zero's fate, it is in the process of the RNG.

You lose Zero if the cannon and ship fails. You don't lose Zero if they succeed. They all are RNG

You can't control zero otherwise.

> It is RNG when you do all stage and still lose Zero?

You seem very confused. Just read