Ehhhh guys

ehhhh guys...

Other urls found in this thread:

so they made $26 million profit? good for them
it's time for you to go back to Resetera OP

>2018 and still falling for [HIGH NUMBER BUDGET]
>2018 and still falling for company selling product at a loss
>2018 and still falling for leaks
>2018 and still falling for data-mining

hey, I know that layout


26 mil is profit is pretty shit if thats the actual cost

Why did an Oblivion mod cost that much?

A lot of people "bought" the game during Kickstarter and game costs $20 on Steam in russia and former USSR countries, most likely it's the same for SA and some other regions
Not every sale is $60.

There's a good possibility they barely made it out of red.

its just been a month dumbo

that being said i didnt expect it to cost this much, doesnt seems like it

It's pretty good for an indie studio

Wait wasn't the budget 5 million? I'm confused, where did the 5 million meme come from?

>cost $36.5 million
>bugs out the ass, some game-breaking
>looks pretty but controls like shit
wow, great game you've got there Sup Forums!


>controls like shit
Found the shitter

>so they made $26 million profit?
they don't get $60 per unit sold, retailers first take their share, so virtually that is just about $40-$30 for the publisher per unit sold
then there are plenty of locations where the game was way less, bringing the average income per unit down even further
then there are also like 35k or so that backed the game and paid nothing, which is another million lost in sales

bottom line is that the publisher barely made some money and in consequence warhorse made about 0 (though that doesn't matter for a dev since they have already won the moment they got the contract years ago)

>Reports say that almost 20 Million dollars from game development were funneled by Vávra himself into the Czech far-right political party Freedom and Direct Democracy (Svoboda a přímá demokracie, SPD), that has direct ties with Russian government.

>26 mil is profit is pretty shit
70% return on investment is shit, okay

There is no 26m profit you retards

somewhere in the studio they laughed about this

What the fuck are you on about? If 26 million was actually net profit, which I don't believe, that would be hellishly good. Gross ≠ net.

>Reportedly wrote two years ago that the final budget will be "well over 5 million dollars", plus Warhorse kept losing money year after year. Also:
>The multimillionaire Zdeněk Bakala, who owns a 70% share of the studio, lent the developers over 6 million dollars before the end of 2015, which is considerably more than originally expected.

that is like 56000 bong points, max.

>gaming: rumour



It's not a rumor. Forbes stated it as a fact and the devs approved the article.

1mil units sold at 30 dollar each(60 is full price, 10 dollar first party, 15 shipping, 8-12 for the retailer of phys. copies with a flat 30% on steam)


>then there are also like 35k or so that backed the game and paid nothing,
what do you think they backed it with you retard

Anyone noticed the player count and sales of KCD declined as soon as this soyboy dev opened his stupid mouth?


Who cares, the game isn't fun to most people except for people with a mega boner for dumb realism in vidya, and beyond that, as a tool for alt-right morons to act as smug and obnoxious as their SJW counterparts because somehow a game that follows history rather than adding some no name black person is cause for celebration, in a medium meant for entertainment.

I mean I suppose in reality it's only the few vocal who scream for blacks in Kingdom Come, and if they wanted they can just play Skyrim as a Redguard to get what they want, or just make a game set during the Zulu Wars where they get to meet Shaka and shit.

tl;dr Stop shitting up my Sup Forums with Kingdom threads, you're game is boring and shit.

>mfw all these people pay attention to the retard post and act as if it disproves anything whilst ignoring the posts that bring up decent points

no I didn't because this post on some random forum by a """""""""dev"""""""""" (dev on forums is very ambiguous by the way, I've seen "community managers" for games calling themselves devs) effecting sales in any way

It's everything. You can see some of the money when you look at the game's presence at E3. Every time you see a commercial for Destiny you're seeing some of that cost. The $500 million isn't the cost to make a single game, it's the cost to get a franchise rolling, in the public eye and ready to ship.

Another thing:
>The figure 750 million crowns (36.5 million dollars) seems to match the comments of the studio's CEO Martin Frývaldský, who has recently suggested that the game's budget is several times higher than the budget of the movie Dark Blue World, which cost over 200 million crowns (over 10 million dollars).

It seems the 36.5 million budget estimate is legit.

>company selling product at a loss
This totally never happens, especially not to new, small companies run by people with no business education and nobody there ever miscalculates the cost and scale of a project. Just by being a company, any random gathering of people will automatically be over 9000% more professional and qualified at everything.

Skyrim Development Statistics
Number of years it took to develope Skyrim 3.5 years
Skryim development and marketing budget $85 Million
Number of game developers employed 90

Read , you tard. It sure as hell didn't cost 5 million.

He’s not wrong. The whole “LMFAO, SJWS BTFO” shit is cringy as fuck.

They backed it with part of that $36.5mil budget, it's not what profit is.

it didn't it reached its peak way after that

cringed at this post desu

Are you fucking retarded?
The money was already part of the budget side.
While it was still filed under owners of the game, those 35k didn't pay a thing, so that's a 0 sum game there.
Yet retards like you calculate those as profit.

Several websites accused the game of racist undertones, citing the absence of people of color in the game and the developers' claim that people of color did not inhabit early 15th-century Bohemia.However, a scholarly source from 1996 about the demographics of late medieval Bohemia does not mention people of color. The Czech Radio interview with an archaeologist states that the black population has never been present in the Czech lands historically with the exception of a few individuals of unclear origin. Medieval migrants in Bohemia were predominantly Germans and Jews. It was not until the reign of Rudolf II in late 16th century when there were more foreigners and even then they came mostly from Italy, Poland and German-speaking countries.


>game's budget is 73$ trillion american pesos
>sell it for 13 cents

what did the literally nazis mean by this?

First off
>Source from 1996
Not unlike Sup Forums to go after sources from that long ago.

Outside of that, what "websites" are they? Are they the cherry picked no name sites Sup Forums brings up as "giant" reasons to SJW Paranoia, or is it just simple articles pointing out that the dev is wearing a #BASED T-shirt like a tool and being a shit head bringing out politics for a boring medieval game.

>Point out the bullshit, Sup Forums just throws away your points like nothing and keeps shit posting
>Don't do nothing, Sup Forums just keeps infecting Sup Forums and turning it into their mouth pieces.

One day Trump will leave office, how it happens doesn't matter, but when that day comes and we get another boring President, I'll be more than happy to embrace that day and hope it means the end to all the tribalism online.

t.reddit faggot

This is pointless mate.
You can go to any mediocre game's forum and tell them their game is shit and it's 100% guaranteed there will be some guy telling you how much fun they had and how significant their 1m sold units are compared to all that shit that sells 10 times as much.

Not him but the target system is broken. If you hit TAB to lock on, your only way to change targets is to hit TAB again but it selects the next target randomly. Where is the precision in that? Also if you don't lock on and try to change targets the dam camera sways to the right or left too much and then you get hit from the side because whomever designed this game is a retard.

Not to mention if you don't lock on to your target at all the enemy cannot perform any kind of combos on you. This is most evident if you choose to just use a bow in close range and ignore melee combat entirely. The enemy AI doesn't know what the fuck to do and just stands there most of the time. You can easily kill hordes of enemies with head shots by just standing still and aiming at the head.

Too bad the bow controls like shit until you've literally maxed the fucking skill and good luck trying to do that when everyone, even fully plated enemy knights (which there aren't many) die to one or two arrows to the face. It's a joke. The entire games combat is a joke. Just put on plate, level up STR to 20 and you can kill people who block your attacks in 1 or 2 swings.

A joke. The games combat is a fucking joke.

>KCD is Sup Forums by default
Yeah this thread we had yesterday sure looks like Sup Forums You're part of the problem, fuck off the thread if you don't like the game faggot.

codex is much more than some random forum tho

They should have spent less on marketing and more on bugtesting

>Not him but the target system is broken. If you hit TAB to lock on, your only way to change targets is to hit TAB again but it selects the next target randomly. Where is the precision in that?
You can unlock the camera with MMB. I'm not even gonna bother with the rest of your post.
Anyone who complains about the combat literally does not know how to play the game

>Believing some "game journo" piece of shit
Lapdogs, all of you.

Unless Vávra comes out personally and says how much they spend, I ain't believing anyone.

>1996 is considered old
Too problematic a time I take it?

>believing Vavra of all people


>totally never happens
>what is PS3

>what is sarcasm


Games don't sell shit after a month outside of sales.

imagine buying a game and telling yourself you enjoy it purely because it "owns the libs"

how completely and utterly embarrassing

>Games don't sell shit after a month outside of sales.

This is how gamergate posts look like when they get completely BTFO by evidence and have no counter-argument.

>I'll link to more baaaased gaming journo blogs, surely people still believe these r-r-right?

Fuck your empirical facts

They don't, most of the sales happen in the first month.
Afterwards sales come down to a crawl, and they sell for much lower prices.
Except for behemoths like GTA V, of course.

You're a retarded cuck

You type like an absolute faggot so of course you're buttblasted

You never learned the mechanics. And if you're complaining about the bow while apparently using the bow all the time o I am laffing

>There are people that still think Kingdom Come is some small indie game with zero corporate backing

It's true unless it becomes some kind of 'next big thing' as more people play it and talk about it like Undertale or PUBG

So why are people calling the dev a nazi?

>hope it means the end to all the tribalism online.
Were you literally born yesterday?
To your credit, I'm very impressed by how quickly you've learned English.

You can get called a nazi for anything these days. They're trying to desensitize the word

how is this a surprise to anyone over 12?

what this means is that they made their money back during first week and now everything they get is just pure profit. rpgs are famously slow burners, for example original witcher came out ten years ago and it still sells.

Time to spam dlc-s and expansion packs

Read the thread. Even the Warhorse CEO has admitted the game cost at least 30 million dollars.

26 million profit not revenue

They brought in 60+ million from sales

The "brave little underdog triumphs over rich and powerful competition" narrative makes for a compelling story. The reality, namely that it was mostly bankrolled by a shady billionaire, is far less romantic.

>60+ million from sales
Not this shit again. Most copies weren't sold for the full price, not to mention the 30% Steam, Sony and MS take.

Does SJWs unironically believe that black people lived in eastern Europe 500 years ago?

They report to tell you lies. Shouldn't have said anything at all if they can't even be bothered to do reporting work.

We're talking about game profits and costs here user

Central. And the answer is yes, but very few of them and only in the biggest cities.

no it only costs 60

So Forbes and the Warhorse CEO are lying too now?

Why are Sup Forumstards so obsessed with social media and random opinions?

Fuck off.

It sure as shit doesn't feel like it

Why do you keep posting this?Good

Might as well try to calculate how much they made.

On February 22 it was reported that KC:D sold 1 million copies.

Steam will be treated differently because of their 30% take

Steam Spy showed that on feb 22 there were 500,007 owners.

Now there are 566,087 owners on steam.

566,087*(60*0.7) = 23,775,654

Now since there were a million sold we are left with 1,000,000-500,007=499,993 on all other platforms

499,993*(60) = 29,999,580

23,775,654+29,999,580=53,775,234 total revenue

These calculations are flawed because we don't know how much they actually sold on other platforms, this is just a minimum of how much revenue they have taken in. It is likely alot higher.

>Not every sale is $60.

no sale is 60. steam's cut is $18

>10 dollar first party
What's that?
>15 shipping
A plastic box costs 15 dollars to ship?

>there are also like 35k or so that backed the game and paid nothing

kickstarter is free?

ya this was the lynchpin

It's likely a lot lower because Steam charges way less money on developing countries.
Pretty much anyone that isn't in the US, Canada, AU, UK or the european union is going to get at least a 30-50% discount without sales.

>>Source from 1996
>Not unlike Sup Forums to go after sources from that long ago
Lol it's not just that one. Every expect agrees there where no niggers there.

No these were big name sites like Kotaku, plygon, Rick paper shotgun, Eurogamer ect.

Why are your so angry?