Why do so many people prefer this game over the others? It's so fucking depressing.
Why do so many people prefer this game over the others? It's so fucking depressing
If that's so depressing maybe you should consider suicide.
Quality post. Go back to Sup Forums.
Boss was such a dumb dour bitch
why are you still breathing? Its so depressing
You have issues. Probably jobless too. What a life huh.
lotta projecting for a hired cuck
I like the game part of it a lot. Also, no more sneaking in a single, urban location. Jungles/forests/swamps are better.
Because it's the first one they played.
it sold less than mgs2 though
It's a James Bond movie in game form, and I love James Bond.
Here's your (you)
It's fun. It's such a step up from mgs1 and 2. So much more fun than those.
It's a campy B-movie that indulges in Kojima's pseudo-intelligence while at the same time mocking it It's what MGS 2 would be if it was self-aware
>first aid
>customizable inventory
>free-look camera in Subsistence
Sucks that it still hasn't had a PC port.
>It's what MGS 2 would be if it was self-aware
Nailed it.
Because if you play games instead of cry like a fat retard you are, you could actual see and feel its superiority but too bad you are just another internet asswipe retard
>So much more fun than those.
I disagree.
I disagree that you disagree.
I love all the games but I feel like 3 is overall the best. 2 tried to be something deep and interesting and I enjoyed it but it felt like it was trying way to hard. 1 is just kinda dated and I don't really like playing it but I love the foxhound members. Big shell is also really boring to play in.
True but with pcsx2 and triple the rest you get quite far. Looks
>pretty good
Except, in terms of gameplay, MGS4 is way better.
tsuchinoko real
I hated the Boss.
I like the idea of her, but she's just so lazily done.
Because playing it anywhere I want is fucking amazing. Going for markhor on EE currently
Yeah, and that gameplay ends 2/5ths into the game. Fuck off MGS4retard
Why are we here? Just to suffer?
>Big shell is also really boring to play in.
Maybe in terms of visual variety. But I think it has the strongest and most consistent level design in the series overall, alongside Ghost Babel and Metal Gear 2.
Wrong, that's just like saying SA must be your first GTA if you think it's best. The fact remains that both SA and MGS3 are the games of their respective series that made the most out of what an installment in their series could be. You can always find the one that perfected what that series could be, before times changed and game development was poisoned by greed, laziness and PC culture.