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War Hero

>war hero
most boring bro
the "i hate playing and want it easy" choice

you can do better

Do you prefer ME1 gameplay or ME2 gameplay?

>Sole Survivor

War Hero
Ashley as romance

Are you me?

My man

>Always killed Ashley because of her hate of Garrus and Wrex and general religious evangelizing
>Recent playthrough
>Romance her for variety's sake
>Ashley is pretty cool once you get past the racist surface
>wtf I hate Kaiden now

Motherfucking MANGUARD

Her character actually has depth, she shares her outlook but still respects Shepard's position.

>not posting real Ash

>hate of Garrus and Wrex
She's wary of them. One is a bounty hunter and part of a race of warmongers that had to be partly sterilized to keep them in check. The other one is indirectly responsible for her family's black history and her mistreatment in the space navy.

>general religious evangelizing
She mentions she believes in god. ONCE.

to anyone who's played, how is the multiplayer on Andromeda compared to ME3? thinking of picking it up just to play online, 2bh

Does that choice affects the gameplay in any sense?

>Garrus is a competent cop and a bit of a loose cannon, hardass kind of dude who learns mercy as the game goes on

>Garrus can literally hold his own against three high-profile mercenary groups on his own including taking down a gunship solo until conveniently the plot needs him to go down
>and is now a wisecracking sidekick who's one step from action movie one-liners when he kills people

what the fuck


don't even remember the romance options in 3

Minor dialogue chances in places and one unique tiny sidequest for each background. That's about it.

It gets referenced a few times, maybe War Hero might add a couple points to a persuasion check or w/e when you're talking about military matters, but it's really not all that big of a deal. Mostly just changes a few dialog lines when people are talking to you about your past.

Bioware is a victim of their own success and hype.

That is literally default shepard.

You get a quest from your mother if you pick the Spacer one I think

To be fair to Garrus you're going to get really good at killing people as you tag along with Shepard and go solo afterwards, and everything he's been through is probably going to give him a dark sense of humor at the least.

well default Shepard is great, BW really nailed it in the first game.

tfw want to finally play ME3,
>go to origin
>no goty
>10 bucks for main game, 29 bucks with 20% off to 23 for DLCs
>just gonna pirate it

true enough but

>gets shot to shit by a gunship straight in the chest
>is awake and walking like an hour later
>and starts making jokes about women flirting with him

i mean cmon
not that i don't like his personality change, he was pretty boring in the first one, but that's a lot

You might as well. It's not like current Bioware is going to use the money for anything worthwhile.
Maybe they've learned their lesson after the whole Andromeda fiasco, but afaik they just dispersed all the workers into other studios after shutting it down.

Not really. You get a quest where you have to talk to your mother. Have fun trying to get the quest unless you know to go look for it.

It is like 500 years in the future and all you need to fully heal someone from near death is some magic medical goo. It'd be more weird if the guy was suddenly suffering from PTSD and an emotional wreck, considering his career.

And if you were an earthborn, members of the gang you were part of try to blackmail you at some point while going to Chora 's den, so you have to kill them

4S reporting in
Sole Survivor

ME1 the best.


Shes cute like this. Which game? I always killed her off in 1.

Their addition to ME3 mutiplayer was a welcome sight.




What's wrong with her face?


It's tired.

What do you mean?


It's been forever since I played ME, was this guy actually some kind of powerful biotic, or was he just a nerd that could push or pull a bit and not much else?

Just a drugged up volus that dies like a bitch a minute later if you're a renebro.

His throw/warp merely made the asari leader's face flinch a bit

>there are people in this thread who've killed Wrex

is that rockcock64 i hear in the background
what the fuck

Listen, that thing was unstable. He was waving a shotgun to my face!

One ice cold motherfucker. Probably my favourite ME2 character.

The meetup with Wrex was really one of the best scenes in the entire series.

the trips have spoken

He was faced with the inevitable extinction of his people or their return to a force that could change the entire galaxy. Of course he wasn't being particularly polite about it all.

Which is why it was extremly crucial to put him down at that time!

If this didn't tell you Wrex and Shep were bros for life you're a fool and an invalid.

> Sole Survivor
> Vanguard

Don't even remember the first choice.
This game turned my hatred of shotguns into lust.
Up until the series turned into cover shitfest that is.



Wrex is literally one of your strongest and best allies, and not just because keeping him alive makes it easy to bring the entire Krogan force under your command. You were short sighted and you killed a man who loved you as a brother.

Only good bat is a dead bat

>Wrex talking to Grunt about Okeer
>You're with Shepard. How could he be alive?

chu say?





Will this get me banned from Sup Forums?

Why would it?

Maybe they'll say I was "complaining about moderation." I was once banned for using a VPN when I've never used one in my life.


You are a blight

>bioware's "choices"

He was on thot patrol. He has certified status as our guy.

too comfy

You can get a month of Origin subscription and check out ME:A with it. Should be cheaper than buying the game.




>catch villain
>"shepard we have to kill this guy it's too risky to take them in"
>refuse to kill them and decide to take them in
>expect there to be repercussions for this
>instead the villain just pulls a gun and I'm forced to kill them

every. single. time.

why even give me the choice





literally always miranda

also it really weirds me out when japs make fanart for western games, i wonder if vice versa is weird for them

Will they ever re-release Mass Effect with no shitty head models?

>is EA willing to sink money to a dead franchise?

>get the urge to replay ME2
>pick vanguard for that charge
>charge a security mech
>get stuck inside a roof and have to reload

Ah, playing on PC

Forgot link

he's still bro tier


>always interested in playing ME1 even knowing its flaws let alone its sequels'
>keep getting daunted by the huge number of quests coupled with the annoyingly long elevator transitions in the first city
>third attempt to play over the course of a decade after finding solution for elevator issue
>finally clear up first city's quests
>get ready to launch into space
>starmap is permabugged
>apparently this is an issue with a number of people that has never been fixed

>starmap is permabugged

Buy the game.

>wanting a man for romance

What are you, gay, user?

>the huge number of quests
legit just look up the important quests that actually matter to the sequels and fuck the rest. even the important quests usually aren't great but they're on average at least better than the "go down to the planet and shoot the criminals" quests.

Quests alone weren't a problem, it's navigating the citadel while suffering the long elevators that was. Also you'd be retarded to think I was going to sit through three ME games.

>mercenary who admits he'll kill other Krogan as long as someone pays him to
>his entire deal is he wants his people to stop killing each other
fuck Wrex apologists, the Krogan are a plague and Wrex and Grunt being a little fun doesn't change that.

It's a shame what happened to Mass Effect, the first game hit a nice comfy sci-fi niche and then quickly degraded into boring Hollywood crap in 2 and 3. Also the series popularized the godawful "Dialogue Wheel" system which has plagued so many RPGs over the years.

>want to play ME1 again
>can't because ME3 is a thing, and to a lesser extent so is ME2
>it's been like this for several years now
will it ever be over

Ah, when it was a good sci-fi game.

There's always at least 1 good looking human and several good looking aliens in each ME game.