PC gamer here...

PC gamer here. Currently considering getting a PS4 because I want to play the Yakuza games and Monster Hunter (without waiting until next fucking autumn). I'm sure I can find some other games that I will play later on. Is it still worth it or will it just be a dust collector while I play on my PC?

I would get the Pro because I have a 4k TV.

Dude, Yakuza games are the best games I’ve ever played. You will have so much fun your PC might get dusted.
Just do it now.

Hello PC gamer. It depends on the other games you may potentially be interested in. Yakuza Zero is really awesome though and super long, totally worth it. Bye Bye PC gamer.

Yakuza 0, Kiwami, and Ishin don't utilize the PS4 Pro but the boost mode will improve performance slightly in the first two games.

I have a 1080Ti and legit play my PS4 more than my PC because I prefer single player games.

the answer is obvious. If you got a powerful PC that can play anything then the PS4, which relies mostly on 3rd party support, will inevitably become a dust collector.


>don't utilize the PS4 Pro
I'm more interested in the 4k support. But I might read about it more.. not sure if it's really noticable.

It will only collect dust if you don't have any games to play on it. However shortly on PS+ there will be some great games for any newbie on PSN and you get 15 days free trial if you make a new account.

I wouldn't recommend it. I got a Pro and it's chugging with Yakuza 6 already, barely keeping up with 1080p30. I don't want to imagine what it looks like in 2160p.

PS Plus, Humble Monthly and the like are just borderline fraudulent, but at least with Humble you keep the games after your subscription runs out. As soon as PS Plus ends, you lose access to the games if you have to reauthorise your account etc.

Long story short, unless there are at least 10 games you absolutely want to play, there's no point. Sales for console games are shit, even when compared to nu-Steam, and the hardware isn't worth the money, especially when you have a powerful PC already. If it's just two games you're into, even two game series, it might be better to mooch off a friend or resign yourself to the fact that there are thousands of PC games to play.

Should've known not to buy one. This place is Sonybro central.


>I'm more interested in the 4k support. But I might read about it more.. not sure if it's really noticable.
well those games don't have it. They are 1080p regardless of which model of the PS4 you have. Boost mode helps games that dip below their target framerate on a normal PS4 stay closer to their target framerate.

I use to pretty much only PC game but then I got a PS4, at first I was iffy but now I really love it and play it a lot. I basically only use my computer for browsing, drawing, and scum casual Overwatch now.

I've put in over 300 hours on Bloodborne, got the HD Remasters for FFX/X-2 and Kingdom Hearts, Monster Hunter, and several others I time sunk into. Plus, I have a friend who wasn't really a gamer (mostly causal games like Pokemon and Animal Crossing) but they wanted to try out Bloodborne and we've had a lot good times taking turns playing. They're actually way better at the game than me now

You forgot Bloodborne.

>pc "gamer"
No. You're not.

Here is the essential list:

Yakuza 0
Yakuza 6
Persona 5
Uncharted 4
Horizon zero dawn
The last Guardian
Shadow of the colossus
Grand Turismo
Rachet and clank
Crash trilogy

God of war
Last of us 2

Nier: automata
Dragon ball fighterZ
Monster hunter world
Every games release by activision, EA, Ubisoft, square enix, bioware...

Red dead redemption 2
Shenmue 3
Dragon quest XII
Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Have fun user!

If you've got the cash why not? The yakuza games are fantastic plus you can get bloodborne and the shadow of the collossus remake if youd like.

just completed yakuza 0 yesterday with 80 hours of gameplay. it's one of the best games on ps4 and can't wait to play kiwami

Yakuza 0 was GotY 2017 easy. It depends on what games you're into.

Thanks a lot. Seems like I wouldn't regret it.

Look up the list of ps4 games
See what you think is interesting
Watch a bit of gameplay to get an ides if you'd like it
If there's at least 5 games you want to buy and play that's exclusive then buy it

i would suggest against buying it. Im a pc guy and i bought my ps4 on christmas. Ive played barely a few(ratchet, bloodborne, dragon ball) and Im currently fucking loving the switch i just got the last week way over my ps4.

I also play on PC and I bought a PS4 to play Bloodborne. One of the worst purchases I've ever made.

>Uncharted 4
>Horizon zero dawn
>The last Guardian
>Gran Turismo
>Rachet and clank


Since release day I have owned a ps4 and later a ps4pro. I think I have beat a few games a year because that is all they have. If you don't think you can play at 30fps then don't get it. I completely passed up games like HZD because of the framerate. There are more than enough games on the system to justify buying it, if you get every exclusive regardless of how bad it looks and runs. For me pc has a shit ton of SP games I have been playing, and everyone I know has a pc so I play MP there too.

This. It's a bloodborne machine only.

Horizon and Ratchet & Clank are pretty good and TLG is a flawed game but a great one.

Do you like playing at 30fps? Do you like inferior multiplats? Do you think the handful of games that run at fake-higher-than-1080p are worth the entry?

No. No they are not.

I got the Switch at launch and never play it because you can only play BOTW and Odyssey for so long. Odyssey is a game that has nothing to do after 25 hours.

Bloodborne is one of the best games of this generation. the Uncharted series and The Last of Us has some of the best storytelling in games in years. God of War 4 is coming soon, and looks to be amazing. Horizon Zero Dawn is also quite good. Yes, there are plenty of games.

>Every games release by activision, EA, Ubisoft, square enix, bioware...
is this fucking bait?


>Buying a PS4 for Yakuza
Might wanna wait till E3 or else you will be buying a brick, user ;)

what does that even mean?

Yakuza runs at a smooth 60 outside of the pre-rendered cutscenes though.

New game announcements.

>Sony exclusives
Yakuza 0
Persona 5
Gravity Rush 2
Horizon 0 Dawn
Dying Light
Digimon Cybersleuth
Ni no Kuni 2 (this month)

Uncharted collection
Last of us
Gravity Rush
Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5
Shadow of the colossus

>run better than on PC
Nier Automata
Batman Arkham Knight

>Timed console exclusive
Monster Hunter World
Ys 8

>run better than on PC
>Nier Automata
>Batman Arkham Knight
Arkham Knight is definitely running better on PC today than console, Nier is better on PC with a mod.

OP I was in your shoes a few weeks ago, ended up going for it and getting a PS4 bundle on the cheap. I'm glad I did, it is the best of both worlds. I still use my PC for modded games, CRPGs and multiplayer but it's nice to have the option to relax on the couch in front of the TV for single player and exclusives. Just finished Yakuza 0 and looking forward to starting Bloodborne with PS+ this month. If you can afford it, why not?

ps4 pro is loud as fuck,
I have returned it twice and all of them was noisy and had this high pithead noise
finally took slim and it is quiet

I wish there was a way to look up what exclusives are available on a particular platform. It's too bad nobody has invented the internet yet.


why is this still a thing we're not in the 90s anymore

Bloodborne sure but Naughty Dog storytelling is like standard C-grade Hollywood.

LOL fuck playing Monster hunter on PS4 even on a Pro it's a laggy piece of blurry shit.


Videoludist ?

>Criticizes a title.
>Doesn't offer an alternative.

Bloodborne is free on PSN Gold at the moment, along with Ratchet and Clank. You only need to grab a month's psn pass to add them to your library and have them whenever you want to play them.

You have to have a active PS Plus subscription to play the free games they give through it.


It's not like you would actually be running anything in 4k so why would a 4k tv matter

>nier runs better than on PC
It can barely keep 60fps on the pro at 1080p dropping to 40s a lot and terrible frametimes

theres probably only going to be 20-ish exclusives thats the only use of the ps4 pro. everything else im going to buy on PC. if you already have a 4k tv then the ps4pro is a worthy buy.