Hollow Knight

Can we all agree this is an overrated piece of garbage?

Can we all agree that OP is a fucking faggot?

in comparison to what

we all agree your a retard

Holy shit, the autistic brigade is here already.

I think OP has a terminal case of being a huge fucking faggot.


OP have you considered the fact that you're a massive fucking faggot?

What in the fuck is this list.
Who made this garbage?

It's THE over-rated game from last year. Everyone stopped talking about it within a week of release. People still talk about hat in time for fucks sake.

>I am hating on a game that received widely positive reception! Am I contrarian enough to fit in?

I think we can all agree on OP being a dick sucking faggot yeah

I really like Hollow Knight.

You are an overrated piece of garbage!

High quality arguments from the hollow cuck crowd.

Bait list, seen it being posted for quite a while. Even putting Abyssal Shitty anywhere alse than at the absolute bottom should be a dead giveaway

Please explain to me how something that no one talks about can be overrated.

it's ok. Combat is so fucking dull after a few hours though. Cool story and setting. Good music too.

OP got his feelings hurt );


>game is shit
>no, it's not
>nice argument, cuck
As opposed to the absolute solid arguments of ebin "it became popular, so it must be bad" tryhards that start those threads?

>le spongebob.jpg
>tehehe I know exactly what he meant but i'm le pretending to be le retarded!

classic soy response

how fucking anally devastated is OP right now
get fucking rekt kid

flukemarm is a shit boss btw


I believe that the term "overrated" implies something that is constantly discussed or held to high regard that ultimately falls flat in reality.

Your post directly contradicts that in saying that it's overrated, yet the game is not talked about at all anymore. So no, I did not know what you meant and I posted a retarded looking spongebob because I thought it best represented what you looked like typing that abortion of a post.

I'm in full agreement that OP is, in fact, a fucking faggot.

no, you contrarian cuck

I am glad everyone can come together despite our differences to agree that OP is an undisputed faggot.


We sure can.

Hollow shill thread
>bbut negative OP

What tumblr site have you been browsing? This is literally a daily shill general over here.

No we can't.
Phew glad we sorted this out user, have a good life.

>No response

Bye user.

> Everyone stopped talking about it within a week of release

Nigga what crazy parallel dimension do you live in ?

Ah the classic I pretend I’m not the shill by being the polarizing one.
Oldest trick in the book, anger the autists and cause a bunch of ”achtually” posts.

I agree its overrated, but its still an extremely good game. The combat is a bit lacking because the game doesn't present you with many challenges that require the special moves, and the Dreamers should have been boss fights. The only good boss fight was the Mantis Lords.

I also really fucking hate the map system. Finding a guy in a new area without even being able to use the map is annoying as fuck. I'd rather have it fill in like every other Metroidvania, and if they want to keep the map guy its purely for him to fill in parts you haven't yet.

Sup Forums's list of overrated games:

Kid Icarus Uprising
Hollow Knight
Nier Automata
Fire Emblem Heroes

only thing being shilled in this thread is this bait image

No enemy variety. Only 5 areas that all look the same. No replayability. It’s shit.

Yeah, we sure can This faglord has been projecting his shit metroidvania tastes onto this board for a while now

It’s no coincidence that every shill general always gets the same posts

This is similar to russian trolls manipulating the elections

look he posted it again

makes me sad that Sup Forums decided to shitpost this game. it's really good

who cares it’s just a fucking video game, something you play and forget like the good consumer you’re supposed to be

Nope, just a handful of faggots like you that like to shitpost about it cause you love to troll.

So why does this game gets so much flak from Sup Forums? Its an excellent game

It’s literally shilled here. 90% of fucks talking about this whit haven’t played it

Where's my fucking switch port already? Fuck.

It's an indie game and people made threads about it when it came out. That's all it took to doom the game to eternal shitposting.

>It's THE over-rated game from last year.
>Implying that Hollow Knight was more overrated than Nier Automata and BOTW
ok cuck

That was established immediately