Is Fortnite actually good? It's so popular

Is Fortnite actually good? It's so popular.

its shit but played because free and cause ps4 has no games

Anyone else attracted to women? When they take their clothes off I just want to watch them.

No, assfaggots are popular too and those are awful as well

It's popular because underage faggots cannot purchase a decent game, so they play this until they get something decent.

this, i know people who bought a ps4 and only plays fortnite

you think Sup Forums would admit that anything popular would be good
look at this guy for example

I fucking hate Youtube

I fucking hate kids

maybe not but its alot of fun

it's quick, casual fun

It's okay. It's pretty polished when you compare it to other BR games, and the building/destruction mechanics are kinda neat, but the gunplay is super shit. I personally prefer pubg over it for that reason alone, but neither game is really that great.

I hate PUBG's gunplay as well. The recoil is unbearable

This. Just go to Trending in YouTube to see how much cancer there is on that site


Jesus Christ Youtube is the fucking worst nowadays. This is what kids today are watching. I don't even mind Fortnite, it's okay, but fuck me people are awful.

Compared to other BR games its mechanically more diverse and has a higher skill ceiling because if that. Its still shit though

It has a lot of potential but currently devolves into who builds shit the fastest. The 50v50 gamemode was definitely the most fun but the retards took it away because everyone wanted to play it.

>item rarity
>rocket launchers
>only legendary weapons are viable

I said as well.
>only legendary weapons are viable
umm no

ummm yes, try to get first position with a green rifle, you will deal shit damage

gaming is too big now

It would be pretty funny if BR games will start adding classic deathmatch/CTF game modes and people would want to play them more than the normal one. We will come a full circle.

if 33 damage is shit then I guess

Is that Cillian Murphy in drag

>it's quick and casual
fixed that for you, dumb casualfaggot
get the fuck off Sup Forums

well, against 200 hp when everyone deals 70 per hit, it is

t. I have never played fortnite before

i bet your favorite game is muh dark souls meme

Your not wrong dude

Yeah, both have their issues. PUBG guns can have some pretty crazy recoil (especially without attachments), and Fortnite guns have massive issues with the RNG bullet spread. The shooting test was a good step in the right direction. I just prefer PUBG's ATM because I feel like my shots go in the general direction that I'm aiming more than they do in Fortnite.

Not that guy but i agree with him, legendary weapons are too op compared to regulars

How much of a fucking normalfag are you

dunno maybe 80 of 100 or something like this

Pick one

the difference between white and legendary weapons is very negligible in the game like less than 5-10 damage (if even that) difference per hit (ARs) between the two and slightly more damage to structures. You obviously havent played the game and just shitposting at this point. Next time you decide to "play" look at the tooltips for each of the weapons.

1vs1 blue ak against legendary AR
who wins

whoever hits more shots. The one problem that I will say with the game is the gunplay is shit and it can be a crapshoot in terms of accuracy at times with weapons. They recently did a limited time gamemode not too long ago that was testing fixing the accuracy of weapons as well as giving them damage dropoff to balance it.

The best AR in the game is the blue burst.

Take your girl fetish elsewhere.